Researcher examines petri dish in molecular core lab

Together: Local Focus, Global Reach

At NIU, we tackle big challenges, ranging from mitigation of climate change and restoration of damaged ecosystems to discovering ways to produce cleaner energy and unraveling the workings of our universe. Our scholars and students think outside the box. They break down silos. They collaborate across disciplines, across borders and with other institutions, government, businesses and entrepreneurs.

Together, we find solutions—all the while providing our highly diverse student population with amazing hands-on learning experiences, preparing them to be tomorrow’s leaders, innovators and stewards.

Behind the Research

NIU’s Research Rookies program provides undergraduates with faculty-mentored opportunities to conduct research, present their findings and earn a $500 stipend for their work. Hear what students have to say about the program in the accompanying video.

Innovation Update

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Huskie Spotlight on Student Research

NIU students conduct more than 800 research projects each year.

“The research helped my experience here at NIU because I was able to not only venture out and learn, but I also got the chance to share information with other people. It made me more confident and knowledgeable, especially when it comes to the field of research.”

Isiah Bryant Camarao Biological Sciences major

Read Isiah's Huskie Profile

Meet some of our student researchers

Isiah Bryant Camarao

Faculty Innovators


Number of master’s/doctoral degree programs


Sponsored funding (FY23)

NIU Research, Scholarship and Artistry on Seven Continents

Click a continent name to learn more about NIU's activities.

World Map

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