Operating Staff Personnel Advisor

The operating staff personnel advisor (OSPA) is a confidential resource person and consultant whose services are available to civil service employees. The OSPA will serve civil service employees and the university community by:

  • Advising members of the operating staff about personnel policies and procedures within NIU.
  • Advising and assisting operating staff members who are dissatisfied with personnel or employment decisions, and who are not covered by a collective bargaining agreement negotiated with NIU.
  • Directing employees who are represented by unions that bargain with NIU to appropriate resources within their bargaining unit for issues related to wages, hours and conditions of employment.
  • Observing NIU’s personnel and employment processes and suggesting needed changes or clarifications.

Upon request by an operating staff employee, the operating staff personnel advisor may:

  • Accompany the employee to scheduled disciplinary meetings.
  • Accompany the employee to performance evaluation meetings.
  • Accompany the employee to meetings with Academic Diversity, Equity and Inclusion staff when filing a complaint or serving as a witness.
  • Accompany the employee to meetings with Human Resource Services staff, with the exception of testing.

When attending meetings with an operating staff employee, the OSPA’s role is to advise and provide support for the employee, but not to respond on the employee’s behalf.

In general, the OSPA will:

  • Interview and assess the needs of operating staff.
  • Provide clear direction to employees regarding who/what office can best serve their needs.
  • As authorized by the employee in writing, the OSPA may serve as liaison between Human Resource Services and the employee.
  • Prepare and maintain necessary records and reports.
  • Develop resource or referral materials.
  • Collaborate with Human Resource Services staff to meet operating staff needs.
  • Provide an annual report to the Operating Staff Council president, or designee, which summarizes the activities of the advisor in a way that keeps the identities of those served anonymous.

Operating Staff Personnel Advisor

Holly Nicholson

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