NIU Departments: Commercial Receivables

The Commercial Accounts Receivables Office, within the Office of the Bursar, collaborates with NIU departments to bill outside clients for non-student related charges such as (but not limited to) room charges, catering charges or services rendered. Each department is assigned a unique three-letter "bill type" to distinguish itself on the invoices. If you are unsure of your department’s three-letter bill type, or the setup of the cost center, contact the Commercial Receivables Office.

Phone:  815-753-0471

  • Customer account numbers for outside clients can be requested by e-mailing a Updated Request to Add/Update Customer Record (XLSX). All request forms must be filled in completely and include a telephone number and an SSN, TIN or FEIN for the customer. A SSN, TIN or FEIN is necessary for state and federal reporting purposes.
  • Invoices are created, usually within a week, after receipt from the department of a Updated Request to Generate a Customer Invoice (XLSM). The invoice will contain information referencing the services or items purchased and their related cost. Once the invoice has been processed, the department will receive an electronic version (PDF file) of the invoices to retain for their records. The department has the option of having Commercial Receivables mail or email all of its invoices at the time of processing. If the department chooses to mail out their own invoices, they can print the electronic version for mailing. 
  • Statements are mailed out the first business day of each month. The statements will show any transactions during the prior month and provide the current balance due on the account.

View the complete Accounts Receivable Policies in NIU's Business Procedure Manual.

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