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Masking In The Workplace and How It Can Be Detrimental To D&i

Dr. Nika White • Sep 20, 2019

Masking, or covering, is the practice of people feeling as though they can’t show up fully as themselves—personally or professionally. At its simplest definition, masking is when people disguise who they are. 

Through a diversity and inclusion lens, masking causes people to cover up, conform to mainstream thinking, and shrink back portions of their identity. People end up covering what they’re really thinking and feeling as a way of coping, especially in the workplace.

Masking is detrimental to the benefits that diversity and inclusion work brings. If people aren’t bringing their full selves to work and do not feel safe to disagree or have a different perspective‚ this does harm to the individual and the organization. This occurs more often in marginalized, oppressed, and disenfranchised populations. It is a symptom of their psychological safety being compromised.

“The Deloitte University Leadership Center for Inclusion report, Uncovering Talent, reveals that 61% of all employees “cover” their identities in some way – not necessarily hiding something, but downplaying it for fear of drawing unwanted attention or making others uncomfortable.”

We have to support productive environments and mindsets where people can “unmask” and show up as their true selves. When we show up fully—we are more productive, more authentic, and business has the potential to improve.

6 Ways to Minimize Masking in the Workplace

1. Be very intentional about creating (and encouraging) a culture that finds healthy conflict to be normal.

This is vital. We have to welcome differences of opinion and open dialogue. Encouraging this level of banter produces greater problem solving, a higher level of creativity and greater innovation and—ultimately—leads to more competitive advantage.

Create a culture that doesn’t only welcome this type of conversation, but also encourages disagreement and healthy conflict. This is not something that can passively be done, but must be integrated into leadership, general communication, standards, and company culture.

See my other blogs here and here for tips in relationship to this.

2. Once you create more diversity, you have to manage diversity.

It’s a tough pill to swallow but diversity by itself doesn’t necessarily bring results. It’s the effective management of that diversity that brings results. This is why we pair it with the concepts of inclusion and equity.

One standout diversity and inclusion leader I often quote is Kenji Yoshino, the Chief Justice Earl Warren Professor of Constitutional Law at NYU and former Guido Calabresi Professor of Law at Yale Law School. Kenji is frequently quoted in regards to masking from his book, Covering: The Hidden Assault on Our Civil Rights.

In one famous study, Kenji surveyed 3000 employees across 10 industries.

“Each organization had a stated commitment to inclusion, yet 61% of the survey participants said they had faced overt or implicit pressure to cover in some way or to downplay their differences from the mainstream. 66% of these employees said that it significantly undermined their sense of self. 50% stated that it diminished their sense of commitment. Other stats from this study:

29% altered their attire, grooming or mannerisms to make their identity less obvious
40% refrained from behavior commonly associated with a given identity
57% avoided sticking up for their identity group
18% limited contact with members of a group they belong to”

These are very interesting statistics since we’re speaking about organizations who have a specific statement dedicated to diversity and inclusion. From their vantage point, they’re putting procedures into practice and being systematic about infiltrating all aspects of the organization. Yet, we still see over 50% of people still having these experiences to feel implicit pressure to cover or mask.

This is why some people say diversity can work against you. This is only the case if diversity is not effectively managed. 

If people feel they have to mask, because their levels of uniqueness and authenticity are not being effectively managed, this results in people being less committed to organizations. It causes them to undermine their sense of self.

So what has to happen? These businesses and organizations need to create systems for learning and development. They must create systems with the goal to improve cultural competence and manage diversity for successful outcomes.

3. Give people the full liberty to disagree with both each other and leadership.

Another way to create environments where masking is minimized is to allow employees to be vocal with leadership.

This is understandably hard for people to do and takes some training, coaching, and a culture that values speaking up. It also takes coaching with those who are in senior levels of influence. Sometimes people don’t come forth because they fear the risk of retaliation. Or they fear how they may be treated after having fully shown up in a capacity that allows them to freely align with their identity.

Working with a diversity and inclusion specialist or coach can be extremely beneficial in helping leaders, teams, and employees to better foster this open communication.

4. Shout it out from the rooftops — be vocal everywhere.

Along with being vocal to leadership, I believe people should be vocal everywhere: at work, at home, to friends, throughout their daily life. We have to normalize people being their most authentic selves in society.

A simple example I like to give (and I am actively vocal about) is African American or ethnic hair. Women of color often go through long, expensive, and complicated processes to make their hair not look like the way it grows naturally out of their head!

This may sound simple or trite but it’s vital to a person’s authentic and God-given identity. If we don’t feel comfortable enough showing up as our natural selves (and we have to spend extra time and money to change it) — how can we truly be a diverse, inclusive, and equitable society? How can we foster diverse and inclusive workplaces? People should be empowered to feel natural and comfortable. 

A simple switch in an employee feeling empowered to be completely “natural” and authentically themselves can ripple into their productivity and engagement with the workplace.

5. Create a feeling of belongingness

One element that helps organizations better address the reduction of masking or covering is by placing a high emphasis on authenticity and the sense of belongingness.

Create a culture of acceptance. If you have a leader who is high in belongingness, who also has a high value of authenticity, then you usually have an environment that is very inclusive. This means individuals in environments are treated as insiders but also allowed, encouraged, and welcomed to maintain a level of authenticity in that workgroup.

What does exclusion look like? When people in an organization are not treated as insiders with unique value. When they are viewed as the “other” or “lesser than”. If the people on the “outside” can cleary view other employees or specific groups of employees as “the insiders” then there is an issue that needs to be resolved. 

What does inclusion look like? Insiders of all types are welcomed and expected to keep a high level of authenticity.

6. Mindfulness in the workplace

Lastly, “mindfulness” is a word that’s used in so many ways these days, but I believe in its importance. I talk about mindfulness a lot because the bottom line is if you can’t manage yourself, you can’t manage and lead others.

Mindfulness is important for leaders and those writing the reports on this subject. It’s important so they can be more thoughtful about situational awareness. If we are mindful, we have a greater propensity to have self-awareness to observe what’s happening and what’s not happening. We are being more intentional to try and notice where inclusion can be compromised and that’s important because it gives us the opportunity to potentially change the outcome.

Being a mindful individual in this regard means you can practice intentional inclusion consistently. The challenge is that it’s easy to approach a situation with unconscious bias — meaning we are operating from a place of “not being aware”. Lack of awareness leads to blind spots, blind spots leads to exclusion, and this can lead to people leaving an organization or having to mask to “survive” in that environment.

It’s a domino effect. But we can move in the right direction if we’re more mindful by creating cultures of positive momentum towards authenticity.


In my work, I always talk about becoming an Intentional Inclusionist. We have to find proactive ways to create safe spaces for people to feel their contributions are valued. And I don’t think enough organizations are doing that specifically.

We talk about culture, but how are we really connecting those conversations to psychological safety? Because that’s the big part in all of this.

What are you, your team, your leadership and your organization doing to foster environments where employees can show up authentically, and fully, as their true selves?

Let’s unmask so we can show up as ourselves. Because this is better for people and better for business.

By Nika White 15 Jul, 2024
As a DEI Practitioner and a devout Christian, here's a perspective on Oklahoma’s State Superintendent requiring public schools to teach the Bible. The Issue at Hand Recently, Oklahoma’s State Superintendent mandated that public schools incorporate Bible teachings into their curricula. This decision has sparked diverse reactions nationwide, highlighting the complex interplay between education, religion, and diversity in the United States. Key Considerations to Ponder Constitutional Separation of Church and State: Christian principles historically influence the U.S., but the Constitution mandates a clear separation of church and state. Requiring public schools to teach the Bible raises concerns about potential violations of this principle and the rights of individuals with diverse religious beliefs or non-believers. Diversity and Inclusion: A critical consideration in the decision is the potential impact on students from various religious backgrounds. The inclusivity of curriculum content is paramount in ensuring all students feel respected and represented, fostering a sense of belonging and respect for diversity. Educational Impact: Introducing Bible teachings may enhance cultural literacy and understanding of historical texts crucial to Western civilization. However, balancing this with the need for a comprehensive and unbiased education encompassing diverse perspectives and religious traditions, fostering critical thinking and cultural curiosity is essential. Community Response: Understanding the varied perspectives within the community is essential. Engaging in inclusive dialogues with stakeholders, including educators, parents, students, and religious leaders, can provide valuable insights into the potential benefits and concerns of integrating religious teachings into public education. Pros Cultural and Historical Relevance: Teaching the Bible can offer students insights into cultural and historical references that have shaped Western society, literature, and art, providing a broader context for understanding various aspects of society. Ethical and Moral Values: The Bible promotes ethical and moral values that some argue benefit character development and promote virtuous behavior among students, contributing to their social and emotional growth. Cons Religious Neutrality: Mandating the teaching of the Bible in public schools may infringe upon the principle of religious neutrality that public institutions are expected to uphold, potentially marginalizing students of different faiths or beliefs. Diversity and Inclusivity: Focusing solely on the Bible may neglect students' diverse religious and cultural backgrounds, reinforcing a singular perspective and alienating those with non-Christian beliefs or secular worldviews. Neutral Impact Considerations Implementation and Context: How Bible teachings are integrated into the curriculum, ensuring academic rigor, cultural sensitivity, and respect for diverse beliefs, will significantly influence the potential impact on students and educational outcomes. Offering Bible studies as an elective or extracurricular activity rather than a mandatory curriculum component could offer students a choice in their religious education while maintaining a balanced and inclusive academic environment. Final Thoughts As a devout Christian living in the U.S., I would love it if all public schools taught the Bible, resulting in believers of my faith or, at minimum, Biblical understanding to help showcase a significant and important part of my identity. But also, as a devout Christian in the U.S., I understand the importance of a nuanced approach that considers the constitutional principles of religious freedom, diversity, and inclusion in education. Although just one perspective, striking a balance between the Bible's historical significance, respect for diverse beliefs, and ethical educational practices is crucial in fostering a harmonious and equitable learning environment for all students.
a graphic with a Black male smiling and leaning against a desk
By Dr. Nika White 13 Jun, 2024
This Juneteenth, let's reflect on the power of Black history and the dangers of neglecting it. Black narratives are vibrant threads woven into the tapestry of our shared story, threads of resilience, innovation, and transformation. Yet, these threads are often diluted or erased. The Cost of Erasure When we downplay Black history, we distort reality. Textbooks whitewashing slavery or erasing Black contributions to science and the arts perpetuate stereotypes and hinder understanding. Imagine life without the: Traffic Signal (invented by Garrett Morgan) Touch-Tone Telephone (invented by Dr. Shirley Ann Jackson who paved the way for modern push-button phones) Blood Banks (invented by Charles Drew) Laser Treatment for Cataracts ( invented by Patricia Bath) – that's the loss we face when we neglect Black history. This distorted view fuels inequality. A limited education hinders critical thinking and fosters a society where Black experiences are unseen and unheard. Ignoring the historical context of racial injustice makes it harder to address ongoing issues. Celebrating Black Stories Means Celebrating Us All Recognizing Black history isn't just about acknowledging the past; it's about embracing our present and future richness. Black history offers a wealth of cultural exchange, from music and art to science and literature. It's a testament to human creativity and a call for empathy and collaboration. By honoring Black narratives, we preserve our collective memory, ensure future generations understand the triumphs and struggles that shaped our world, and empower Black individuals by showcasing heroes and role models who defied adversity. Black history isn't just about Black people; it's about resilience, strength, and overcoming challenges. Businesses can learn from this legacy of perseverance. Recognizing Black history also helps dismantle systemic inequalities by shedding light on the legacy of racism and the ongoing fight for justice. Efforts to Preserve Black Histo ry The fight to preserve Black history is ongoing, with dedicated efforts underway: Scholarly Work: Historians unearth lost stories, reframe narratives, and develop culturally relevant curricula. Community Activism: Local groups restore historical sites, create digital archives, and host educational events. Educational Initiatives: Teacher training equips educators to teach Black history effectively, and curriculum reform ensures its inclusion. The Call to Action This Juneteenth, let's commit to honoring Black history. Let's advocate for inclusive curriculums, support community efforts, and celebrate Black culture. Let's embrace the complexities and richness of Black narratives. Understanding the past can build a more inclusive and equitable future together.
By Nika White 24 May, 2024
Here at Nika White Consulting, we champion the empowerment of Black women. But empowerment starts with acknowledging the realities we face, especially regarding mental health. There's a narrative out there: the Strong Black Woman. She's the rock, the one who shoulders burdens without complaint. But this narrative is a double-edged sword. It celebrates our resilience but also silences the struggles that take a toll on our mental well-being. Le t's talk about what's not being said: The Pressure to Code-Switch: Corporate Erin , Lisa Beasley's satirical creation that has gone viral on TikTok, embodies the experience of downplaying your true self to navigate the corporate landscape. This constant pressure to conform takes a mental toll and contributes to the pressure to code-switch. From Pregnancy to Parenthood Without Support: Black mothers face alarming disparities in healthcare, being more likely to experience complications during childbirth and less likely to receive adequate mental health support postpartum. This lack of support adds immense stress to an already vulnerable time. The Glass Ceiling: Black women are vastly underrepresented in leadership positions. A recent study by McKinsey & Company found that Black women hold only 2.8% of C-suite roles in corporate America. This underrepresentation is often referred to as the "glass ceiling," a term that refers to the unseen, artificial barriers that prevent women and minorities from reaching the top of their professions. DEI: Promise vs. Reality DEI: The Broken Promise and its Impact on Mental Health: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives are meant to foster workplaces that celebrate and support all employees. Yet, the case of Jalon Hall , Google's first and only Black deaf employee, exposes a troubling reality. Hailed initially as a diversity success story, Hall later accused Google of racial and disability discrimination. Hall's lawsuit details were profiled in DEI marketing campaigns, but she was denied essential support, like the sign language interpreters promised during her hiring process. This broken promise is a harsh illustration of Black women's challenges in corporate environments. These factors, combined with a lack of genuine support from supposedly "inclusive" companies, can have a significant negative impact on their mental health. So, what can we do? Normalize Therapy: Let's talk about therapy openly and encourage Black women to seek help without shame. Support Black Therapists: Increase access to culturally competent therapists who understand the unique experiences of Black women. Hold Workplaces Accountable: Companies must implement genuine DEI programs that address microaggressions, promote inclusion, and prioritize mental health support for ALL employees, particularly Black women. Accountability includes evaluating leadership and ensuring that Black women have equitable opportunities to be seen and represented to lead the organization. Embrace Authenticity: Black women deserve to thrive in their whole selves, not just a corporate-sanitized version. Let's celebrate authenticity and create spaces where Black women can be their authentic selves without fear of judgment. Listen to Black Women: Black women's voices have been marginalized throughout history. However, Black women are a powerful force for change, with unique perspectives on social justice, business, creativity, and more. It is essential to listen to Black women beyond a performative gesture. By actively listening to Black women, we gain a richer understanding of the world and can work towards a more equitable future. Furthermore, active listening values and acknowledges one’s feelings and perspective, creating space for Black women to show up as their authentic selves. We are strong, yes, but we are human too. By acknowledging the mental health challenges Black women face, we can build a future where strength and well-being go hand in hand. Remember, Nika White Consulting is here to be a part of the solution. Let's keep this conversation going .
By Nika White 19 Apr, 2024
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) has become a lightning rod in the current political and economic climate. A recent CNN segment sparked outrage among practitioners for its superficial exploration of the topic. Panelists, lacking expertise in the field, perpetuated misconceptions and equated DEI with affirmative action, a dangerous mischaracterization. The portrayal of DEI on CNN was a missed opportunity, to say the least. It fuelled many misconceptions, including the dismissal of DEI in affirmative action cases. Dismissing DEI as "reverse racism" misses the fundamental purpose of fostering inclusivity and equity in workplaces and institutions. DEI is about creating a level playing field, ensuring everyone has a fair shot at opportunities, regardless of background. It dismantles systemic barriers, not creates them. This isn't the first time DEI initiatives have been attacked, with some states banning DEI programs in universities. A wave of anti-DEI legislation has emerged since 2023. The Chronicle of Higher Education reports that 28 states and Congress have seen a combined 81 bills targeting college-level diversity, equity, and inclusion programs. Eight of these bills have already been enacted in states like Texas and Florida. This trend extends beyond education. Attrition rates are high, and some companies are dismantling their DEI efforts. Companies are witnessing cutbacks in DEI teams, and prominent figures like Bill Ackman and Elon Musk have voiced criticism of diversity programs on social media . Studies by Revelio Labs reveal a concerning trend in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) roles. By the end of 2022, these positions experienced a significantly higher attrition rate of 33% compared to just 21% for non-DEI roles. This challenge seems to be compounded by layoffs, with companies like Amazon, Applebees, and Twitter disproportionately targeting DEI teams since mid-2022. Revelio Labs' 2023 report further highlights this issue, indicating a near 40% churn rate (employee turnover) for DEI roles in companies experiencing layoffs, compared to a 24% churn rate for non-DEI roles. It's easy to be discouraged by these developments. But here's the truth: the importance of DEI has never been greater. For all its flaws, the CNN segment highlighted a crucial point: there's a fundamental misunderstanding of DEI. Panelists equated it with affirmative action and "reverse racism," completely missing the mark. DEI is about dismantling systemic biases that have disenfranchised entire groups for generations. It's about creating a level playing field and ensuring opportunities for all. Some argue DEI is "unnatural" and "forced." But within the structures we've inherited, DEI won't naturally happen. That's why we need intentional DEI work. So, where do we go from here? What is the path forward for DEI? There isn't a one-size-fits-all answer. The beauty of the DEI profession lies in its very diversity. DEI practitioners come from a multitude of backgrounds and bring unique perspectives. This is a strength, not a weakness. There's room for those who choose to weather the current storm, patiently educating and advocating despite the headwinds. Others may choose to step back and re-evaluate their strategies in light of the evolving landscape. Still, others may decide to pivot their approach completely, seeking new and innovative ways to achieve DEI goals, such as the field’s multidisciplinary nature. We need to weather this storm by: Leaning into the Multidisciplinary Nature of DEI: There's no single "right" way to approach DEI. We need practitioners from various backgrounds - legal, social science, HR - to create comprehensive solutions. Supporting Each Other: DEI work can be thankless and isolating. We must create a robust professional network where practitioners can share best practices and offer encouragement. Reframing the Narrative: The media often portrays DEI as divisive. We need to counter that narrative by emphasizing the positive impact of DEI on businesses, institutions, and society as a whole. The current political and economic climate may make DEI seem like a luxury. But it's the opposite. DEI is the key to building a more just and equitable society. By embracing the richness of the DEI profession and supporting its practitioners, we can ensure this vital work continues. We must support practitioners navigating this challenging landscape and empower them to decide how to best show up in this space. Let's move beyond the “one size fits all” approach. Let's celebrate the multifaceted nature of DEI work. Through this collective effort, we can ensure that DEI isn't just a fad but a lasting movement that creates a more just and inclusive world.
By Nika White 09 Apr, 2024
In the realm of professional development and career advancement, two terms have emerged, each carrying significant weight in their respective spheres: "dry promotions" and "dry speaking gigs." OK, full transparency, I just made up "dry speaking gigs," but not the pervasive concept. While these expressions share similarities in their potential impact, they diverge in their visibility and discourse within mainstream media. Both have a profound effect, particularly on women, especially minority women, underscoring broader issues of equity and recognition in the professional landscape. Dry Promotions "Dry promotions" refer to instances where employees are given additional responsibilities, titles, or tasks without corresponding increases in compensation or benefits. This phenomenon often leaves individuals feeling undervalued and overburdened, leading to dissatisfaction and burnout. For women, particularly minority women, dry promotions exacerbate existing disparities in pay and recognition. Research consistently shows that women are more likely to receive less compensation for similar roles compared to their male counterparts. When these promotions lack financial acknowledgment, it perpetuates the cycle of gender-based wage gaps and reinforces systemic inequalities in the workplace. Media coverage of dry promotions has gained traction in recent years, shedding light on the prevalence of this issue across industries. However, the focus on dry promotions alone fails to address a parallel trend that disproportionately affects women: dry speaking gigs. Dry Speaking Gigs "Dry speaking gigs" entail invitations for professional speakers, often founders, authors, or thought leaders, to speak at events or conferences without compensation, relying solely on the promise of exposure and networking opportunities. While exposure can be valuable in specific contexts, the expectation of free labor undermines these individuals' expertise and time investment. Women, especially minority women, are frequently approached for dry speaking gigs under the guise of "diversity initiatives" or "opportunities for visibility." While the intention may be well-meaning, the outcome perpetuates the devaluation of women's labor and expertise. It reinforces the notion that their contributions are secondary and expendable, further marginalizing their voices in professional spaces. Unlike dry promotions, the issue of dry speaking gigs receives limited media attention. While discussions on gender disparities in speaking engagements exist, the focus often centers on representation rather than the economic implications for women speakers. This oversight neglects the financial impact and perpetuates the normalization of unpaid labor within the speaking circuit. Addressing the Harm Systemic changes are imperative to combat the detrimental effects of dry promotions and dry speaking gigs. Employers must prioritize equitable compensation structures that recognize and remunerate employees' contributions fairly, irrespective of gender or demographic factors. Similarly, event organizers and conference hosts must commit to compensating speakers for their time and expertise, dismantling the expectation of free labor. Moreover, amplifying women's voices, particularly minority women, requires proactive efforts to create inclusive spaces and opportunities for professional development. This includes actively seeking out diverse speakers, providing financial support for participation, and fostering environments that value diverse perspectives. Final Thoughts While dry promotions and dry speaking gigs may differ in visibility and discourse, both perpetuate systemic inequities that disproportionately impact women, especially minority women. By acknowledging and addressing these issues, we can strive toward a more inclusive and equitable professional landscape where all individuals are valued and compensated fairly for their contributions.
By Nika White 22 Mar, 2024
March provides the perfect opportunity to acknowledge and celebrate the influences of women who have made significant contributions to history. This article pays tribute to Mrs. Willie Pearl Mackey King, an often-overlooked woman of the movement who played a crucial role in one of the most important documents of the civil rights era, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s "Letter from the Birmingham Jail." Before her pivotal role in transcribing Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s "Letter from the Birmingham Jail," Mrs. King had already established an impressive professional career. She worked for the US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission for 32 years as an accounting officer and financial manager. Even after retirement, she continued contributing her expertise as a contractor for the US Office of Compliance on Capitol Hill for six years.
By Nika White 23 Feb, 2024
Providing equitable health care remains a pressing issue in many societies, particularly among historically marginalized populations. In recent years, there has been an increasing recognition of the critical role that Black medical professionals play in serving Black communities. Providing culturally competent care and understanding the unique health disparities that Black individuals face is essential for addressing health care inequities. Here, let’s explore the significance of the representation, trust, cultural sensitivity, and improved health outcomes that arise from increasing the presence of Black health care professionals within the medical field. These realities underscore the importance of Black medical professionals in promoting diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice (DEIJ) within health care systems. The Historical Context of Health Care Inequities Understanding the significance of Black medical professionals requires acknowledging the historical context of health care inequities within the Black community. Racial disparities in health care have persisted for decades, leading to disproportionate rates of certain diseases, higher mortality rates, and distrust within the Black community toward the medical system. According to a report by the Government Accountability Office (GAO), the maternal death rate for Black or African American women was 44.0 per 100,000 live births in 2019. This rate increased to 55.3 in 2020 and climbed to 68.9 in 2021. In contrast, white women had significantly lower death rates of 17.9, 19.1, and 26.1 during the same respective years. In terms of COVID-19, there are significant racial disparities in outcomes among Black individuals. Studies have shown that Black patients have experienced higher rates of hospitalization and death due to COVID-19 compared to white patients. Regarding death rates, the CDC has reported that the death rate for African Americans/Blacks in the United States is higher compared to other racial/ethnic groups. In 2018, the death rate for African Americans/Blacks was 16.3 per 100,000, while it was only 2.5 per 100,000 for whites. It is essential to address these health disparities and work toward implementing policies and interventions that promote health equity for the Black community. Role of Black Medical Professionals: Social Justice Perspective From a social justice perspective, having Black medical professionals in Black communities is vital in addressing systemic health disparities. Historically, Black communities have faced more significant barriers to accessing quality health care due to various factors such as lack of insurance, limited resources, and discrimination. These disparities have had detrimental effects on the overall health and well-being of Black individuals and contribute to the racial health inequities that persist today. There are several significant benefits to increasing the representation of Black medical professionals: Cultural Sensitivity and Understanding. Black medical professionals better understand the cultural nuances, experiences, and challenges Black individuals face. They can provide more culturally sensitive care, which can help build trust and improve patient-provider communication. Furthermore, representation plays an influential role in shaping health care experiences. Enhanced Access to Care. Black medical professionals can serve as role models and mentors, inspiring young people in the community to pursue careers in health care. As a result, there will be a greater likelihood of Black individuals seeking medical care and receiving appropriate treatment. Such representation promotes diversity and helps cultivate a more inclusive environment where patients feel understood, respected, and empowered. Building Trust. The historical mistreatment of Black individuals in medical settings has led to deep-rooted mistrust. Including Black doctors, nurses, and other health care professionals helps foster trust between minoritized patients and their providers. Patients who relate to and identify with their health care providers are more likely to communicate openly, share relevant medical information, and actively participate in decision-making. Trust ultimately leads to better health outcomes and improved patient satisfaction. Addressing Implicit Bias. Black medical professionals can help combat the implicit biases in health care. Studies have shown that medical professionals from different racial backgrounds may have different biases and treatment approaches. Having Black professionals in the field can help challenge and mitigate unconscious biases that may negatively impact Black patients. Tailored Health Care Strategies. Black medical professionals can help develop and implement health care strategies that specifically address Black communities’ unique health challenges. They are better positioned to advocate for policies and interventions that consider the social determinants of health and address the root causes of health disparities. Community Engagement. Black medical professionals can play an active role in community engagement and education, promoting preventive care, conducting health screenings, and addressing health concerns specific to the community. This engagement can help empower individuals and communities to take charge of their health. Final Thoughts Diverse representation in the medical profession is necessary to address health care disparities and promote equity in Black communities. Through their presence, Black medical professionals serve as catalysts for change, advocating for improved health care policies, fostering trust, providing culturally sensitive care, and ultimately contributing to better health outcomes. Health care institutions and policymakers must make concerted efforts to recruit, retain, and support Black medical professionals, ensuring they play a central role in shaping a more inclusive and equitable health care system for all.
By Nika White 20 Feb, 2024
In 2023, we witnessed various DEI trends that challenged and reshaped how organizations approach diversity, equity, and inclusion. Companies that should have prioritized diversity and inclusion faced significant challenges such as public backlash, loss of talent, and damage to their reputation. Predicted 2024 DEI Trends In 2024, several exciting developments and challenges in creating inclusive environments exist. These predicted trends highlight the continued importance of diversity, equity, and inclusion in organizations and the need to adapt and evolve strategies to create truly inclusive workplaces. The Next Generation of Disability Inclusion: In 2024, there will be a heightened focus on environmental inclusion for individuals with disabilities. Organizations will prioritize creating physical spaces that are accessible and accommodating, implementing ramps, elevators, and sensory-friendly areas. Focus on Flexibility: The concept of flexibility in the workplace will continue to gain traction. This may include adopting four-day work weeks, as seen in some European countries. Companies must develop new performance and project management approaches to navigate team dynamics, collaboration, and scheduling effectively. Providing employees with flexible holidays and benefits, such as unlimited vacation days or remote work options, will also be emphasized. Hyper-Intersectionality: Intersectionality will become an even bigger focus in 2024. Organizations will prioritize creating multipurpose rooms instead of gender-specific bathrooms to accommodate individuals with diverse gender identities. Learning from models in other countries, organizations will explore more inclusive practices, such as providing closed captioning on videos to help non-English speakers access information, or offering short-term and long-term caregiving support. Recognition of the intersectionality of identities, including marital status, will also be essential. More Political Hype: Increased political discourse and controversies will require organizations to provide correct information and counteract misinformation. Companies will be expected to actively engage in conversations about societal issues and take a stance on diversity, equity, and inclusion matters. This could involve initiatives such as fact-checking resources and sharing accurate information to combat misinformation. ESG Unlimited: Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) factors will be at the forefront of corporate decision-making. Organizations will prioritize sustainable practices, social responsibility, and ethical governance. For example, a manufacturing company may invest in renewable energy sources to reduce its carbon footprint and implement supply chain transparency to ensure fair wages and working conditions. Broader AI Adoption: Artificial Intelligence (AI) will be widely adopted to enhance diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts. AI-powered tools can help remove biased language in job descriptions, anonymize applicant information during hiring processes, and provide real-time accessibility features. If utilized correctly, this technology can aid in better decision-making and create equitable opportunities for all. A Complete DEI Reset: In 2024, organizations will undergo a complete DEI reset, reevaluating their current diversity, equity, and inclusion strategies, policies, and initiatives. This includes reassessing goals, implementing new programs, and fostering a culture of inclusivity at all levels of the organization. Companies will actively seek employee feedback, develop accountability measures, and ensure that DEI efforts are integrated into all aspects of the business. Ways Organizations Can Continue to Uplift DEI Based on previous DEI trends and the predicted trends for 2024, Nika White Consulting suggests several proactive steps organizations can take to uplift Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Commitment from Leadership: Organizations must have buy-in and commitment from leadership to prioritize DEI. Leaders should demonstrate their dedication to fostering an inclusive and diverse workplace culture through their actions, statements, and resource allocation. Strategic Planning: Develop a comprehensive DEI strategy that aligns with business goals and addresses the predicted DEI trends for 2024. This plan should include specific actions and initiatives aimed at attracting, retaining, and promoting diverse talent and creating an inclusive work environment. Transparent and Inclusive Hiring Practices: Ensure that hiring practices are fair, inclusive, and free from bias. Implement blind resume screening, diverse interview panels, and mandatory diversity training for recruiters and hiring managers. Build partnerships with diverse talent pipelines and expand recruitment efforts to attract underrepresented candidates. Employee Education and Training: Invest in DEI education and training programs for all employees. Focus on raising awareness about unconscious bias, promoting cultural competency, and creating a more inclusive workplace. Provide ongoing training and development opportunities to help employees understand the importance of DEI and their role in fostering an inclusive environment. Employee Resource Groups (ERGs): Encourage the formation and support of ERGs for various underrepresented groups within the organization. ERGs provide a platform for employees to connect, share experiences, and advocate for inclusion. Provide resources and opportunities for ERGs to collaborate and contribute to the broader DEI strategy. Regular Diversity Metrics and Reporting: Track and report on diversity data regularly. Measure progress and identify improvement areas by collecting data on employee demographics, representation at different levels, pay equity, and employee satisfaction. This data-driven approach helps organizations stay accountable and make data-informed decisions. Partnerships and Outreach: Collaborate with external organizations, community groups, and educational institutions to foster diversity and inclusion. Building relationships with these entities can provide access to diverse talent pools, enhance community engagement, and support local initiatives. In conclusion, organizations should proactively embrace DEI by having leadership commitment, implementing strategic plans, practicing inclusive hiring, providing employee education, supporting ERGs, tracking diversity metrics, fostering partnerships, and continually evaluating and adjusting their DEI efforts. By following these practices and keeping the predicted DEI trends for 2024 in mind, organizations can create more inclusive, equitable, and thriving workplaces. 1. McKinsey. (2023, January 13). 2023 DEI initiatives report: Inside the lighthouses. 2. The Society for Diversity webinar on "End of the Year: DEI 2024 Trends & Checklist" by Leah Smiley .
By Nika White 14 Feb, 2024
Lincoln University's Former Vice President of Student Affairs, Dr. Antoinette Bonnie Candia-Bailey, 's tragic and sudden passing has left a void in the higher education community. Dr. Candia-Bailey was a respected leader dedicated to providing services and support to students, and her death is felt by many. The former Vice President was 49 when she died by suicide. Candia-Bailey's mother and husband said she had been terminated by John Moseley, the university president, on January 3, 2024. Furthermore, Bailey's husband stated that his wife was depressed and did not feel supported in her role at the university. Considering this tragedy, it is essential to reflect on the comments made by journalist and Pulitzer Prize winner Nikole Hanna-Jones during her testimony on discrimination against Black women in higher education. In 2021, Hanna-Jones accepted a tenure position at Howard University instead of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, effectively concluding her prolonged struggle with UNC's board of trustees, who had delayed offering her tenure. According to a data snapshot by the American Association of University Professors, as of the Fall of 2018, Black women made up only 3.2% of full-time instructional faculty at degree-granting postsecondary institutions in the United States. Furthermore, in 2018, Black women comprised slightly more than 2% of tenured professors. At the same time, Black women are some of the most educated individuals, often pursuing advanced degrees and dedicating their lives to improving their communities. Yet, despite their potential, Black women are often not given the same support and opportunities as their peers in higher education. Higher education institutions must recognize the need to support and uplift Black women. Here are a few ways we can show up for Black women in higher education: Offer mentorship and networking opportunities. Black women are often underrepresented in faculty and leadership roles in academia, which can lead to a lack of role models and support systems. By offering mentorship and networking opportunities, institutions can create a community of support for Black women. Address issues of discrimination and marginalization. Bias and discrimination against Black women in academia are still prevalent, and institutions must actively work to address these issues. By creating a more inclusive and equitable environment, institutions can help support Black women and ensure their talents are recognized and valued. Increase representation in higher education leadership. One primary way to support Black women in higher education is by increasing their representation in leadership positions. Institutions should actively work towards creating more opportunities for Black women to assume leadership roles. When Black women occupy leadership positions, their voices and perspectives can help shape policies and decision-making processes that are more inclusive and reflective of the diverse student body and faculty. By actively working to increase representation, institutions send a powerful message that they value and recognize the contributions of Black women in higher education. Overall, the tragic loss of Dr. Antoinette Bonnie Candia-Bailey underscores the urgent and long-standing need to support Black women in higher education. Institutions are responsible for ensuring that Black women are given the same opportunities and support as their peers. Let us honor the legacy of Dr. Candia-Bailey by working to create a more just and equitable higher education system for all. Source: Source:
By Nika White 08 Jan, 2024
In today's globalized world, more and more businesses are embracing diversity and operating in multinational environments. Along with the benefits come challenges, such as language and cultural barriers, that can hinder effective communication and collaboration. Overcoming language and cultural obstacles is crucial for organizations to enhance communication, foster innovation, build stronger relationships, expand global reach, meet legal requirements, and create a positive reputation. By promoting inclusion in multilingual and multicultural workplaces, companies ensure that all employees feel valued and respected and can contribute their best, leading to overall success and growth. This article will explore strategies and best practices for overcoming these barriers and promoting inclusion in multilingual and multicultural workplaces. It is essential for organizations to overcome language and cultural barriers and promote inclusion in multilingual and multicultural workplaces for several reasons: Enhancing Communication: Effective communication is crucial for the smooth functioning of any organization. By addressing language barriers through language training and technology, organizations can improve communication channels and ensure that all employees can understand and be understood. Intentional efforts to enhance communications lead to better collaboration, increased productivity, and reduced misunderstandings. Fostering Innovation and Creativity: Embracing workplace diversity brings many perspectives, experiences, and ideas. Organizations can tap into this wealth of diversity by promoting inclusion, breaking down cultural barriers, and fostering innovation and creativity. Different cultural backgrounds can lead to unique problem-solving approaches and fresh ideas, enhancing competitiveness in the market. Building Stronger Relationships: Overcoming language and cultural barriers helps build stronger employee relationships. When individuals feel valued and included, trust is fostered, leading to more effective teamwork, improved morale, and higher employee satisfaction. This positive work environment can also contribute to increased employee retention and loyalty. Expanding Global Reach: In today's interconnected world, organizations are expanding their global reach and tapping into diverse markets. Companies can better understand their target audience and develop successful marketing strategies by embracing multilingualism and multiculturalism in the workplace. This inclusive approach demonstrates a commitment to cultural sensitivity and can help organizations build strong relationships with international clients and partners. Meeting Legal and Ethical Requirements: Many countries have legislation to promote diversity and inclusion in the workplace, including specific requirements related to language accessibility and cultural sensitivity. By overcoming language and cultural barriers, organizations ensure compliance with these legal obligations and demonstrate their commitment to ethical practices. Creating a Positive Reputation: Organizations prioritizing inclusion and actively working to overcome language and cultural barriers build a positive reputation among employees and stakeholders. This reputation can attract top talent, develop strong partnerships, and enhance the organization's brand image. Importance of Inclusion in Multilingual and Multicultural Workplaces: Inclusion is not just a buzzword; it is essential for the success of any organization. Embracing diversity brings a wealth of perspectives, knowledge, and skills, fostering innovation and creativity. However, to reap these benefits, organizations must address the language and cultural barriers that can create divisions and limit collaboration. Here are strategies organizations can leverage to overcome language and cultural barriers and promote inclusion in multilingual and multicultural workplaces: Improving Communication: Language Training: Providing language training for employees can help break down language barriers and improve communication. Offering courses, language exchange programs, or hiring interpreters can effectively support employees in improving their language skills. Use Technology: Leveraging technology can aid communication in multilingual workplaces. Translation tools and apps can bridge the gap between languages, ensuring adequate understanding and reducing potential misunderstandings. Simplify Language: Encouraging clear and concise communication can make it easier for non-native speakers to follow discussions. Avoiding jargon and slang and using clear and straightforward language can significantly affect understanding. Clear Communication Channels: Ensure that communication channels within the organization are transparent and inclusive. Utilize visual aids, diagrams, and clear instructions to supplement verbal communication. Encouraging open dialogue and active listening can also help overcome language and cultural barriers. Promoting Cultural Understanding: Cultural Awareness Training: Educating employees about different cultures, practices, and traditions can help foster understanding and respect. Workshops or training sessions on cultural sensitivity can provide insights into diverse perspectives and minimize stereotypes. Celebrate Diversity: Create opportunities to celebrate different cultures within the workplace. Organizing cultural events, sharing traditional food, or acknowledging important holidays can foster a sense of belonging and appreciation for diverse backgrounds. Encourage Collaboration: Facilitate cross-cultural interactions and encourage collaboration between employees from different backgrounds. Cross-functional teams with diverse members can lead to increased innovation and problem-solving abilities. Building Relationships and Trust: Foster an Inclusive Environment: Creating an inclusive workplace culture starts from the top. Leaders should foster an environment where everyone's contributions are valued and diverse backgrounds and experiences are respected. Set Clear Expectations: Communicate expectations for behavior and conduct in the workplace to ensure that everyone feels included and safe. Establishing guidelines for respectful communication and promptly addressing conflicts can help build employee trust. Encourage Open Dialogue: Regularly encourage employee feedback and open dialogue to address concerns about language or cultural barriers. Listening to their experiences and implementing necessary changes will demonstrate a commitment to inclusivity. Final Thoughts: Embracing diversity in the workplace brings many perspectives, experiences, and ideas, fostering innovation and creativity. By addressing language barriers through language training and technology, organizations can improve communication channels and ensure that all employees can understand and be understood. This leads to better collaboration, increased productivity, and reduced misunderstandings. Furthermore, overcoming language and cultural barriers helps build stronger employee relationships, fostering trust and effective teamwork. In today's interconnected world, organizations are expanding their global reach and tapping into diverse markets, making it essential to prioritize multiculturalism and multilingualism to ensure compliance with legal obligations and ethical practices. Overcoming language and cultural barriers requires a proactive and inclusive approach. Organizations can create an inclusive and harmonious work environment by promoting language training and cultural awareness and fostering relationships built on trust and respect. Sources:
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