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Health professions

What are health professions majors?

Health professions programs prepare you to practice as a licensed professional and assistant in health care professions and related clinical sciences, administrative and support services.

How much do health professions majors make?

Health professions graduates typically make between $40,000 and $95,200 per year. The national average of reported salaries for health professions degrees is $64,000. The highest paying major within health professions is Communication disorders with an average salary of $64,000. The lowest paying major within health professions is General health professions with an average salary of $64,000.
Health professions majorsAverage salarySalary
Communication disorders$64,000
General health professions$64,000
Alternative medicine and holistic healthNo data
AudiologyNo data
Emergency care attendant (EMT)No data
Health service preparatory studiesNo data
Mental and social health servicesNo data
Mental health counselingNo data
MidwiferyNo data
OsteopathyNo data

Popular health professions majors by degrees awarded

On average, around 62,000 students obtain a bachelor's degree or associate degree in all health professions fields each year. In 2021, the most popular major within health professions was general health professions with 20,893 students obtaining a bachelor's degree and 10,844 students obtaining an associate degree. The least popular major was podiatry with fewer than 5 students obtaining a bachelor's degree and fewer than 5 students obtaining an associate degree. Overall, health professions is a relatively popular area of study.