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Ground transportation

What is a ground transportation major?

Ground transportation studies are general courses that enable individuals to apply technical knowledge and skills to operate and organize moving vehicles in a specific environment. Concentrations include construction operation, traffic control, and commercial vehicle operation. Course subjects include training to operate and maintain equipment as well as plan and implement traffic control strategies.

How much do ground transportation majors make?

median average salary


The national average salary for ground transportation graduates in the United States is $94,000 per year. Those in the top 10 percent make over $220,000 a year, while the bottom 10 percent make under $35,000 a year. While salary ranges can vary by role, industry, and location, ground transportation graduates typically make between $57,000 and $141,000 per year.

How popular is ground transportation as a major?

Each year, fewer than 5 students obtain a bachelor’s degree and around 10 students obtain an associate degree in ground transportation. In 2021, fewer than 5 students received a bachelor's degree and fewer than 5 students received an associate degree. This is 62% fewer ground transportation majors than there were in 2020. Ground transportation is a relatively uncommon major within trades and personal services.

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