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Computer installation and repair

What is a computer installation and repair major?

This course of study teaches students to implement vocational skills to assemble, install, operate, maintain, and repair computers and related instruments. Directed study includes power supplies, number systems, memory structure, buffers and registers, microprocessor design, peripheral equipment, programming, and networking.

How much do computer installation and repair majors make?

This data isn't currently reported, but we're working on it!

How popular is computer installation and repair as a major?

Each year, around 15 students obtain a bachelor’s degree and around 260 students obtain an associate degree in computer installation and repair. In 2021, 35 students received a bachelor's degree and 223 students received an associate degree. This is 8% fewer computer installation and repair majors than there were in 2020. Computer installation and repair is a relatively uncommon major within mechanics.

Advice from computer installation and repair majors

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