Niche Resources
What Is Direct Admissions?

Direct admissions is all about colleges coming to students instead of the other way around. If a college knows they would welcome a student like you based on your grades and other credentials, you shouldn’t have to bend over backwards to get in.

All About Guaranteed Transfer Agreements

The agreement is a partnership between a select number of public and private 4-year universities and community colleges where those graduating with their Associate’s Degree can transition into a university and receive their Bachelor’s Degree. 31 states have colleges participating in this agreement.

How To Test Better: Hacks From a 1590 SAT Tester

Big tests can be incredibly stressful! From AP exams to SATs to ACTs, students often experience testing day anxiety. I know I did, so here are a few tricks that helped me feel more confident the day of testing.

The Ultimate Guide to the Common App

On August 1, the Common Application (Common App) went live. As someone who is looking to apply to earn an undergraduate, higher educational degree at a higher educational institution, this is the article for you. 

How To Write The “Why This College” Essay

“Why this college” essays are designed for students to demonstrate their interest and passion for the school community they are applying to. It allows admission officers to picture the student on campus.