Niche Resources

Your Next Steps After Receiving a Niche Direct Admissions Acceptance


Congratulations on receiving a Niche Direct Admissions acceptance to college! Your hard work and dedication during high school have paid off, and you’re one step closer to embarking on your higher education journey.

While receiving an acceptance is exciting, there are still several essential steps you’ll need to follow to confirm your acceptance and ensure a smooth transition into college. In this blog post, we’ll walk you through the next steps you should take after receiving a Niche Direct Admissions acceptance.

1. Complete the college’s onboarding form

The first step after receiving your Direct Admissions acceptance is to complete the college’s onboarding form. This form, linked in your Niche Dashboard and available on the school’s website, is your initial way to confirm your acceptance and express your interest in attending. It’s important to note that this step is non-binding, meaning you’re not committed to attending the institution yet. However, it’s a crucial first step in the process and allows the school to prepare to receive your official transcripts and confirm your acceptance. You should complete the onboarding form for each school you’re interested in continuing to learn more about and would consider attending.

2. Submit your high school transcripts

To solidify your acceptance and determine your official scholarship eligibility, you must send the Direct Admissions college your official high school transcripts. Typically, your high school counselor helps with this step. The college will use this information to verify your academic performance and ensure that it aligns with the GPA and other qualifications that led to your Direct Admissions offer. You should submit transcripts for each school that you would consider attending.

Discrepancies between your transcripts and the information you provided in your Niche Profile could affect your acceptance and scholarship. If there is a difference between your self-reported GPA and official transcripts, an admissions counselor at the college can walk you through any potential changes to your acceptance. 

3. Research the college

While your Direct Admissions acceptance indicates that the college believes you’re a good fit for their institution, it’s crucial that you also believe it’s the right place for you. Take some time to continue your research. Utilize resources like the reviews section on the school’s Niche profile for insights from current and former students. Compare your prospective college to others in categories such as academics, campus life and cost with the Niche College Compare Tool. This research will help you better understand if the college aligns with your personal and academic goals.

4. Visit campus

A great way to get a feel for your potential new home is by scheduling a campus visit. Take the opportunity to explore the college grounds, attend a guided tour, and speak with current students and faculty. Campus visits can provide valuable insights into the campus culture, the surrounding area, and the facilities you’ll use during your academic journey. This visit can be an important step in helping you decide if this college is the right fit for you.

You can learn more about visit opportunities for each college by visiting their Niche profile or the school’s official website. If you cannot visit in person, look for virtual tours on the school’s website, Niche’s social media channels, or YouTube.

5. Submit your deposit or official decision

Once you’ve completed the previous steps and you’re confident in your decision, it’s time to submit your enrollment deposit or official decision to the one college you’re choosing to attend. This is the final step in confirming your commitment to the college! The enrollment deposit is typically non-refundable and secures your spot in the incoming class. Alternatively, some schools forgo an enrollment deposit and ask for a signed confirmation of your decision to enroll. Be sure to check the deadline for deposit submission and adhere to it to guarantee your place at the institution.

Receiving a Direct Admissions offer is a fantastic achievement and the result of your hard work. However, it’s important to remember that you still have decisions to make and steps to take to ensure your college experience is great. By completing these essential next steps, you’ll be well-prepared for your transition to college life and can look forward to an exciting and rewarding academic journey.