New survey finds 83% of recent high school graduates removed colleges from consideration based on sticker price

September 12, 2023 — PITTSBURGH — A new survey of 12,200 students from the high school class of 2023 identified the biggest challenges in their college admissions process – applying for financial aid, deciding where to apply, and writing admissions essays. The eighth-annual Senior Enrollment Survey from Niche, the leading platform connecting students and families with colleges and schools, surveyed college-bound seniors about their college search experience, from initial research all the way to enrollment.

This year’s survey found that only 42% of students reported feeling confident that they could afford the college at which they were enrolling. Moreover, 83% made a decision not to apply to, or even consider, a college they were interested in due to concerns about a high sticker price. That number is up from 55% prior to the Covid-19 pandemic.

“Students and their families have become more astute shoppers in recent years, including how they consider the cost and value of higher education. Our research demonstrates that students are writing off colleges with high sticker prices, even before they find out what the final price would be after financial aid,” said Will Patch, Senior Enrollment Insights Leader

The majority of students said they would not consider applying to a college with a total price (before aid) over $40,000 per year.

Lengthy and complex application processes was also a significant hurdle for students – 57% of respondents didn’t apply to a college that they were interested in attending because of barriers like application fees, essay requirements, or too many required additional materials. One in five (up 25% over last year) said they abandoned the application process for a college they were interested in attending because the application was too long.

“Today’s college searchers are accustomed to high-speed information and instant gratification. That’s why direct admissions programs are taking off – they allow students to gain real-time acceptance to college, without ever needing to fill out an application,” said Patch. 

These programs are on the rise, with 20% of respondents saying they were accepted to at least one college through a program (such as Niche Direct Admissions™) where they were offered acceptance based on a college search profile rather than a college application. Through Niche, they also learn their initial academic scholarship immediately as well, which helps alleviate the concern of price.

The survey indicated some other positive trends:

The 2023 survey results can be viewed in full at

About Niche: Niche is where students and parents choose their school. Whether a school is already on their list or the perfect fit they haven’t yet discovered, Niche connects families to the ones that are uniquely right for them. Our enrollment marketing solutions enable our over 2,000 partners to build genuine connections that nurture interest into visits, applications and enrollment. By supporting over 50 million students and parents, Niche is changing how schools and colleges connect with families and build their future classes.

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Alicia Stetzer

Director of Communications