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Long-Term Care Insurance

Offer employees a more secure future.

Fill the Gap - Get a Quote Today!

Fill the gap in your benefits portfolio by offering an employer-sponsored LTC insurance plan along with your other benefits offerings. Long-term care insurance can be confusing, and it’s critical that employers partner with a qualified advisor who can guide them and make it easy. Your advisor can help you own meaningful benefits that address your needs. Ready for a deeper dive?

Most people will experience a long term care event. You can help employees plan for a healthy retirement.

Your employees might not think about needing long-term care, especially if they feel young and healthy. But that's exactly the right time for you to help them plan for the future.

Baby boomers and successive generations will enjoy unprecedented longevity compared to previous generations. The upside is obvious. Unfortunately, a longer life also increases the likelihood of experiencing a chronic health condition that requires costly LTC. We can help you protect the financial future of your employees – and your business – with an affordable employer-sponsored long-term care insurance program that:

  • Protects their retirement plan. An ounce of prevention now can avert the disaster that an LTC episode can bring to financial portfolios.
  • Gives them a choice about care. Although Medicare and Medicaid pay for some LTC costs, coverage may be limited.
  • Eases the burden on their family members. LTC insurance allows family members to be involved in the caregiving process without being the primary provider.

Benefits That Fit You and Your Employees

Benefits of offering your employees access to an employer-sponsored LTC insurance plan include important tax advantages and other valuable features:

  • Simplified issue coverage: No separate pricing structures for different genders.
  • Guaranteed issue coverage
  • Corporate discounts
  • 100% portability
  • Ease of enrollment: Online and call center support are always available.
  • One-on-one telephone consultations: Experience account management that’s easy and personable.
Better solutions are closer than you think.

Reach out today to start a conversation about how we can work together to move you forward.

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