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About this mod

Provides a config option to choose marriage candidates you want a platonic (i.e. non-romantic, non-dating) relationship with, and edits all their romantic 8+ heart dialogue and events to be consistent with a close friendship. Includes a detailed, customizable platonic partnership option as an alternative to marriage.

Permissions and credits
Are you tired of having to date everyone in town to max their relationships and see all of their heart events? Do you want to pick one or more people to romance and be best friends with everyone else? Would you rather not date anyone at all? This mod was made for you! 

If you're reading this on the day of release, happy Aromantic Spectrum Awareness Week!

Please report any bugs or other issues either through Nexus or through PPaF's Discord server. It's much appreciated! You can also ask any questions you may have about the mod.

9/26/2022 update: Exciting news! Thanks to the amazing work of ch20youk (aka moetrash), PPaF now has some long-requested features that required a SMAPI component to implement. You can now have separate labels in the social menu for characters set to romantic and non-romantic relationship types (e.g., "best friend" vs "dating" for NPCs given the bouquet). Additionally, PPaF now creates mod-provided tokens that other mods can use to check its config settings. Authors adding compatibility patches for PPaF to their own mods will be able to check things like each character's relationship type setting. I could not be more grateful to moetrash for making this possible. 

Summary of what this mod does:

  • Allows you to use the config to designate the type of relationship you want with each NPC. You can have a fully platonic, aromantic allosexual (sex without romance), alloromantic asexual (romance without sex), or "vanilla" (romantic and sexual) relationship with each of the NPCs listed. Currently, only the 12 vanilla marriage candidates have platonic routes. SVE characters, including characters that exist in the vanilla game but are only marriage candidates in SVE, are not included at this time. 
  • Allows you to have "best friend" relationships with any or all vanilla marriage candidates. Changes platonic NPCs' 8-10 heart dialogue and events to be consistent with a close friendship instead of a dating relationship. Removes the "jealousy"-related content that shames you for having multiple 10-heart relationships. Some new dialogue is added, including unique reactions to being gifted a bouquet or pendant. 
  • Allows you to (optionally) have a platonic partnership with an NPC instead of marrying them. The "wedding" ceremony, the divorce book, all references to the mermaid's pendant, reactions from townsfolk, and post-marriage dialogue and events are adjusted accordingly (to the extent Content Patcher allows). Includes config options to specify a label for your relationship and a term of endearment for your partner to address you by. NPCs will treat platonic partnership as an established part of the "mermaid's pendant" tradition that is equally as important and meaningful as marriage. Alternatively, you can propose with the "Friendship Bracelet" item instead of the pendant to skip the ceremony and otherwise make your platonic partnership work more like being roommates with Krobus (dialogue and events are mostly unchanged from the pendant version of the platonic partnership).
  • Removes blushing from platonic NPCs' "love portraits," so that these portraits can be used to communicate affection and/or emotional vulnerability without romantic implications. This effect can be turned on or off for each of the relationship type settings (see the config options below).

Android users should download the "Platonic Partners and Friendships for Android" file, which is an older version of PPaF that is compatible with the mobile game version.

Guide to config options:

You can find these options by opening the config.json that is created in the mod folder the first time you launch the game, or through the Generic Mod Config Menu

Each vanilla marriage candidate can be set to one of four relationship types: 
  • FullyPlatonic: Edits all romantic interactions with that NPC to be platonic, and replaces marriage with platonic partnership (see "Platonic partnership options" below for further customization). Enables the Friendship Bracelet roommate proposal item for that NPC (see "Platonic partnership details and limitations" below for more information). Gives the NPC unique platonic dialogue for accepting a bouquet/pendant/bracelet, gifting you the stardrop at 12 hearts, and more. If the NPC is your partner, this option also platonically edits any dialogue from them that would otherwise imply sexual intimacy. (A good option for aromantic asexual players, and the ideal setting for NPCs you don't plan to move into your household and just want to be best friends with.)
  • RomanceWithoutSex: Leaves romantic interactions with that NPC unedited, but makes platonic edits to any dialogue/events implying sexual intimacy. This mostly only affects marriage dialogue, but if Penny and/or Sam are on this setting, their 10-heart events are also slightly edited. NPCs set to this option will deliver a romantic version of the unique stardrop dialogue discussed above. (A good option for alloromantic asexual players.)
  • SexWithoutRomance: This option works the same as FullyPlatonic, except that dialogue implying sexual intimacy with your platonic partner is not edited. (A good option for aromantic allosexual players, or anyone interested in a "friends with benefits" relationship.)
  • RomanceAndSex: This option means that no platonic edits will be applied to the NPC's dialogue and events; it does not add any new romantic or sexual content to the game. Choose this if you want to have a "vanilla" relationship with the NPC, i.e. the relationship you would have if this mod were not installed. Most customization settings do not affect NPCs set to this relationship type, with the exception of AlwaysAdopt.

  • AlwaysAdopt: When true (the default), if the game text or dialogue from your spouse/partner would state or imply that you are having a biological child with them, those lines are edited to indicate that you are adopting instead. This affects spouses/partners regardless of your relationship type with them (even RomanceAndSex). You must set this to false if you want biological children.

All 12 vanilla marriage candidates are set to FullyPlatonic by default, and AlwaysAdopt is true by default!  If you want to have a romantic and/or sexual relationship with a particular NPC, you must set them to the appropriate relationship type. If you are using a mod that allows multiple housemates, you can have them set to different relationship types. If you want to have biological children, you must set AlwaysAdopt to false.

Platonic partnership options: The options below are relevant if you plan to move one or more characters into your home as a platonic housemate.
  • RelationshipLabel: How you would like to label your relationship with a platonic partner (an NPC set to FullyPlatonic or SexWithoutRomance whom you've given a pendant or friendship bracelet). It can be whatever you want, but it should grammatically work in a sentence like "I'm so glad we're life partners!" or "Yes, I'd like us to be QPPs," and should not contain special characters (like #, ^, %, etc). It defaults to "partners."
  • Platonic Label (post-bouquet): Specifies how you would like NPCs with a non-romantic relationship type to be labeled in the social menu. Defaults to "best friend." You can turn this off and use the default social menu labels by unchecking "Custom Platonic Labels for Social Menu."
  • Platonic Label (housemate): Specifies how you would like NPCs with a non-romantic relationship type to be labeled in the social menu after they have moved in with you (regardless of whether you use the pendant or the Friendship Bracelet). Defaults to "partner."
  • Romantic Label: As with the Platonic Label options, you can specify social menu labels to use for NPCs you are romantic with after giving them the bouquet (default: "dating") and marrying them (default: "spouse"). To use custom romantic labels, you will need to set "Custom Romantic Labels for Social Menu" to "PPaF NPCs" (to have it only affect the 12 vanilla spouses) or ""All NPCs" (to have it also affect custom NPC spouses).
  • DisableSocialMenuLabel: If you don't want to use the custom social menu label at all, this will disable it.
  • TermofEndearment: A term of endearment you'd like your platonic partner to use for you. (NPCs set to Romance Without sex may also use it occasionally.) It can be whatever you want (for example, "Buddy," "BFF," "Angel," "My friend"). It should be capitalized (it will be automatically lowercased if used in the middle of sentences, unless it's your farmer's name or "BFF") and should not contain special characters. It defaults to "@," which is automatically converted to your farmer's name. ("@" appears as an arrow in the Generic Mod Config Menu, but it should still work in-game.)
  • BraceletTheme: Lets you choose one of four color themes for the custom Friendship Bracelet item: "stardrop," "aroflag," "aceflag" and "rainbow." You can find the art for each version of the bracelet under assets/Sprites.

General compatibility and customization options: The options in the spoiler below have to do with enabling/disabling PPaF's visual and schedule changes to prevent conflicts with other mods that edit the same assets. (If you're not sure whether a mod will conflict, check the section on compatibility farther down the page. For example, some portrait mods are compatible with PPaF.)
  • EnablePortraitEdits: You can use this option to choose whether portrait edits are applied to NPCs set as FullyPlatonic, RomanceWithoutSex, and/or SexWithoutRomance. When a given relationship type is listed in EnablePortraitEdits, blushing will be removed from the "love portraits" of NPCs on that setting so that they can be used for emotional moments without romantic/sexual implications. You can remove all three options from the list to prevent conflicts with mods that edit characters' faces in portraits. (Diverse Stardew Valley and Seasonal Outfits - Slightly Cuter Aesthetic are compatible with PPaF and do not require you to disable portrait edits.)
  • UseLovePortraits: When true (the default), NPCs' "love portraits" will be used with some emotional dialogue. If you had to disable portrait edits because of a conflict, but don't want to see blushing, setting this to false will make PPaF's edited dialogue and events use different portraits in most contexts where blushing would have a romantic or sexual implication. Maru's love portraits will be used regardless of this setting, since they don't blush. (Love portraits might still appear in some cases for NPCs set to SexWithoutRomance, in lines of dialogue that PPaF does not edit at all.)
  • EnableSpriteEdits: When true (the default), if a female NPC is set to FullyPlatonic or RomanceWithoutSex, her wedding gown will be recolored to something other than white in the commitment ceremony. Set this to false to prevent conflicts with mods that change sprite body shapes or have their own alternate wedding/commitment ceremony outfits that you prefer. (See the Compatibility section below for sprite-editing mods that have compatibility patches for PPaF). 
  • EnableScheduleChanges: When true (the default), minor changes are made to Alex, Elliott, and Abigail's schedules so that platonically befriending their respective romantic interests doesn't keep them from hanging out. If this causes a conflict with another mod that affects their schedules or the maps upon which their schedules take place, you can set this option to false to disable the schedule changes. 

Options for compatibility with specific mods: 
  • Auncle: A title you would like NPCs in a niece/nephew/nibling-like relationship to use for you. Currently, you can ignore this if you aren't partnering Shane with Immersive Characters - Shane and/or Please Remember My Marriage installed, or Sam with Immersive Spouses installed, and the option should only appear in GMCM if you have one or both of those mods. Defaults to the gender-neutral "Nini."
  • SpousesReactExInvolvement: If you have Spouses React to Player 'Death' and have turned off that mod's optional events involving divorced spouses, you can set this to false to turn off PPaF's "separated partner" versions of those events, which would otherwise trigger regardless of your config settings in Spouses React. Defaults to true.

Best Friendship Details:

This section is about NPCs that you have not moved into your household as spouses or platonic partners. 

PPaF's dialogue changes to NPCs set as FullyPlatonic or SexWithoutRomance remove implied or stated romantic or physical attraction, kissing, references to dating, and other romantic content, ideally while keeping a similar level of fondness and emotional intimacy. Most 8-10 heart dialogue is only lightly edited, although a few lines are completely rewritten.

PPaF also edits these NPCs' high-heart events. Some 8-heart events are lightly edited. 10-heart events vary in how extensively they're edited; some only have small changes to reflect a platonic relationship, while events whose vanilla versions are primarily about a romantic love confession are almost completely rewritten. In cases where I rewrote an event, my goals were for the NPC to communicate their affection for the player character and display personal growth consistent with their canonical character arc. Kissing in 10-heart events is replaced with hugging (although the visual distinction is pretty subtle). Note: Sam's and Penny's platonic 10-heart-events now take place in the afternoon instead of after dark, and Sam's requires you to enter his house. (Sam and Penny also have asexual romantic versions of their events that trigger when they are set to RomanceWithoutSex; these take place after dark as in vanilla.)

If you are platonic with any of the characters involved in one of the "group 10 heart" jealousy events, that event will not trigger unless you are carrying a rabbit's foot, and the rabbit's foot version will be lightly edited. (Note: This fix seems prone to being overridden by mods that add their own custom NPCs to the jealousy event, so it might be best to carry a rabbit's foot regardless.) If you're platonic with any character, the fortune teller will not suggest that you're cheating on people when you have multiple 10-heart relationships, and fortunes about your relationships with marriage candidates will be ambiguous about whether they're romantic or platonic.

I recommend installing CherryChain's Platonic Relationships, which does not alter dialogue or events but allows you to reach 10 hearts with marriage candidates without gifting a bouquet. PPaF ensures that 10-heart events that normally require you to have gifted a bouquet will trigger as long as you are at 10 hearts. However, if for any reason you aren't using Platonic Relationships, PPaF also works without it. All in-game references to the bouquet now indicate that it's used to say you want a deeper relationship with the giftee, whether in a platonic or romantic sense; giftees will respond appropriately depending on whether or not they are set to a non-romantic relationship type; ; and the social menu will by default list platonic bouquet recipients as "best friend" (you can change this in the config).

NPCs set to a non-romantic relationship type have unique responses to being gifted a bouquet or pendant. Additionally, various NPCs have unique responses to being gifted a pendant when you're already platonically engaged or partnered with them or a family member. (Since Content Patcher checks for relationship status at the start of the day, this only works if it's been at least one day since the proposal; otherwise they'll give a generic response in the vein of "You're already living with someone.")

As of version 1.1.0, platonically befriending Haley no longer stops Alex from visiting her house, platonically befriending Leah no longer stops Elliott from visiting her at the saloon, and platonically befriending Abigail or Sebastian no longer prevents Abigail from visiting Sebastian in his room. If you want these characters to keep hanging out even if you're pursuing them romantically, you can install MissMarlot's Bachelors and Bachelorettes Stay Friends, which will replace PPaF's more limited schedule changes. 

Platonic Partnership Details and Limitations:

PPaF allows you to have a platonic partnership with a marriage candidate instead of a traditional marriage, if that NPC is set to FullyPlatonic or SexWithoutRomance (although this is completely optional; you can, for example, marry one person and stay platonic with everyone else, by setting your desired spouse to RomanceWithoutSex or RomanceAndSex). The citizens of Pelican Town treat platonic partnership with the same respect and understanding as they do marriage. These relationships are similar to vanilla marriage in many ways: it's the highest-priority relationship each of you has, you cohabit and share finances, you can coparent children, your partner's relatives consider you part of the family, and your partner will express that they love you. However, various changes are made to be consistent with a platonic relationship. 

There are two versions of the platonic partnership you can choose from, depending on the item you use to "propose" to your desired partner.

First, you can use the Mermaid's Pendant. This will make the game consider your partner to be a "spouse". Dialogue and events will be edited to remove romantic and/or sexual content depending on your relationship type with the NPC, but you will kiss your partner when right-clicking (unless using No Cooties), you will be able to have or adopt children together, and there will be a platonic commitment ceremony (similar to the wedding) to celebrate your partner moving in.

Alternatively, you can use the Friendship Bracelet. The Friendship Bracelet can be found in your crafting menu, and the only ingredient to craft it is the Mermaid's Pendant; basically, you exchange the pendant for the bracelet. Proposing with the bracelet will make the game consider your partner to be a "roommate," like Krobus. Dialogue and events will be edited to be platonic (and will be almost the same as in the pendant version of the relationship), and in addition, you will hug your partner when right-clicking, they will not suggest having/adopting children, they will move in without a ceremony, and they will be able to sleep in a single bed. 

A couple important notes:

First, although you can easily switch between the four relationship types using the config options, you can't easily switch between the pendant and bracelet versions of the relationship. You will need to either use cheats, or separate from your partner, wipe their memory, and re-propose with the other object.

Second, most NPCs who aren't set as FullyPlatonic or SexWithoutRomance should reject the Friendship Bracelet if you accidentally try to gift it to them, but some custom NPCs may accept it as a neutral gift, consuming it--so be careful about who you give it to.

Finally, if you are no longer able to get the Mermaid's Pendant but have not crafted the Friendship Bracelet yet, the crafting recipe automatically changes so that you aren't locked out of the Craft Master achievement.

Open the spoiler below for a detailed explanation of how platonic partnerships work:


  • Your relationship will have a configurable label (default: "partners.") For example, you could specify that you're life partners, business partners, roommates, QPPs, zucchinis, FWBs, etc. Characters will refer to your relationship using this label. Specify this in the config using the RelationshipLabel option.
  • As mentioned in the previous section, platonic NPCs each have their own unique reaction to being gifted a pendant or bracelet, in all cases using your configurable relationship label. All in-game text about the pendant indicates that it's used to ask someone for a lifelong commitment that can be either romantic or platonic. The pendant and bracelet's descriptions also briefly summarize their unique effects on the partnership (e.g. kissing vs hugging).
  • If you propose with the Mermaid's Pendant, the wedding ceremony dialogue will be replaced with dialogue for a platonic "commitment ceremony," with altered dialogue using your configurable relationship label. Wedding dresses will be recolored to something other than white (unless you disable this using the EnableSpriteEdits config option, which reverts them to white, or unless you have Diverse Stardew Valley v2.4.0 or later installed, in which case your partner will wear a unique outfit for the ceremony; see the Compatibility section below). If you propose with the Friendship Bracelet, there will be no ceremony.
  • The social menu will display, by default, "partner" or "ex-partner" instead of "(ex)-husband/wife/housemate." You can change this label to whatever you prefer using the SocialMenuLabel config. If you have Multiple Spouses or Free Love, you can have separate labels for platonic and romantic housemates as of PPaF version 2.1.0.
  • Romantic marriage dialogue is adjusted to be platonic. This is somewhat subjective, but includes removing references to kissing, editing references to your "marriage" or "husband/wife", and replacing words like "dear" and "honey" with a configurable term of endearment that you can set in the config menu. (Your partner may also address you by name, or by one or more platonic terms of endearment unique to that character. Spouses set to RomanceWithoutSex may also occasionally use the configurable term of endearment.)
  • Your partner will react positively when you give other NPCs gifts, instead of getting jealous. (This also works for romantic spouses.) This only affects dialogue; you will still lose some friendship points with them, so I recommend installing Jealousy Responses Begone, which also prevents friendship loss.
  • If your partner (or spouse) is set to FullyPlatonic (or RomanceWithoutSex), references to physical intimacy beyond hugging or cuddling are removed.
  • If you propose with the Mermaid's Pendant, dialogue and game prompts related to having a biological child are edited to be about adoption, unless you set AlwaysAdopt to false (this also applies to romantic spouses). If you propose with the Friendship Bracelet, your partner won't ask about kids at all.
  • References to co-sleeping are removed, although you can still share a bed with your partner if you want. If you don't want co-sleeping to be part of your platonic partnership, the base game allows you to buy a second bed from Robin. (If you propose with the Mermaid's Pendant, you will still have to provide a double bed for your partner or they will complain. If you propose with the Friendship Bracelet, your partner can sleep in a single bed..)
  • Your partner will have unique dialogue when gifting the stardrop at 12 hearts. Spouses set to RomanceWithoutSex have their own, romantic version of this unique dialogue. 
  • 14-heart events have minor adjustments to make them platonic. 
  • Certain spoilery content in the 1.5 endgame is adjusted to be platonic. 

I'm aroace myself, and I did my best to make these partnerships feel validating for fellow aros and aces. My hope is that the configurable relationship label, configurable term of endearment, and relationship types will help with customizing the "vibe" of the relationship. However, I understand that people have a variety of preferences for the level of intimacy and commitment they prefer in a platonic partnership. I'll be on the lookout for requests to make specific aspects of the partnership configurable, and I'll try to make that happen in future updates. (In the meantime, your choice of partner can help with achieving the intimacy level you want. For instance, Elliott is poetically effusive about his affection for you; Sebastian and Harvey are more prone than most to say "I love you" outright; Emily, Leah, and Maru have more of a chill pals vibe; Haley and Penny often use terms of endearment whereas Alex rarely does.)

Requirements, Compatibility, Recommended Companion Mods, and Credits

  • Requires Content Patcher, since it's a content patch.
  • Recommended: Custom Fixed Dialogue - Continued (originally by aedenthorn, updated for 1.6 by datamancer). In previous versions of PPaF, CFD was required to give NPCs personalized platonic versions of many of the base game's generic lines related to dating and marriage. Most of those lines can now be edited with Content Patcher, but there are a few exceptions, which PPaF will handle via CFD Continued if it is installed. I especially recommend installing it if you are using a mod that enables multiple housemates (e.g. PolyamorySweet).
  • Recommended: Generic Mod Config Menu by spacechase0 and Pathoschild. PPaF's config options are extensive, and GMCM will make it much easier to customize them to your liking. 
  • Recommended: Platonic Relationships by CherryChain. Platonic Relationships lets you skip the bouquet requirement to get to 10 hearts with marriage candidates. Cherry kindly provided me with the information needed to make the mods work together, so although Platonic Relationships requires you to be dating a character to see their 10-heart event, you will be able to see the PPaF's 10-heart events without dating. Using Platonic Relationships to avoid gifting a bouquet to characters you're platonic with will improve PPaF's compatibility with mods that add romantic content for characters that have received a bouquet. However, please note that Platonic Relationships will also remove the bouquet lock from custom NPCs not affected by PPaF, which may result in unwanted romantic dialogue unless those custom NPC mods check for "dating" status instead of heart level. 
  • Recommended: No Cooties by ceruleandeep, if you have a platonic partner and you proposed with the Mermaid's Pendant. It lets you hug anyone on your farm instead of kissing them!
  • Recommended: FS Friendship Bracelet by PurpleChickadee, if you're using the Friendship Bracelet. It will let you wear your own friendship bracelet, as if your roommate or partner gave one to you in return!
  • Recommended: Bouquets To Love Letters by TheAppleSauceIsStale. It's fully compatible with PPaF, and replaces the bouquet with a letter (called a "Heartfelt Letter" when using it with PPaF), which should help with immersion if you find the bouquet to have too strong a romantic connotation.
  • Probably Compatible with PolyamorySweet by ApryllForever. You should be able to have both platonic roommates and romantic spouses in the same household. However, since PolyamorySweet is a more recent mod, I'm not yet familiar with how it might differ from pre-1.6 mods for multiple housemates (i.e. Multiple Spouses/Free Love). If you are using PolyamorySweet with PPaF, please let me know about any conflicts you run into and I will do what I can to mitigate them.

Open the spoiler below for a list of visual mods that I know to be compatible or mostly compatible with PPaF:


  • Compatible with Diverse Stardew Valley (DSV) by the DSV Team (see their mod page for individual author credits), as of DSV version 2.4.0. The DSV team has graciously agreed to host compatibility files for PPaF so that its portrait edits can be applied to all modded variants. They have also also gone the extra mile to create unique outfits for each character to wear in the platonic commitment ceremony, for which I'm very grateful; these unique sprites will replace PPaF's recolored wedding gowns. DSV automatically checks your relationship type settings in PPaF and applies sprite and portrait edits only to the characters they should affect.
  • Compatible with Seasonal Outfits - Slightly Cuter Aesthetic, as of version 1.1.0. The author, Poltergeister, has kindly given me permission to include copied sections from the mod's portrait assets in order to apply compatible blush edits. 
  • Mostly compatible with Seasonal Villager Outfits, but there are a few portraits where characters are wearing facial accessories like sunglasses which look a little strange when combined with PPaF's blush edits.

Open the spoiler below for a list of dialogue and event mods that I know to be compatible or mostly compatible with PPaF (all platonic edits to other mods' dialogue apply only to NPCs set to the relevant Relationship Types):
  • Compatible with Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion for All Friend-able Characters. The author, gizzymo, has kindly given me permission to include edited platonic versions of romantic dialogue added by CFDE. If you have the mod installed, these edits will replace CFDE's original romantic lines. In cases where PPaF and CFDE both edit the same vanilla lines, the platonic edit of CFDE's version will be applied if you have it installed. 
  • Compatible with Immersive Characters - Shane. The author, tenthousandcats, has kindly given me permission to include edited platonic versions of romantic dialogue added by IC - Shane. If you have the mod installed, these edits will replace IC-Shane's original romantic lines. In cases where PPaF and IC-Shane both edit the same vanilla lines, the platonic edit of IC-Shane's version will be applied if you have it installed.
  • Compatible, as of version 1.2.0., with Immersive Spouses. The author, Someguy363, has kindly given me permission to include edited platonic versions of Immersive Spouses' romantic dialogue. PPaF edits most of Immersive Spouses' romantic lines, with the exception of the gift reactions; you can turn these off in Immersive Spouses' config if you find them too romantic. As above, these edits are only applied if you have Immersive Spouses installed, and will override the original lines.
  • Compatible,  as of version 1.2.0, with Spouses React to Player 'Death'. The author, CasualInvidia, has kindly given me permission to include platonic edits to Spouses Reacts' new events and dialogue where your spouse displays concern after you "die" in any of the game's three mines. If the event features a platonic partner instead of a spouse, light platonic edits will be applied. These mostly consist of replacing words like "dear" or "husband" with PPaF's configurable term of endearment and partner label; the depth of emotion should be preserved from the original events. Since Spouses React allows you to disable events involving a divorced spouse, PPaF's "separated partner" versions of these events can also be toggled off by setting SpousesReact_ExInvolvement to false.
  • Compatible with Gender Neutrality Mod by Hanatsuki. PPaF does not use any of Gender Neutrality's assets, but dialogue and events edited by PPaF do not gender the player character or refer to them by a pronoun, so there should be no conflicts. Where both mods edit the same dialogue or events, the platonic version will be applied.
  • Compatible with Life Cycle - Rival Heart Events, as long as you aren't married or platonically partnered to the characters whose rival romances you downloaded. Gifting them the bouquet may prevent you from seeing the wedding events of the rival pairings who can get married, but you can use the Platonic Relationships mod to skip the bouquet requirement to get to 10 hearts.
  • Compatible with MissMarlot's Bachelors and Bachelorettes Stay Friends. PPaF does not use any of Stay Friends' assets, but implements a similar functionality. While PPaF only stops befriending NPCs in your platonic list from causing them to stop hanging out with their "rival partner," Stay Friends can make them keep hanging out regardless of their romantic or platonic status. To prevent conflicts, PPaF's more limited schedule changes are automatically disabled when Stay Friends is installed.
  • Compatible with Realistic Writer Elliott, as of version 1.2.6. The author, tiakall, has kindly given me permission to include platonic edits to Elliott's altered and expanded dialogue, events, and letters pertaining to his writing career.
  • Compatible with Please Remember My Marriage, as of version 2.2.0. The author, nraittanna, has kindly given me permission to include platonic edits to the townspeople's references to your relationship. Dialogues are lightly edited to refer to a platonic partnership instead of a marriage, using your custom relationship and social menu labels. 
  • Should be compatible with SystemWorks' Flexible Framework. PPaF's custom social menu label for platonic partners will now appear correctly with SWFF installed, and SWFF's altered jealousy events should now be blocked if you're platonic with any of the vanilla NPCs involved.
  • Compatible with Clint Rewritten. When using both mods and platonic with Emily, all Clint events will be consistent with neither the player nor Clint being romantically interested/involved with Emily.

Open the spoiler below for information on mods that may conflict with PPaF's features and possible workarounds:

  • Mods not mentioned above that edit/add dialogue or events, or that edit other in-game references to the bouquet, pendant, marriage or divorce, may override some of PPaF's changes or introduce new romantic content that PPaF does not replace. If you'd like to request that I add compatibility for one of these mods, contact me and I'll see what I can do. I'm happy to add compatibility wherever feasible, but creating compatibility patches will often require using the other mod's assets, for which I will need the mod author's permission.
  • Mods not mentioned above that alter portraits may conflict with PPaF's portrait edits (which remove blushing from certain portraits and also affect one of Penny's 10-heart-event portraits). If you're using such a mod, you can avoid conflicts by setting EnablePortraitEdits so that it does not apply to any relationship type. In this case, if UseLovePortraits is set to true, platonic NPCs will blush in some dialogue and events; if UseLovePortraits is set to false, alternate vanilla portraits will be used to avoid blushing. 
  • Mods not mentioned above that alter sprite shapes or wedding outfits may conflict with PPaF's wedding sprite edits (which recolor the female NPCs' wedding dresses). Generally, mods that only change clothing, like Seasonal Villager Outfits, will not conflict with the sprite edits. You can prevent conflicts by setting EnableSpriteEdits to false.
  • Mods not mentioned above that alter Abigail's, Alex's, or Elliott's schedules, or that alter maps in a way that interferes with their vanilla schedules, may conflict with PPaF's schedule edits. To prevent conflicts, set EnableScheduleChanges to false. 

If you find a conflict between PPaF and any of the mods listed as compatible, please let me know and I will fix it if at all possible.

Adding PPaF Compatibility to Other Mods

If you would like to make your own mod compatible with PPaF, you can access PPaF's config settings using its mod-provided tokens. For example, to check Abigail's relationship type setting, you would use {{PPaF.core/AbigailRelationshipType}}, and {{Amaranthacyan.PPAFSMAPI/RelationshipLabel} will give you the player's custom relationship label. All of the available tokens can be found in plaintext in the assets/options.json file in the [SMAPI] Platonic Partners and Friendships folder.  

Language Notes

Currently, the mod is only available in English, since that's the only language I'm fluent in. If anyone would like to contribute a translation to a language they write fluently, I would be happy to incorporate it with full credit! You can also upload it separately if you prefer.

Planned Features
  • i18n compatibility
  • An alternate "casual" dialogue set with the emotional intimacy toned down, for players who prefer a friendly roommate situation to a committed platonic partnership
  • A separate add-on mod with complete platonic routes for all Ridgeside Village marriage candidates -- in the works, beta version available  in PPaF's Discord server! (Note: doesn't work with 1.6 yet.)
  • Compatibility with additional dialogue and portrait mods (for this, I prioritize requests from the mod authors themselves, but I'm open to requests from anyone)

Feel free to contact me with feature, config option and compatibility requests! I can't promise to put everything in, but I'll do what I can. As mentioned at the top of the page, I'm available through Nexus or through PPaF's Discord server.