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Tord Boontje

Tord Boontje, the designer is unusually well known. Even if you do not know his name, chances are you will recognize his distinctive, delicate, and at times, edgy work. The New York […]... READ MORE
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Thad Hayes

Thad Hayes did seem somewhat nonplussed by our style of interviewing but he gamely went along with it, offering us very good insights into his way of doing things. Originally trained […]... READ MORE
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Don Rattner

Don and Gaby Rattner live in an elegant house in Brooklyn Heights, which they have furnished almost exclusively with antiques, old paintings and a few custom pieces. Although it does not […]... READ MORE
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Alexis Gregory

Private Splendor: Great Families At Home By Alexis Gregory and Marc Walter The Vendome Press The cover photograph of this rather elegiac and lovely book seems to say it all. The table in a […]... READ MORE
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Jeffrey Bilhuber

There is a brittle wit and energy to Jeffrey Bilhuber that belies a more serious person. His range of reference is impressive, as is his ability to rarely say anything boring. Occasionally there […]... READ MORE
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Juan Pablo Molyneux

What a grand, incredible world Mr Molyneux lives in, but what a thoughtful, courteous and cultured man he is. His design company works on some of the most astounding design […]... READ MORE
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Marshall Watson

We interviewed Marshall Watson on Valentine’s Day, which, if you remember was also the day of a fierce and gusting snow storm, one of those days when New Yorkers make a point […]... READ MORE
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Nancy Corzine

Furniture and textile designer, Nancy Corzine is tiny, elegant and very, very determined. Over the years she has single-handedly built a substantial business as well as raising three children. After nursing her […]... READ MORE
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Brian McCarthy

If someone wanted an example of the differences between true professional and amateur or mediocre interior design, they could do no better than use Brian McCarthy’s lovely apartment as a case study. […]... READ MORE
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Patsy Tarr

Patsy Tarr is really dedicated to her passion: The world of dance. She produces the extraordinary dance-related magazine 2wice that appears twice a year. It was a delight to interview someone who was […]... READ MORE
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Keith and Chippy Irvine

Keith and Chippy Irvine do seem to come from a different time when making and doing and cultivating inner resources were the focus of life, rather than whatever is the focus […]... READ MORE
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Peter Pennoyer

Peter Pennoyer’s work as an architect is firmly rooted in respect for classicism and tradition, designing as he does graceful, homes that acknowledge and incorporate our cultural connections to historical […]... READ MORE
