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Bridal Bouquets abloom from Sachin & Babi

Guest Diary
Karen Klopp and Hilary Dick stop into Sachin & Babi where they discover a sun-filled garden of botanical delights, luminescent flowing forms, and the warm personalities behind the creations... READ MORE
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Stopping to smell the roses in Washington DC

Guest Diary
Roses and Ralph Fiennes rise above politics before the summer kicks off in Washington, DC. ... READ MORE
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Jill Krementz Photo Journal: In Celebration of National Window Day — A Collection of Writers & their Windows

Guest Diary
Jill Krementz educates us about National Window Day and astounds us with 50 of her portraits of writers & their windows... READ MORE
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To revive and rehabilitate — Caron Treatment Centers and Sun River Health

Guest Diary
Lee Fryd takes on the subject of addiction and affordable health care while covering the 30th Annual Gala for Caron Treatment Centers before heading out east for a cocktail party for Sun River Health... READ MORE
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Refuge in Venice at Biennale Arte 2024, Part II

Guest Diary
Part II of Barbara Hodes' travelogue in Venice around the 60th International Art Exposition, aka the Biennale... READ MORE
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No Holds Barred: How low can you go?

Guest Diary
"It seems more chaos is the new lifestyle baseline ..." So states Blair Sabol in her latest No Holds Barred (political) discourse... READ MORE
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Sarasota Social Diary visits Selby Gardens for its annual Orchid Ball and The Ringling’s “The Greatest Show on Earth”

Guest Diary
With newcomers flooding in to Sarasota, it has been a particularly hectic social season writes Geraldine Fabrikant. But two of the town’s most popular destinations: Selby Gardens and The Ringling hosted memorable events of their own... READ MORE
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No Holds Barred: Nodding Out!

Guest Diary
Tough times and rough times, harsh times and fast times are the vibes to grin and bear where exhaustion has become the current state of being over in Blair’s world... READ MORE
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Conservancy Luncheon Purses

Guest Diary
From handmade, custom-made; from leather, silk and straw, antique Chanel; from matchy-matchy, and way beyond all of that in Sharon Hoge’s photos of the handbags at the annual Frederick Law Olmstead Awards Luncheon... READ MORE
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Playing for Change — making beautiful music for social change

Guest Diary
Lee Fryd attends the Playing for Change Foundation Impact Awards gala where guests flew in from New York and Europe; drove in from Palm Beach; came out of their Miami cocoons (like Lee herself) for a cause that confirms the amazing power of music... READ MORE
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Blooming on Bleecker

Guest Diary
Shopping guru Barbara Hodes takes us downtown to shop a single street, but one that consistently attracts countless brands and shoppers from all over the world... READ MORE
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Ready, Set, Fiesta!

Guest Diary
What to Wear gurus Karen Klopp and Hilary Dick prep for the most over-the-top, Texas-style celebration known as Fiesta San Antonio... READ MORE
