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George Floyd’s Death Sets Off a Wave of Protests

Ignited by the killing of Floyd by a law-enforcement officer, demonstrations targeting racial injustice and police brutality took place nationwide.

Released on 06/01/2020


[playful chime]

[Protester] I can't Breathe!

[Crowd] I can't breathe!

I can't breathe!

I can't breathe!

[Protesters] Say his name!

George Floyd!

Say his name!

George Floyd.

We want change.

[Protestors] We want change!

[Protester] We pulled together as a whole,

and that's what scares them.

[Crowd] George Floyd.

[Protestor] Say his name!

[Crowd] George Floyd.

[Protestor] Say his name!

[Crowd] George Floyd.

[protestors clapping]

[car horns honking] [crowd shouting]

[Crowd] No peace, no justice, no peace--

[intense music] [firing]

[crowd yelling]

Hey! [crowd noises]

Move it, move it now!

Back up, back up!

[protestors screaming]

[protestor coughing]

[Protester] Water, water, here!

Stop, stop!

[Protestor 1] You fucking pricks, fuck you!

[Protestor 2] Oh my God!

[Protestor 1] Fuck you, fuck you!

[protestors coughing]



[crowd murmuring]


[engine roaring]

[protestor hitting door]

[glass falling]

[glass shattering]

[protestors yelling]

What the hell, I got fuckin' tattoos, man.

Give me that jacket.

[solemn music]

[Protestors] NYPD, suck my dick!

[solemn music]