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Tucker Carlson

News Desk

Tucker Carlson Promised an Unedited Putin. The Result Was Boring

In an interview that lasted more than two hours, the Russian President aired well-trod grievances and gave a lecture full of spurious history meant to justify his war in Ukraine.
Our Columnists

Tucker Carlson Is Sort of Back

The former Fox host is embracing his new outsider status with “Tucker on Twitter.”
The Political Scene Podcast

What to Make of the Fall of Tucker Carlson

The staff writers Kelefa Sanneh, who profiled Carlson in 2017, and Andrew Marantz, who covers right-wing politics, on Carlson’s demise—and what comes next.
The New Yorker Radio Hour

The Fall of Tucker Carlson, and the Making of Candace Owens

Andrew Marantz, Kelefa Sanneh, and Clare Malone on two big stories about conservative media: the ouster of Fox’s leading man, and Owens’s rise as a culture-war influencer.
Our Columnists

It Doesn’t Matter Who Replaces Tucker Carlson

Perhaps more than those of any other network on television, the stars of Fox News are more or less interchangeable.
Daily Comment

The World According to Tucker Carlson

Donald Trump had the raw power on the right. But it was Carlson who set the ideological agenda.
Letter from Biden’s Washington

All Gaffes Are Not Created Equal: Biden vs. the Almighty Trump

On a week when the 2024 contrast could not be clearer.
Satire from The Borowitz Report

Tucker Carlson Produces Doctor’s Note Claiming He Would Be Unable to Raise Right Hand in Court

“Any attempt to raise said hand would result in excruciating, unbearable pain,” the note from the Fox News host’s orthopedist said.
Annals of Communications

The Fallout of Fox News’ Public Shaming

The Dominion lawsuit has exposed instances of pandering and duplicity, but none of it is likely to change the network’s business model.
Satire from The Borowitz Report

Tucker Carlson Airs Edited Footage Showing Fyre Festival Was Huge Success

Some viewers questioned the authenticity of one section of the video, which showed Jimi Hendrix performing “The Star-Spangled Banner.”
Annals of Communications

Watching Tucker Carlson for Work

According to Kat Abughazaleh, a researcher at Media Matters for America, “You don’t know Fox News until you are watching it for a job.”
Satire from The Borowitz Report

Tucker Carlson Fears That Leaked Texts of Him Telling Truth Will Kill His Brand

“Tucker is in a very dark place right now,” a Fox News colleague said. “To be unmasked as an honest person is literally his worst nightmare.”
Blitt’s Kvetchbook

Tucker Carlson Has No Filter

Better roasted than toasted.
Blitt’s Kvetchbook

Yeezy’s Newest Models Revealed

You’ll never guess who was spotted sporting Kanye’s brand.
Satire from The Borowitz Report

Tucker Carlson Warns That Alex Jones’s Billion-Dollar Penalty Will Have Chilling Effect on Lying

The Fox News host called the jury’s decision a “direct attack on the lying life style.”
Satire from The Borowitz Report

Tucker Carlson Calls Trump’s Theft of Nuclear Secrets Less Worrisome Than Hunter Biden’s Use of Joe’s Netflix Password

“If both of these things happened, what Hunter did was far worse,” Carlson said.
Satire from The Borowitz Report

Tucker Carlson Accuses Biden of Lowering Gas Prices

After gas prices showed their biggest one-day drop in almost fifteen years, Carlson said, “It’s time to call out the man behind this conspiracy: Joe Biden.”
Letter from Budapest

Does Hungary Offer a Glimpse of Our Authoritarian Future?

American conservatives recently hosted their flagship conference in Hungary, a country that experts call an autocracy. Its leader, Viktor Orbán, provides a potential model of what a Trump after Trump might look like.
Satire from The Borowitz Report

Fox News Unable to Air January 6th Hearings Owing to Reruns of Benghazi Hearings

“Our responsibility to our viewers, first and foremost, is to keep them up to date on what’s going on with Benghazi,” Tucker Carlson explained.
Shouts & Murmurs

Tucker Carlson on the Alien Invasion