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Supreme Court

Daily Comment

The Message of the Supreme Court’s Wild Ride of a Term

The anxiety about distinguishing a President from a king, which framed this Court term, is inextricably intertwined with the end-of-democracy theme of the 2024 Presidential race.
Daily Comment

The Supreme Court’s Immunity Ruling Is a Victory for Donald Trump

The conservative Justices gutted the January 6th case—and have made it harder to prosecute any President.
Daily Comment

Some Faint and Likely Temporary Relief on Abortion Rights

The Supreme Court has, for now, refrained from restricting access to urgently needed abortions.
The Political Scene Podcast

What You Need to Know About 2024’s Most Significant Supreme Court Decisions

In some of its most consequential cases, the Court is trying to clarify the sweeping decisions it previously made in Bruen and Dobbs.
Daily Comment

The Supreme Court Steps Back from the Brink on Guns

A new ruling upholds a law barring those under certain domestic-violence restraining orders from possessing firearms—but the Court’s stance on gun laws remains trapped in ambiguity.
The Political Scene Podcast

Trump’s “Bonkers” Immunity Claim, with Neal Katyal

Analyzing the former President’s quest for protection from prosecution before the U.S. Supreme Court.
Letter from Biden’s Washington

King Donald’s Day at the Supreme Court

A political hit job? A military coup? Trump’s lawyer tests the boundaries of a truly imperial Presidency.
Daily Comment

The Supreme Court Asks What Enron Has to Do with January 6th—and Trump

The former President notwithstanding, the government’s position in Fischer v. United States is unsettling.
Fault Lines

The Misguided Attempt to Control TikTok

The freedom to use social media is a First Amendment right, even if it’s one we should all avail ourselves of less often.
Daily Comment

The Supreme Court Keeps Donald Trump on the Ballot

The ruling in Trump v. Anderson is a win for the former President, but it also opens up new battles.
Annals of Medicine

The Fight Over I.V.F. Is Only Beginning

The fertility treatment has wide support, even among Republican voters, but it is at odds with key elements in the pro-life movement.
Daily Comment

The Scandal of Clarence Thomas’s New Clerk

Crystal Clanton became notorious for sending outlandishly racist texts. Now she’s been hired to work for the Justice—and a dubious new story has surfaced to clear her name.
Persons of Interest

One of the Last Abortion Doctors in Indiana

Caitlin Bernard is risking her career, and her safety, to care for pregnant patients.
Daily Comment

Trump’s Wild Pursuit of Presidential Immunity

The former President has already lost the immunity case twice, but he has also won something.
Daily Comment

The Supreme Court and the Risks of January 6, 2025

The Justices seem to want to avoid a major decision about whether Trump can serve as President—but if they do so they may set off a national crisis.
The Political Scene Podcast

Why the Trump Ballot Case Is the Ultimate Test of Originalism

The New Yorker staff writer and historian Jill Lepore on how an obscure constitutional provision that will be interpreted by the Supreme Court could affect Donald Trump’s candidacy for President.
Q. & A.

Colorado’s Top Court Kicked Trump Off the Ballot. Will the Supreme Court Agree?

A legal scholar analyzes how the nine Justices are likely to view the blockbuster decision.
Daily Comment

How Would This Supreme Court Rule on Book Banning?

A lawsuit filed in federal court in Iowa is one of a number of cases that may eventually come before the Court. The key precedent is an instructive decision from 1982.

The Difference That Sandra Day O’Connor Made

The late Supreme Court Justice had a keen feeling for the real-world impact of the Court’s decisions.
Daily Comment

The Supreme Court’s Self-Excusing Ethics Code

Under the Court’s new rules, the Justices appear not to have made any mistakes.