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Persons of Interest

How Jane McAlevey Transformed the Labor Movement

The renowned organizer and theorist has a terminal-cancer diagnosis. But she has long been fighting the clock.
Notes on Hollywood

Joy in Los Angeles as the Writers Reach a Tentative Deal

A strike captain reflects on the emotional highs and lows of five months on the picket lines.
Notes on Hollywood

“Orange Is the New Black” Signalled the Rot Inside the Streaming Economy

The innovative and daring show was a worldwide hit for Netflix, but some of the actors say that they were never fairly compensated.
Paris Postcard

Walking Paris’s Garbage-Strewn Streets

With France’s public trash collectors joining a general strike, the city has been divided in two: the Trashes and the Trash-Nots.
Letter from the U.K.

On the Picket Lines of Britain’s Shattered National Health Service

The N.H.S. is the country’s pride. But rolling strikes reveal a system in the midst of collapse.
Q. & A.

The Stunning Neglect and Racist Politics Behind Alabama’s Prison Strike

In 2020, the Department of Justice sued the state for running prisons that were “riddled” with violence. Since then, things have got worse.
Letter from the U.K.

The Inadequate Answers of Liz Truss, Britain’s Likely Next Prime Minister

Boris Johnson’s probable successor is offering little comfort as a recession looms.
2021 in Review

The Year in Labor Strife

COVID-19 appears to have lit a match beneath at least a decade’s worth of late-stage-capitalist tinder.
The Front Row

What to Stream: “With Babies and Banners,” the Still Urgent Story of Women Workers on Strike

Lorraine Gray’s 1979 documentary offers a fascinating view of a 1936-37 strike at G.M. plants in Flint, Michigan, and a harrowing account of the history of women and factory work.
The Sporting Scene

The Exhilarating Jolt of the Milwaukee Bucks’ Wildcat Strike

The spectacle of the empty court on Wednesday night, a stage for action rendered radiantly fallow, was a rejection of normalcy.
Under Review

Jane McAlevey’s Vision for the Future of American Labor

The author and activist is both a coach of today’s union movement and a chronicler of its key plays.
Our Columnists

Cancel the Rent

Evictions and foreclosures in the U.S. could trigger a new wave of infection and illness—but it’s not too late to act.
Dollars and Cents

The New York Renters Who Can’t Pay May

As the coronavirus economic shutdown stretches on, some tenants are turning missed rent payments into a movement.
Cultural Comment

New York’s Climate Strike and the Things That Make Teen-Agers March

What had brought them here? Everyone’s answer was the same, the only one possible: a sense of existential threat.
Letter from Los Angeles

L.A. Drivers Strike Against Uber and Lyft

“These Silicon Valley one-per-centers have only one goal,” one rideshare driver said, during Wednesday’s strike, “to slowly but surely turn us partners into an underclass.”

The Social-Justice Imperative Behind the L.A. Teachers’ Strike

The educators have a greater goal than a mere salary increase: the future of their public-school district and of public schools nationwide.
As Told To

An Inside Account of the National Prisoners’ Strike

Letter from Oklahoma

The Teachers’ Strike and the Democratic Revival in Oklahoma

A walkout mostly failed to secure more funding for schools, but it has spawned a movement of politically engaged Okies.
News Desk

The New Old Politics of the West Virginia Teachers’ Strike