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Second Read

A Jewish Immigrant Novelist’s Radical Vision for Working Women

The fiction of Anzia Yezierska captures the perennial tension between personal ambition and the obligations of care.
Annals of Inquiry

The Marxist Who Antagonizes Liberals and the Left

The renowned Black scholar Adolph Reed opposes the politics of anti-racism, describing it as a cover for capitalism.
The Political Scene

Another Buffalo Is Possible

This summer, India Walton looked likely to become the first Black woman to lead Buffalo, and the first socialist mayor of any major American city in decades. Then the sitting Democratic mayor launched a campaign to defeat her.
Satire from The Borowitz Report

Manchin Will Agree to Halloween Only if Candy Is Completely Removed

“Kids skip his house, because he just gives out coal,” one neighbor said.
Blitt’s Kvetchbook

Right-Wing Takes on A.O.C.’s Met Gala Look

The war of the gowns is on in Washington.
Our Columnists

Until Black Women Are Free, None of Us Will Be Free

Barbara Smith and the Black feminist visionaries of the Combahee River Collective.
The New Yorker Interview

Bernie Sanders Is Not Done Fighting

The senator on the protests, his phone calls with Joe Biden, and when to compromise.
California Chronicles

Mike Davis in the Age of Catastrophe

Once again, reality is catching up with the author’s instinct for prognostication.
Our Columnists

The Importance of Bernie Sanders and Socialism

Sanders’s Presidential campaign ultimately foundered, but the egalitarian agenda he promoted is more relevant than ever.
Q. & A.

How Socialist Is Bernie Sanders?

The historian Michael Kazin on whether the Vermont senator’s rise in a time of political upheaval is less shocking than people think.
The Political Scene

John Hickenlooper’s War on Socialism

The former Colorado governor is at odds with the implied passivity of programs such as Medicare for All and employment guarantees.
Our Columnists

Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, and Two Paths for the American Left

The starkest apparent point of contrast between the two Presidential candidates lies in how they describe themselves ideologically.
Our Columnists

Why Socialism Is Back

There is a direct link from the Wall Street bailout to the Presidential campaigns of Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren.

The Many, Tangled American Definitions of Socialism

Among both Democrats and Republicans, the term conjures dramatically different images, from decency to social decay—and the 2020 Presidential election may hinge upon its interpretation.
On Television

“The Society,” Reviewed: A Teen Dystopia, but with, Like, Socialism

The Netflix series is thoughtfully trashy, a “Lord of the Flies” made more in the image of “Riverdale,” with an unabashed horniness for sex, murder, and supernatural occurrences.
The Current

Socialism Is on the March at CPAC

At this year’s Conservative Political Action Conference, setting the table for a Third Red Scare was the main idea.
A Critic at Large

Eugene V. Debs and the Endurance of Socialism

Half man, half myth, Debs turned a radical creed into a deeply American one.
Daily Comment

What Does Socialism Have to Do with Sex?

A new book illustrates how it might be possible for a woman in a socialist society to have an entirely different relationship to something as fundamental as sex or health.