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Sexual Assault

The Political Scene Podcast

#MeToo, 2021

What the case of Blake Bailey tells us about the state of the crusade against sexual misconduct.
Cultural Comment

Blake Bailey, Philip Roth, and the Biography That Blew Up

The author of one of the year’s biggest books has been accused of sexual assault. Strangely, it was precisely his subject that exposed him to scrutiny.
Under Review

The Politics of Bad Sex

A new book argues that current standards of affirmative consent place too much emphasis on knowing what we want.
The Front Row

“Test Pattern,” Reviewed: A Brilliant Début Examines the Aftermath of Sexual Assault

Shatara Michelle Ford’s feature feels conceived not for the purpose of revealing inner lives alone but to put society at large to the test.
Cultural Comment

The Marilyn Manson Reckoning

Evan Rachel Wood’s accusations of abuse reveal a blind spot in our reverence for outsider musicians.
Cultural Comment

How “Promising Young Woman” Refigures the Rape-Revenge Movie

The twisty thriller upends a dark genre’s most familiar tropes, telling the story of a long aftermath and the guilt shared by those in power.
Daily Comment

What the New Vatican Report Shows About the Church’s Failures in Addressing Sexual Abuse

The example of Theodore McCarrick demonstrates the Church’s inability to deal with abuse in frank, clear terms.
Our Columnists

A Fair Examination of the Allegations Against Joe Biden Can Strengthen the #MeToo Movement

What is emerging from this episode is a later-draft, more refined #MeToo, in which “Believe women” stands for the imperative to listen respectfully and investigate thoughtfully.
Daily Comment

Joe Biden, Tara Reade, and the Democrats’ Unasked-for Dilemma

It may not be possible to know for sure whether Reade’s allegation is true, but it is not being ignored. In the meantime, there is a blunt truth to face: four more years of Trump would be disastrous, not least for women.
The Sporting Scene

Anger, Love, and the Evolving Legacy of Kobe Bryant

In life Bryant was known for a relentless and often solitary drive for greatness. But in death he was remembered as a father.
Q. & A.

“I Haven’t Exhaled in So Long”: Surviving Harvey Weinstein

Rose McGowan on what it felt like to watch the convicted predator be taken into police custody after being found guilty of sex crimes.
Our Local Correspondents

The Weinstein Trial’s Imperfect, Moving Conclusion

In recognizing the horror of at least some of Weinstein’s deeds, the court signalled that powerful institutions are beginning to listen to women’s voices and that the legal system might learn to address sexual violence in all its contextual complexity.
Double Take

The Reporting That Led to Harvey Weinstein’s Trial and Conviction

The Hollywood producer has been found guilty of felony sex crime and third-degree rape. Read our coverage from the past two years, including Ronan Farrow’s groundbreaking report, which helped usher in the #MeToo era.
Our Local Correspondents

The Weinstein Trial and the Myth of the Perfect Victim

We often discuss professional life as if it were completely distinct from sexual life, but, in fact, women are often forced to negotiate the blurry space between the two, especially in Hollywood, where sexual appeal is effectively a professional requirement.
Cultural Comment

Reading J. M. Coetzee’s “Disgrace” During the Harvey Weinstein Trial

The novel does not portray the serial predator that Weinstein is alleged to be, yet it suggests that power exerted without consideration of humanity carries fearsome, unknowable, and often directly retributive costs.
Our Local Correspondents

The Opening Statements in the Harvey Weinstein Trial and the Undermining of #MeToo

No one understands the abuse of power better than a person who’s fallen victim to it, as the women testifying in the Weinstein trial quite possibly know.
Q. & A.

Ronan Farrow on What the Harvey Weinstein Trial Could Mean for the #MeToo Movement

“There’s a constituency of survivors and activists for whom the case carries profound meaning,” Farrow says. “It’s a test of a lot of systems that have failed a lot of people for a long time.”
Culture Desk

The Irrepressibly Political Survivorship of Chanel Miller

In her memoir, “Know My Name,” victimhood is a conduit to expertise, and trauma is a mode of human insight.
Double Take

The World of Jia Tolentino

From The New Yorker’s archive: the staff writer’s uncommonly rewarding work.
Annals of Law

Alan Dershowitz, Devil’s Advocate

The noted lawyer’s long, controversial career—and the accusations against him.