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Presidential Debates

The Current

Bernie Sanders Runs Out the Clock at a Chaotic Democratic Debate

Someone may yet emerge who can successfully challenge Sanders, who is now the undisputed front-runner, but it hasn’t happened yet.
Our Columnists

At the Democratic Debate, Can the Other Candidates Halt the Rise of Michael Bloomberg?

The way that the former New York mayor has barged into the race, knocking candidates with far fewer resources out of the spotlight, harkens back to what Donald Trump did in the 2016 Republican primary.
Campaign Chronicles

Spinning in Des Moines After the Democratic Debate

Now that the Democratic field has winnowed to half a dozen candidates, everyone at the debate site—candidates, staff, reporters—seemed to be quietly waiting for the voting to finally start.
Our Columnists

At the Democratic Debate, a State of Stasis

Tuesday’s Presidential debate suggested that the Democrats may no longer set the agenda in the 2020 race.
Daily Cartoon

Daily Cartoon: Tuesday, January 14th

The G.O.P. elephant settles in to watch the Democratic donkey prizefight.
Daily Comment

The Impeachment Question Democrats Didn’t Answer During the Debate

When the candidates in Thursday’s Democratic Presidential debate were asked how they would persuade the country to support Trump’s impeachment, most of them either dodged or changed the subject.
Daily Comment

Answers to the Impeachment Question at the Democratic Debate

No one on the stage was against impeachment, but the candidates varied in their sense of where the process might lead.
Our Columnists

Is This Elizabeth Warren’s Democratic Party?

Warren aims to hitch the Democrats to an agenda of sweeping economic transformation. Tuesday’s debate suggested that the Party has not yet fully embraced that path.
The Current

Impeachment Consensus Makes the Democratic-Debate Stage

Tuesday’s primary debate began with an expansive conversation about impeachment, and unity and resolve were the themes of the night.

The Democrats’ Trust Exercise

Last week’s debate was largely about how radical, or just how ambitious, the Party and its candidates are prepared to be.
News Desk

The New Yorker’s Coverage of the September Democratic Debate

What everyone presumably could agree on was that this moment in American history called for a more serious tone than is currently coming out of the Oval Office.
Our Columnists

Joe Biden at the Third Democratic Debate: the Good, the Bad, and the Record Player

If the former Vice-President’s performance marked an improvement from the earlier debates, it also surely benefitted from diminished expectations.
The Current

Where Was Mayor Pete Buttigieg at the Democratic Debate?

It’s not that he was absent from the night entirely, but it was hard to see the Buttigieg who had risen to the cusp of front-runner status in the 2020 field.
The Current

Are the Democratic Presidential Debates Working?

With the single exception of Elizabeth Warren, all the candidates ended the summer in essentially the same position in which they started the race.
Daily Comment

Something for the Democrats to Try at the Debates: a Little Togetherness

The old tradition of political parties pulling together only after choosing a ticket and adopting a platform may not be adequate to the present occasion.
Campaign Chronicles

A Smaller Debate Lineup Ushers In the Next Stage of the 2020 Democratic Primary

At the upcoming debate, candidates with the highest poll numbers, biggest campaigns, and most money will be onstage together during prime-time television for the first time.
The Political Scene Podcast

Senator Michael Bennet on His Long-Shot Bid for the Presidency

The Colorado senator, one of more than twenty Democrats vying for the Party’s Presidential nomination, joins Dorothy Wickenden to discuss the race, the Party, and the President.
News Desk

What to Expect on the Second Night of the Democratic Debate

With Joe Biden and Kamala Harris replacing Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren as the front-runners on Wednesday, the divisions among the candidates won’t be as amplified by ideological contrasts.
Our Columnists

Democratic Debate 2019: Joe Biden’s Faltering Performance Raises Big Doubts About His Campaign

The debate generated fresh concerns about the former Vice-President’s preparation, age, grasp of the environment in which he is operating, and basic political skills.
News Desk

The First Democratic Debates of 2019: All the Coverage in The New Yorker

Moments that changed the race, a notable evasion, and analysis and commentary on the contest for the Party’s nomination.