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John Kerry

The New Yorker Interview

John Kerry Thinks We’re at a Critical Moment on Climate Change

As he steps down from office, the first Presidential envoy on the climate says that we have made progress, but we’re not moving fast enough.
Daily Comment

John Kerry Is Looking for Money (to Help Save the Climate)

Private capital may require some “concessions” before it helps developing countries transition to clean energy.
Q. & A.

John Kerry on the Unfathomable Stakes of the Next U.N. Climate-Change Conference

Ahead of a major summit, the first special Presidential envoy for climate discusses the diplomatic tightrope he faces post-Trump, and the best outcome he can hope to achieve.
The New Yorker Radio Hour

Jack Antonoff on Growing Up Jersey

The acclaimed music producer returns with a record of his own. Plus, John Kerry on trying to get the world to tackle climate change; and an evangelical scholar breaks from her church.
Daily Comment

The Non-Transformation of Donald J. Trump

News Desk

Iran’s Grim News from Syria

Visiting Dignitary

Greener Pastures

News Desk

A Moment for Hope in Syria


Negotiating the Whirlwind

News Desk

An American Hostage in Iran—Again

News Desk

Iran’s Javad Zarif on Russia and Peace in Syria

Visiting Dignitaries

Clean Plate Club

News Desk

Will Iran Coöperate on Syria?

News Desk

An American Flag in Cuba

Daily Cartoon

Daily Cartoon: Tuesday, July 21st

Daily Comment

Comment from the July 27, 2015, Issue

News Desk

An Iran Deal, At Last