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International Relations

Daily Comment

The War Games of Israel and Iran

While Netanyahu and the Islamic Republic exchange ballistic “messages,” the question of Palestine demands the moral and strategic courage of actual statesmen.
The Weekend Essay

The Road to Dubai

The latest round of international climate negotiations is being held in a petrostate. What could go wrong?
Cultural Comment

If Peace Were a Prize

If the world of fable teaches us anything, it’s that even our most precious values are contingent, or won at great cost.
Q. & A.

Why Is President Biden Hosting Narendra Modi?

The journalist Fareed Zakaria credits India’s Prime Minister with a strong national economy—and the decay of Indian democracy.
Q. & A.

Cutting Off Putin’s Pipelines to Europe

An import ban on Russian energy may be the most effective way to stop the war in Ukraine. But could the E.U. handle the shock?
Double Take

Sunday Reading: Great Interviewers

From the magazine’s archive: a selection of pieces about talented interviewers over the decades.
Daily Comment

Russia and China Unveil a Pact Against America and the West

In a sweeping long-term agreement, Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping, the two most powerful autocrats, challenge the current political and military order.
Double Take

Sunday Reading: The Ukraine Crisis

From the magazine’s archive: a selection of pieces on Ukraine and the changing nature of its relationship with Russia.
The Sporting Scene

China’s Provocation at the Olympic Opening Ceremonies

In Beijing, the inclusion of the cross-country skier Dinigeer Yilamujiang, whom China identified as of Uyghur heritage, seemed to carry a double message.
Q. & A.

The Terror Facing Human-Rights Activists in Kabul

A longtime U.S. adviser on Afghanistan describes the failures of the withdrawal and the fears of liberals who remain in the country.
News Desk

Vienna Is the New Havana Syndrome Hot Spot

Roughly two dozen possible new cases have been reported by U.S. spies and diplomats in the Austrian capital, more than in any other city except Havana itself.
Our Columnists

The World Likes Biden But Doubts the U.S. Can Reclaim Global Leadership

The new President’s core problem is persuading allies to believe in America again.
Q. & A.

The Next Stage of the Ideological Struggle Between the U.S. and China

The journalist John Pomfret describes how Joe Biden’s approach to China may differ from that of the Trump Administration.
Our Columnists

Fury at America and Its Values Spreads Globally

Around the world, our allies are protesting the United States’ persistent problems with police violence and racism, just as our rivals are exploiting growing U.S. unrest for their own goals.
Video Dept.

What the Coronavirus Means for Europe’s Future

Can the Continent weather the pandemic without international coöperation?
Daily Comment

Trump Says that Nicolás Maduro Is No Longer Venezuela’s President. Maduro Disagrees

For now, depending on which side one takes, there are not one but two Venezuelan Presidents.
News Desk

Trump’s Speech at the U.N. Triggers Laughter—and Disbelief

Trump’s U.N. address reflected the growing gap between the White House and the world. The theme throughout—whether on political, security, or economic challenges—was that nations are better off going it alone.

Francis Fukuyama Postpones the End of History

The political scientist argues that the desire of identity groups for recognition is a key threat to liberalism.
Daily Comment

Can Imran Khan Really Reform Pakistan?

News Desk

How Trump and Three Other U.S. Presidents Protected Israel’s Worst-Kept Secret: Its Nuclear Arsenal

The first of the four secret letters, in which U.S. Administrations agreed not to pressure Israel to give up its undeclared nuclear weapons, was drafted during the Clinton Administration.