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Infinite Scroll

The Internet’s New Favorite Philosopher

Byung-Chul Han, in treatises such as “The Burnout Society” and his latest, “The Crisis of Narration,” diagnoses the frenetic aimlessness of the digital age.
Persons of Interest

The Rise and Fall of the Trad Wife

Alena Kate Pettitt helped lead an online movement promoting domesticity. Now she says, “It’s become its own monster.”
The Weekend Essay

Coming of Age at the Dawn of the Social Internet

Online platforms allowed me to cultivate a freer version of myself. Then the digital world began to close off.
2023 in Review

Instagram’s Favorite New Yorker Cartoons in 2023

The gags that got the Internet laughing, and liking, the most in the past year.
Infinite Scroll

How Social Media Abdicated Responsibility for the News

The Israel-Hamas war has displayed with fresh urgency the perils of relying on our feeds for updates about events unfolding in real time.
Under Review

The “Scammer” and the Scammed

The duelling memoirs of Caroline Calloway and Natalie Beach.
Daily Cartoon

Daily Cartoon: Monday, March 27th

“Just five more minutes.”
Shouts & Murmurs

The Art of the Soft Launch

Earnest and heartfelt Instagram announcements are out. Instead, try to be vague and insouciant.
The New Yorker Documentary

Elsa Majimbo’s Unfiltered Comedy

In Julia Jansch’s short documentary “Elsa,” the Kenyan comedian opens up about the darker side of becoming a social-media sensation.
Rabbit Holes

The Instagram Reels Gold Rush

Influencers discovered they could earn tens of thousands of dollars on the platform by making simple reaction videos. 
Shouts & Murmurs

I Didn’t Post an Old Photo of Myself on Instagram and Now I’m Cursed with Two Years of Bad Luck

Most people don’t know this, but we all consented to being hexed by Instagram when we signed their terms of service.
Culture Desk

Things I’ve Seen

My Polaroid camera is now a retired witness of former travels. But my cell phone has enabled me to unite with the exploding collage of our culture.
Cover Story

Victoria Tentler-Krylov’s “#fallstyle”

The artist discusses Charlotte Gainsbourg, Uggs, and finding inspiration on Instagram.
Daily Cartoon

Daily Cartoon: Friday, September 16th

“I feel like Instagram really wants us to go apple-picking this weekend.”
Shouts & Murmurs

Reading Between the Lines in Instagram Dog-Adoption Posts

What they say: “Mr. Pickles is a sweet older dog who loves to take it easy.” What they mean: “Mr. Pickles might just be a human cursed to live as a dog.”
Infinite Scroll

The Age of Algorithmic Anxiety

Interacting online today means being besieged by system-generated recommendations. Do we want what the machines tell us we want?

DALL-E, Make Me Another Picasso, Please

The creators of an artificial intelligence that can produce almost any art work imaginable—from “cheeseburger lamp” to “the rest of mona lisa”—sift through their latest requests for original images.
Infinite Scroll

How the Internet Turned Us Into Content Machines

Two new books examine how social media traps users in a brutal race to the bottom.
Q. & A.

Meg Stalter Skipped Straight from the Internet to “Hacks”

The comedian describes finding online success during the pandemic, playing Helen Keller’s mom (briefly), and the inspiration behind “Hi, gay.”
Rabbit Holes

BeReal and the Fantasy of an Authentic Online Life

The difference between this app and the social-media giants isn’t its relationship to truth but the size and scale of its deceptions.