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Ilhan Omar

Letter from Jerusalem

What Israeli and Palestinian Activists Had Hoped to Tell Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib

The fallout from Israel’s ban on the two members of Congress has exposed a growing rift in the country over how to respond to B.D.S. supporters.
Daily Comment

By Barring Two Congresswomen, Trump and Netanyahu Set a Trap for Democrats

To the Democratic Party’s chagrin, American progressives have been drawn into a simple contest about Israel’s reputation, which can elide its realities.

Donald Trump’s Idea of Selective Citizenship

Last week, the President wasn’t just attacking four congresswomen of color; he was reanimating ideas whose prevalence wreaked havoc in the nation’s past.
Satire from The Borowitz Report

Trump Denies Being at North Carolina Rally

“It’s the kind of thing I would have been disgusted by if I had been there to hear it,” he said. “Unfortunately, I wasn’t there.”
Letter from Trump’s Washington

“I’m Winning”: Donald Trump’s Calculated Racism

The President’s plan is for a political civil war, and it is working.
Daily Comment

From “Lock Her Up” to “Send Her Back”: Trump in North Carolina

When asked about the chant, Trump told reporters he disagreed with it. But it was the President who set the terms here.
Cultural Comment

Trump, the Squad, and the “Standard Definition” of Racism

This is the dull semantics of racism: the white conservative twists the discursive field so that he is the sane arbiter of what is or isn’t racist; everyone else is “recklessly” invoking the most sacrilegious offense.
Daily Comment

A Racist in the White House

Will Trump’s voters flee or remain loyal to a bigot?
Our Columnists

Trump’s Overt Racism Is Uniting Democrats and Unnerving Some Republicans

Just how far does the President have to go before his Party colleagues muster the independence to register some semblance of a protest? We may finally have an answer.
Our Columnists

Trump, Pelosi, and the Squad Are Fighting Over Who Belongs in Government

The U.S. government may have assimilated Trump, but he seems to think the jury is still out on Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Ayanna Pressley, and Rashida Tlaib.
Our Columnists

Trump’s Racist Tweets, and the Question of Who Belongs in America

It is the lot of so many immigrants, children of immigrants, and people of color in this country to wonder whether we can ever truly belong here, and who gets to decide.
Our Columnists

The Dangerous Bullying of Ilhan Omar

The freshman representative’s fundamental positions are as uncomfortable for many Americans as they are indisputable. Her way of expressing them makes her easy to shun.
The Political Scene

Ilhan Omar’s Embattled First Months in Office

To the freshman representative, the controversies surrounding her are an episode not in the Jewish experience but in the Muslim one.

How Ilhan Omar Won Over Hearts in Minnesota’s Fifth

News Desk

A Muslim Woman Also Got Elected Last Week