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Hunter Biden

Daily Comment

The Bidens Can’t Let Go

The President’s family has defended him by invoking his past. But these arguments aren’t landing, since the case against his Presidency is that he isn’t even capable of leading as he could twelve months ago.
The Political Scene Podcast

Hunter Biden’s Conviction and Trump’s Risk to the Justice Department in 2024

“It defies imagination to think that this is a case that would have existed in any other context than the context of Biden being in the White House,” Susan B. Glasser says. 

Is Hunter Biden a Scapegoat or a Favored Son?

The portrait that has cohered at his Wilmington trial is of a precious commodity, a man whom others conspire lovingly to shield.
Letter from Biden’s Washington

The Crazy Collapse of the House G.O.P.’s Impeachment Case Against Biden

“A Big Russian Intelligence Op” flops on Capitol Hill.
Cultural Comment

Hunter Biden and the Things Left Unsaid

The President’s son is a ubiquitous topic of conversation. But, in four Biden-family memoirs, silence is the undercurrent that tugs at a voluble, demonstrative clan.
Our Columnists

Why Republicans Are Complaining About the Hunter Biden Special Counsel That They Asked For

Eager to shift attention from the crimes and malfeasances of their own likely Presidential candidate, Republicans are more than happy to move the goalposts on the Hunter Biden case.
News Desk

Is the F.B.I. Truly Biased Against Trump?

An agent turned whistle-blower claims that the Bureau was eager to investigate Hunter Biden—but protected Rudy Giuliani.
The Political Scene Podcast

Hunter Biden and the Mechanics of the “Scandal Industrial Complex”

A stalled plea deal, political missteps of First Families past, and Speaker McCarthy’s step toward impeaching the President over his son.
The Political Scene Podcast

The Family Heritage That Led to Hunter Biden

How the previously untold history of the Bidens illuminates the story of the President’s second son.
Letter from Biden’s Washington

What Joe Biden Didn’t Say to Narendra Modi

Whether “hypocritical pivot” or pure pragmatism, the President had more than one reason to skip the lectures on democracy.
Our Columnists

The Hunter Biden Plea Deal Leaves House Republicans in a Pickle

The White House can now point out that it let the legal process take its course, which is what has happened.
The Political Scene

What the Twitter Files Reveal About Free Speech and Social Media

The company’s internal documents were supposed to prove a progressive agenda—mostly, they have exposed the limitations of the platform and its new owner.
Cultural Comment

“My Son Hunter” Is Not the Hunter Biden Movie We Need, or the One We Deserve

The Breitbart film is an amateurish, often batshit satire-cum-thriller-cum-melodrama-cum-propaganda-organ, which switches between modes with the unexpectedness of a Surrealist cutup.
Satire from The Borowitz Report

Tucker Carlson Calls Trump’s Theft of Nuclear Secrets Less Worrisome Than Hunter Biden’s Use of Joe’s Netflix Password

“If both of these things happened, what Hunter did was far worse,” Carlson said.
Letter from Trump’s Washington

Trump at the Debate Was Like America in 2020: Not Winning

In the end, the topic that matters isn’t Hunter Biden but the pandemic.
Satire from The Borowitz Report

New Poll Shows Trump Losing to Hunter Biden

In the most ominous news for the President, if the former Vice-President’s son were somehow prosecuted, convicted, and locked up, voters would still choose him over Trump by a double-digit margin.
Our Columnists

Donald Trump’s Debt to China

The Chinese financial investments that end up funding Trump’s office buildings are the mirror image of the trade deficit that has cost the United States millions of jobs.
Satire from The Borowitz Report

Fox to Address Coronavirus Crisis with Three-Part Series on Hunter Biden

“People are worried, they’re scared, and they don’t know where to turn for accurate information,” Sean Hannity said.
Daily Comment

Lindsey Graham Wants Hunter Biden Investigated—Just Not Right Now

Opening the door to witnesses by having Biden testify will likely mean closing the door on whatever defenses Donald Trump might have left.
News Desk

How Lev Parnas Became Part of the Trump Campaign’s “One Big Family”

Parnas was an early supporter of Trump. Now, after investigating Joe and Hunter Biden, he is at the center of the investigation that could result in the President’s impeachment.