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The Political Scene Podcast

What You Need to Know About 2024’s Most Significant Supreme Court Decisions

In some of its most consequential cases, the Court is trying to clarify the sweeping decisions it previously made in Bruen and Dobbs.
Daily Comment

The Supreme Court Steps Back from the Brink on Guns

A new ruling upholds a law barring those under certain domestic-violence restraining orders from possessing firearms—but the Court’s stance on gun laws remains trapped in ambiguity.

Is Hunter Biden a Scapegoat or a Favored Son?

The portrait that has cohered at his Wilmington trial is of a precious commodity, a man whom others conspire lovingly to shield.
News Desk

Even Before His Trial, the N.R.A.’s Wayne LaPierre Was a Fraud

The pro-gun group’s former leader used the organization’s funds to enrich himself and those close to him. But the deception went much deeper.
Our Columnists

Can the Government of Mexico Bring the U.S. Gun Industry to Book?

A federal appeals court has ruled that a lawsuit from the Mexican government against American firearms manufacturers can move forward. Now the gunmakers are preparing an appeal to the Supreme Court.
U.S. Journal

An Unpermitted Shooting Range Upends Life in a Quiet Town

Residents of Pawlet, Vermont, were accustomed to calm and neighborly interactions. Then a new resident moved in.
Our Columnists

The Dead Children We Must See

It’s time for Americans to rethink their squeamishness about releasing the photos of the youngest victims of mass violence.
The Political Scene Podcast

Sybrina Fulton: “Trayvon Martin Could Have Been Anybody’s Son”

The mother whose teen-age boy’s death inspired a movement a little more than a decade ago continues to grieve his loss, and to demand accountability.
Under Review

How the AR-15 Became an American Brand

The rifle is a consumer product to which advertisers successfully attached an identity—one that has translated to a particularly intractable politics.
The Weekend Essay

The Last Gun I Shot

As a Texan, as an American, I believed that I wouldn’t be able to understand where I lived unless I wrapped my head around the guns themselves.
A Reporter at Large

When Law Enforcement Alone Can’t Stop the Violence

Amid a murder crisis in America, community-based solutions have received a flood of funding. How effective are they?
Our Columnists

Gun Violence Is America’s Never-Ending Plague

The mass shooting in Monterey Park was one of dozens already this year.
Daily Comment

The Spectre of Anti-Asian Violence in the Monterey Park Shooting

As we waited for details to emerge, there was the familiar apprehension and dread experienced by so many Asian Americans since attacks against them began to soar during the pandemic.
A Reporter at Large

The Shoddy Conclusions of the Man Shaping the Gun-Rights Debate

John Lott is the most influential pro-gun researcher in the country. But his methods and findings have been repeatedly debunked.
Daily Comment

Highland Park and an Illegitimate Supreme Court

Recent rulings on gun and abortion rights have revealed a conservative majority executing a long-standing agenda of radical right-wing ideas.
Daily Comment

The Supreme Court’s Reckless Ruling on Guns

The decision will expose any number of well-established laws to similar challenges, and rattle efforts to arrive at a national consensus on guns.
Our Local Correspondents

What the Supreme Court’s Gun Ruling Means for New York

On Thursday, a conservative majority struck down a hundred-and-eleven-year-old gun law restricting the ability to carry handguns outside of the home.
Q. & A.

The Historical Cherry-Picking at the Heart of the Supreme Court’s Gun-Rights Expansion

A century-old New York law requiring individuals to prove “proper cause” to carry a handgun has been struck down. Are other gun-safety measures in peril?

Will the G.O.P. Finally Make a Deal on Guns?

A bipartisan proposal offers Republicans the novel experience of running on a record of having acted to ease the gun crisis—if they can overcome their moral timidity.
Daily Comment

Looking for Reasons to Be Hopeful About Gun Legislation

Canada initiates more real progress and, in this country, something would be better than nothing.