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Deborah Ramirez

News Desk

The F.B.I. Probe Ignored Testimonies from Former Classmates of Kavanaugh

Several people who knew the Supreme Court nominee in high school or college tried to share their stories with the F.B.I., but not all of them were successful.
News Desk

The Confusion Surrounding the F.B.I.’s Renewed Investigation of Brett Kavanaugh

Several people who hoped to contribute information to the Bureau’s investigation said that they struggled to make contact with agents.
Daily Comment

With Brett Kavanaugh, as with Donald Trump, Conservatives Defend a Tainted Nominee

Kavanaugh’s nomination has presented the conservative movement with a golden opportunity to take a stand against the new culture of accountability for sexual abuse.
The Current

What to Expect from the Christine Blasey Ford Hearing

News Desk

Why Haven’t Republicans Abandoned Brett Kavanaugh?

As reporters have investigated his past, a mountain of evidence has accumulated against the claims about Kavanaugh’s character as a teen-ager and young man.
Our Columnists

Deborah Ramirez’s Allegation Against Brett Kavanaugh Raises Classic Questions of Campus Assault Cases

The public is getting a crash course in what universities face when deciding how to evaluate accusations among students, with administrators having to know far more details than they might want to.
News Desk

Senate Democrats Investigate a New Allegation of Sexual Misconduct, from the Supreme Court Nominee Brett Kavanaugh’s College Years

A Yale classmate of Kavanaugh’s describes a dormitory party gone awry and a drunken incident that she wants the F.B.I. to investigate.