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Christine Blasey Ford

Comment Podcast

Bystanders to History

Once the Senate Republicans decided to countenance demagoguery, one step led to another.

Guerrilla Artists Protest Brett Kavanaugh with Light

The members of the Illuminator collective travel the city in a van outfitted with a periscope, a projector, and a message.

Brett Kavanaugh and the G.O.P.’s Bargain with Trump

Once the Senate Republicans decided to countenance demagoguery, one step led to another.
The Current

Video: Brett Kavanaugh’s Path to the Supreme Court

Ten key moments in Kavanaugh’s rocky confirmation process.
Our Columnists

The Political Aftermath of the Senate’s Final Kavanaugh Vote

With the midterm elections just a month away, it is easy enough to see what many liberals will do now.
The Current

Susan Collins’s Elaborate Yes on Brett Kavanaugh, and Lisa Murkowski’s Straightforward No

How did these two lawmakers, who have at times been treated as a pair on high-stakes votes, reach contrary ends?
Daily Comment

What Most Disqualifies Brett Kavanaugh for the Supreme Court?

Culture Desk

The Tears of Brett Kavanaugh

Kavanaugh’s performance last Thursday, before the Senate Judiciary Committee, combined the postwar attitude that men should be in touch with their feelings with the intrinsic American ideal of white male privilege.
The Current

The F.B.I. Investigation of Brett Kavanaugh and the Politics of Thoroughness

On Capitol Hill this week, it was as if “thoroughness” were just another issue that liberals and conservatives view differently, and not something that can be verifiably assessed.
News Desk

The F.B.I. Probe Ignored Testimonies from Former Classmates of Kavanaugh

Several people who knew the Supreme Court nominee in high school or college tried to share their stories with the F.B.I., but not all of them were successful.
Comment Podcast

On the Attack

Christine Blasey Ford spoke with disarming directness and vulnerability, but the hearing unleashed in Brett Kavanaugh a bitter, partisan rage pumped up with conspiracy theory.
News Desk

The Confusion Surrounding the F.B.I.’s Renewed Investigation of Brett Kavanaugh

Several people who hoped to contribute information to the Bureau’s investigation said that they struggled to make contact with agents.

How the Kavanaugh Protests Reached the National Stage

It had seemed, at the start of the morning, that the protesters were there to express their endurance. But by midmorning the day had veered in another direction.

On the Attack

Daily Comment

With Brett Kavanaugh, as with Donald Trump, Conservatives Defend a Tainted Nominee

Kavanaugh’s nomination has presented the conservative movement with a golden opportunity to take a stand against the new culture of accountability for sexual abuse.
Culture Desk

Good Luck Finding a Copy of Mark Judge’s “Wasted: Tales of a Gen X Drunk”

A memoir from 1997 that may or may not feature the controversial Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh has become hard to find.
Our Columnists

Christine Blasey Ford, Brett Kavanaugh, and the Death of Dignity in Politics

In being so undignified, Kavanaugh—and Trump—are saying that power is raw, never shared, and never contingent.
The Political Scene Podcast

Christine Blasey Ford, Brett Kavanaugh, and the Partisan War Over the Supreme Court

Jeannie Suk Gersen joins Dorothy Wickenden to discuss how flaws in the Senate’s Supreme Court nomination process are threatening the stability and legitimacy of legislative and judicial processes.