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Brett Kavanaugh

Blitt’s Kvetchbook

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Satire from The Borowitz Report

Kavanaugh Claims Protesters Outside Home Obstructing Daily Keg Delivery

“The United States Constitution explicitly protects my right to an uninterrupted flow of beer,” the Supreme Court Justice declared.
Satire from The Borowitz Report

Kavanaugh Asks if Anyone Has Seen Briefcase He Accidentally Left at Bar Last Week

The jurist said that, after work last Friday, he dropped into a bar near the Supreme Court “to have a few pops,” and inadvertently forgot to take his briefcase when he left.
Satire from The Borowitz Report

Susan Collins Shocked That Brett Kavanaugh Would Ever Lie to a Woman

Kavanaugh “looked me in the eye and said that he considered Roe v. Wade the law of the land,” the senator said. “Nothing in his confirmation hearings suggested that he would ever be less than trustworthy with a woman.”
Satire from The Borowitz Report

Kavanaugh Fears Biden’s Supreme Court Pick Will “Hog the Keg”

“Breyer was cool, because whenever we had a party at the courthouse he was good for one Solo cup—two, tops,” Kavanaugh told reporters.
Q. & A.

How Trump Transformed the Supreme Court

The legal journalist Linda Greenhouse expects the new conservative majority to change American law on abortion, religion, and affirmative action.
Annals of Education

What Is Going On at Yale Law School?

The prestigious institution has tied itself in knots over a dispute involving one of its most popular—and controversial—professors, Amy Chua.
Daily Comment

Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s Vote May Save Obamacare This Time

In oral arguments on Tuesday, Kavanaugh appeared inclined to let the Affordable Care Act stand even if the individual mandate is struck down.
Satire from The Borowitz Report

Kavanaugh Supports Cutoff For Vote-Counting But Not for Drinking

“If a patron is seated at a bar at midnight, drinking should be allowed to continue for hours, if not days, until drinking has been completed,” Kavanaugh wrote.
Q. & A.

How Amy Coney Barrett Could Affect the Future of the Affordable Care Act

Nicholas Bagley, an expert on health law, discusses the latest legal challenge to the A.C.A. and what the records of Barrett and Brett Kavanaugh suggest about future rulings.
Satire from The Borowitz Report

Kavanaugh Warns That Expanding Size of Supreme Court Would Require More Kegs

Kavanaugh expressed concern that increasing the number of Justices without acquiring additional kegs might result in a “replay of the regrettable Beach Week incident.”
Blitt’s Kvetchbook

Day 13 at the R.N.C.

And the speakers keep piling up.
Satire from The Borowitz Report

Harris’s Approval Rating Soars After Trump Reminds Nation How “Nasty” She Was to Kavanaugh

“When Trump said that she had been ‘nasty’ at the confirmation hearing, I had to go to YouTube and relive that glorious event,” one voter said.
Daily Comment

John Roberts Distances Himself from the Trump-McConnell Legal Project

The idea that the Chief Justice is dedicated to overturning Roe v. Wade seems fanciful in light of his latest opinion on abortion rights.
Daily Comment

Are the Courts Beginning to Move in Favor of Trump’s Immigration Policies?

If the Administration appears to be growing bolder, it may be because, three years into the President’s first term, the nation’s highest courts are starting to bolster his agenda.
Our Columnists

The Supreme Court Is One Vote Away from Changing How the U.S. Is Governed

With the decision in Gundy v. United States, we are now explicitly on notice that the Court will likely abandon its long-standing tolerance of Congress delegating broadly to federal agencies.
Daily Comment

Clarence Thomas’s Astonishing Opinion on a Racist Mississippi Prosecutor

In the case of Flowers v. Mississippi, a majority of Supreme Court Justices found that the prosecutor, Doug Evans, racially discriminated against Curtis Flowers. Thomas disagrees.

Will the Supreme Court Use a New York City Regulation to Strike Down Gun Laws?

The Justices agree to hear another Second Amendment case, this time with Brett Kavanaugh on board.
Satire from The Borowitz Report

Kavanaugh Offers to Pay for Wall by Recycling His Empties

The newest Supreme Court Justice said that the inspiration came to him while he was building a beer-can pyramid in his basement rec room.
The New Yorker Interview

Senator Amy Klobuchar on How Democrats Can Defeat Trump in 2020

As she mulls a run for the Presidency, the Minnesota lawmaker advises potential candidates, “You go not just where it’s comfortable but where it’s uncomfortable.”