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Bernie Sanders

Q. & A.

Bernie Sanders Wants Joe Biden to Stay in the Race

But he still won’t say that the President is capable of serving a second term.
Our Columnists

Bernie Sanders’s New Campaign: Taking On Big Pharma and Starbucks

As the new chair of a powerful Senate committee, the reënergized progressive leader is once again targeting the corporate plutocracy.
Annals of Inquiry

A Political Philosopher Is Hopeful About the Democrats

Michael Sandel thinks that the Biden Administration is fulfilling its most important task: breaking with the faith that American meritocracy works.
Podcast Dept.

The Post-Dirtbag Left

For years, “Chapo Trap House” and other podcasts have paired anti-capitalist ideas with the rhetorical style of social media. Is a new form emerging?
American Chronicles

Are We Entering a New Political Era?

The neoliberal order seems to be collapsing. A generation of young activists is trying to insure that it’s replaced by progressive populism, not by the fascist right.
Daily Cartoon

Bonus Daily Cartoon: What Could Have Meme

“Daddy’s sulking because he never came up with a good Bernie meme.”
Our Columnists

Broadcasting Joe Biden’s Economic Program

Bernie Sanders has called on the Biden campaign to spend less time talking about Trump, and more time explaining the former Vice-President’s plans to help working-class Americans.
Election 2020

A Temporary Truce at the Democratic National Convention

For one night, at least, Michelle Obama, Bernie Sanders, and even some Republicans agreed that the need to remove Trump from office made any other considerations secondary.
Our Columnists

Joe Biden’s Moment at the Democratic National Convention

This year’s virtual Convention presents unique difficulties, but the Democrats have at least three things going for them, all of which are directly related to the repellent nature of their opponent.
Election 2020

Connecticut Primary Live Election Results

The latest election results from the Connecticut primary ahead of the 2020 Presidential election.
Election 2020

Louisiana Primary Live Election Results

The latest election results from the Louisiana primary ahead of the 2020 Presidential election.
Campaign Chronicles

A Preview of How a Biden White House Might Make Policy

“Unity task forces,” intended to avoid the divisions that plagued the Democrats in 2016, could offer clues to how a Biden Administration would function.
Election 2020

New Jersey Primary Live Election Results

The latest election results from the New Jersey primary ahead of the 2020 Presidential election.
Election 2020

Delaware Primary Live Election Results

The latest election results from the Delaware primary ahead of the 2020 Presidential election.
Election 2020

New York Primary Live Election Results

The latest election results from the New York primary ahead of the 2020 Presidential election.
Election 2020

Kentucky Primary Live Election Results

The latest election results from the Kentucky primary ahead of the 2020 Presidential election.
Under Review

Jane McAlevey’s Vision for the Future of American Labor

The author and activist is both a coach of today’s union movement and a chronicler of its key plays.
Election 2020

West Virginia Primary Live Election Results

The latest election results from the West Virginia primary ahead of the 2020 Presidential election.
Election 2020

Georgia Primary Live Election Results

The latest election results from the Georgia primary ahead of the 2020 Presidential election.
The New Yorker Interview

Bernie Sanders Is Not Done Fighting

The senator on the protests, his phone calls with Joe Biden, and when to compromise.