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Letter from Biden’s Washington

Read Susan Glasser’s Letters from Trump’s Washington.

Joe Biden’s Less-Than-Awful Press Conference Does Not Mean Everything Is Now O.K.

The political crisis over the President’s reëlection campaign enters its third week, very much unresolved.

Was the Debate the Beginning of the End of Joe Biden’s Presidency?

Notes on a disastrous night for the Democrats.

Project Trump, Global Edition

Cut off all economic ties with China? End all aid to Ukraine? The ex-President’s men have a plan.

Happy Seventy-eighth Birthday, Mr. Ex-President

If ever there were a case for age-related diminishment of a candidate, Donald Trump is it.

Fighting Trump on the Beaches

Biden’s fiery D Day speech in Normandy warns against the ex-President’s isolationism, while Trump is back home, targeting “the enemy within.”

The Revisionist History of the Trump Trial Has Already Begun

The ex-President’s war on truth has an instant new target: his guilty verdict.

There Is Literally Nothing Trump Can Say That Will Stop Republicans from Voting for Him

On Nikki Haley’s announcement that she’s backing her party’s “unhinged” nominee.

On Trump and the Elusive Fantasy of a 2024 Election Game Changer

With a general-election debate and the ex-President’s criminal verdict looming, can anything move the immovable American electorate?

Biden’s Public Ultimatum to Bibi

A hostage and ceasefire deal between Hamas and Israel is “not dead,” a senior U.S. official says, but only if Netanyahu holds off on invading Rafah.

Is 2024 Doomed to Repeat 1968 or 2020—or Both?

Donald Trump has now made clear that he won’t concede if he loses the election. Believe him.