New York State Weighs Ban on Male Governors

A splitscreen image of Eliot Spitzer on the left and Andrew Cuomo on the right.
Source photographs (left to right) by Adam Jeffery / CNBC / Getty; Shannon Stapleton-Pool / Getty

ALBANY (The Borowitz Report)—Legislators in New York State are considering a bill that, if enacted into law, would ban males from serving as governor.

The bill, which its sponsors are calling Eliot and Andrew’s Law, would bar males from the state’s top job for the next fifty years.

“If, at the end of fifty years, we have reason to believe that a male governor could behave in an appropriate manner, then the law would expire,” State Senator Carol Foyler, one of the bill’s sponsors, said. “If, however, it’s determined that New York could not tolerate a male governor at that time, there is a provision to extend the law for an additional fifty years.”

Foyler called the fifty-year moratorium on male governors in New York “long overdue.”

“It’s time to stop the madness,” she said.

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