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Ian Urbina

Inside North Korea’s Forced-Labor Program in China

Workers sent from the country to Chinese factories describe enduring beatings and sexual abuse, having their wages taken by the state, and being told that if they try to escape they will be “killed without a trace.”

“Squid Fleet” Takes You Into the Opaque World of Chinese Fishing

A film by Ed Ou and Will N. Miller uses a fictional narrative based on investigative reporting, and real footage, to capture gritty work at sea.

The Crimes Behind the Seafood You Eat

China has invested heavily in an armada of far-flung fishing vessels, in part to extend its global influence. This maritime expansion has come at grave human cost.

The Uyghurs Forced to Process the World’s Fish

China forces minorities from Xinjiang to work in industries around the country. As it turns out, this includes handling much of the seafood sent to America and Europe.

A Migrant Prison Officially Closes. But How Much Has Changed?

The order to shutter Al Mabani, a notorious jail set up in Libya to detain migrants bound for Europe, might be seen as progress. But it is also an indication of darker aspects of migrant detention.

The Secretive Prisons That Keep Migrants Out of Europe

Tired of migrants arriving from Africa, the E.U. has created a shadow immigration system that captures them before they reach its shores, and sends them to brutal Libyan detention centers run by militias.

Fish Farming Is Feeding the Globe. What’s the Cost for Locals?

In the small coastal country, an exploding industry has led to big economic promises, and a steep environmental price.

Inside North Korea’s Forced-Labor Program in China

Workers sent from the country to Chinese factories describe enduring beatings and sexual abuse, having their wages taken by the state, and being told that if they try to escape they will be “killed without a trace.”

“Squid Fleet” Takes You Into the Opaque World of Chinese Fishing

A film by Ed Ou and Will N. Miller uses a fictional narrative based on investigative reporting, and real footage, to capture gritty work at sea.

The Crimes Behind the Seafood You Eat

China has invested heavily in an armada of far-flung fishing vessels, in part to extend its global influence. This maritime expansion has come at grave human cost.

The Uyghurs Forced to Process the World’s Fish

China forces minorities from Xinjiang to work in industries around the country. As it turns out, this includes handling much of the seafood sent to America and Europe.

A Migrant Prison Officially Closes. But How Much Has Changed?

The order to shutter Al Mabani, a notorious jail set up in Libya to detain migrants bound for Europe, might be seen as progress. But it is also an indication of darker aspects of migrant detention.

The Secretive Prisons That Keep Migrants Out of Europe

Tired of migrants arriving from Africa, the E.U. has created a shadow immigration system that captures them before they reach its shores, and sends them to brutal Libyan detention centers run by militias.

Fish Farming Is Feeding the Globe. What’s the Cost for Locals?

In the small coastal country, an exploding industry has led to big economic promises, and a steep environmental price.