Our News on Newswise

Three Argonne postdocs invited to prestigious meeting of Nobel laureates

Three Argonne postdoc scientists have been invited to the prestigious Nobel Laureate Meetings in Lindau, Germany, where they will meet with past Nobel Prize winners in their fields.
1-Jul-2024 5:05 PM EDT Add to Favorites

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Celebrating the legacy of Maria Goeppert Mayer

Maria Goeppert Mayer left an indelible mark on science through her groundbreaking contributions to nuclear physics. A Nuclear Structure Conference at Argonne will highlight her contributions to physics theory.
27-Jun-2024 3:05 PM EDT Add to Favorites

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Argonne to support new AI for science projects as part of the National AI Research Resource Pilot

Argonne National Laboratory will support three innovative artificial intelligence (AI)-driven science projects as part of the first round of awards from the National Artificial Intelligence Research Resource (NAIRR) Pilot.
26-Jun-2024 11:05 AM EDT Add to Favorites

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A fresh set of eyes on next-generation nuclear reactors

Five early and mid-career scientists from Argonne National Laboratory divide and conquer varied challenges to improve nuclear science and technology and help the U.S. meet its future energy goals.
25-Jun-2024 4:05 PM EDT Add to Favorites

Not all calcite crystals are as perfect as they appear

Researchers used complementary imaging techniques to explore the impact of synthesis approaches on the nanoscopic internal structure of apparently perfect calcite particles, which has implications for contaminant sequestration and carbon storage.
25-Jun-2024 2:05 PM EDT Add to Favorites

From wildfires to bird calls: Sage redefines environmental monitoring

Researchers from Argonne National Laboratory are monitoring areas around Hawaii with AI-enabled sensors to better understand the community’s recovery process from the 2023 wildfire and provide new air quality and weather data.
24-Jun-2024 11:45 AM EDT Add to Favorites

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Scientists discover new behavior of membranes that could lead to unprecedented separations

Argonne scientists have used isoporous membranes — membranes with pores of equal size and shape — and recirculation to create separations at the nanoscale that overcome previous limitations.
20-Jun-2024 4:05 PM EDT Add to Favorites

A deluge? An unexpected ramp? Debris in the road? Teens design robotic cars tested on obstacle course

About 40 students from eight Illinois high schools gained confidence in a competition that promised challenges, trophies and bragging rights.
19-Jun-2024 12:05 PM EDT Add to Favorites

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Our Experts on Newswise

Gordon Peterson is hunting for efficient, sustainable energy materials

Maria Goeppert Mayer Fellow Gordon Peterson talks about his work at Argonne National Laboratory researching a class of materials called thermoelectrics.
22-Nov-2023 10:05 AM EST

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Kevin Brown is paving the way toward the next generation of supercomputers

Kevin Brown, a Walter Massey Fellow at Argonne National Laboratory, talks about the fellowship and his career focused on optimizing supercomputers.
13-Nov-2023 3:05 PM EST

Afroditi Papadopoulou seeks to unlock the mysteries of matter

Afroditi Papadopoulou, a Maria Goeppert Mayer fellow at Argonne National Laboratory, talks about what led her to the fellowship and studying neutrinos.
6-Nov-2023 11:05 AM EST

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Tomas Polakovic develops the next generation of superconducting particle detectors

The Maria Goeppert Mayer Fellow describes his research on superconducting nanowires and how Argonne has supported his career development.
29-Aug-2023 10:25 AM EDT

Leslie Rogers explores the mysterious imbalance of matter and antimatter

Leslie Rogers describes her research on radioactive decay and how Argonne supported her career development.
24-Aug-2023 12:45 PM EDT

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Nazia Zakir helps keep Argonne’s staff and campus safe

Nazia Zakir talks about her role as Environment, Safety and Health (ESH) senior director at Argonne National Laboratory.
13-Jul-2023 3:30 PM EDT

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Speaking my language: Robert Winarski’s background helps him coordinate beamline installation for the Advanced Photon Source Upgrade

With the year-long shutdown underway, the Advanced Photon Source Upgrade project is in the midst of building seven new beamlines, constructing the infrastructure for two more, and updating several more existing beamlines. Robert Winarski is...
5-Jul-2023 11:50 AM EDT

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Material scientist Ashley Bielinski relied on her passion for cutting-edge research to grow her career at Argonne

Argonne fellow Ashley Bielinski developed a new approach to study atomic layer deposition, an important technique in research and industry.
9-May-2023 1:50 PM EDT

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