Our News on Newswise

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A stealth fungus has decimated North American bats but scientists may be a step closer to treating white-nose syndrome

An invasive fungus that colonizes the skin of hibernating bats with deadly consequences is a stealthy invader that uses multiple strategies to slip into the small mammals' skin cells and quietly manipulate them to aid its own survival. The fungus,...
11-Jul-2024 3:05 PM EDT Add to Favorites

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Raw milk is risky, but airborne transmission of H5N1 from cow's milk is inefficient in mammals.

While H5N1 avian influenza virus taken from infected cow’s milk makes mice and ferrets sick when dripped into their noses, airborne transmission of the virus between ferrets — a common model for human transmission — appears to be limited.
8-Jul-2024 11:05 AM EDT Add to Favorites

Serendipity reveals new method to fight cancer with T cells

A promising therapy that treats blood cancers by harnessing the power of the immune system to target and destroy cancer cells could now treat solid tumors more efficiently.
2-Jul-2024 11:05 AM EDT Add to Favorites

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Printed sensors in soil could help farmers improve crop yields and save money

University of Wisconsin–Madison engineers have developed low-cost sensors that allow for real-time, continuous monitoring of nitrate in soil types that are common in Wisconsin. These printed electrochemical sensors could enable farmers to make...
27-Jun-2024 12:05 PM EDT Add to Favorites

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Wolves reintroduced to Isle Royale temporarily affect other carnivores, humans have influence as well

In a rare opportunity to study carnivores before and after wolves were reintroduced to their ranges, researchers from the University of Wisconsin–Madison found that the effects of wolves on Isle Royale have been only temporary. And even in the...
27-Jun-2024 12:05 PM EDT Add to Favorites

Watery planets orbiting dead stars may be good candidates for studying life — if they can survive long enough

The small footprint and dim light of white dwarfs, remnants of stars that have burned through their fuel, may make excellent backdrops for studying planets with enough water to harbor life. The trick is spotting the shadow of a planet against a...
13-Jun-2024 11:05 AM EDT Add to Favorites

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Wind from black holes may influence development of surrounding galaxies

Clouds of gas in a distant galaxy are being pushed faster and faster — at more than 10,000 miles per second — out among neighboring stars by blasts of radiation from the supermassive black hole at the galaxy’s center. It’s a discovery that...
11-Jun-2024 3:05 PM EDT Add to Favorites

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Small, cool and sulfurous exoplanet may help write recipe for planetary formation

Astronomers observing exoplanet GJ 3470 b saw evidence of water, carbon dioxide, methane and sulfur dioxide, findings that UW–Madison astronomer Thomas Beatty presented in Madison today at the 244th meeting of the American Astronomical Society...
10-Jun-2024 10:05 AM EDT Add to Favorites

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Our Experts on Newswise

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UW-Madison Bioethicist Co-Chairs Gene Editing Study

R. Alta Charo, a professor of law and longtime student of the regulation and ethics of biotechnology, was named co-chair of a study committee established Nov. 12 by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine to look into the...
13-Nov-2015 11:05 AM EST

UW Experts: Census Bureau’s Annual ‘Poverty Numbers’ Provide Good News

The new “poverty numbers” from the U.S. Census Bureau reflect some good news for the nation’s antipoverty efforts, according to UW–Madison experts.
18-Sep-2015 11:05 AM EDT

New MOOCs to Focus on Environmental and Community Themes

It was Aldo Leopold — the 20th century conservationist, father of wildlife management and former University of Wisconsin faculty member, who once said, “There are two things that interest me: the relation of people to each other and the relation...
1-Jul-2014 3:00 PM EDT

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Made-in-Wisconsin Atom Probe Assisted Dating of Oldest Piece of Earth

It's a scientific axiom: big claims require extra-solid evidence. So when University of Wisconsin-Madison geoscience professor John Valley dated an ancient crystal to 4.4 billion years ago, skeptics questioned the dating. Then, in 2013, Valley's...
17-Apr-2014 11:00 AM EDT

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‘Stem Cell Tourism’ Takes Advantage of Patients, Says Law Professor

Desperate patients are easy prey for unscrupulous clinics offering untested and risky stem cell treatments, says law and bioethics Professor Alta Charo of the University of Wisconsin-Madison, who is studying “stem cell tourism.”
24-Mar-2014 4:00 PM EDT

UW-Madison Offers Olympics Experts

23-Jul-2012 11:00 AM EDT

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The University of Wisconsin–Madison has long been recognized as one of America’s top universities. A public, land-grant institution, UW–Madison offers a complete spectrum of liberal arts studies, professional programs and student activities. UW–Madison ranks as one of the most prolific research universities in the world. Established in 1848, the university today serves more than 42,000 students on its 933-acre lakeshore campus.

