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Found with Webb: a potentially habitable icy world

A team of astronomers has made an exciting discovery about the temperate exoplanet LHS 1140 b: it could be a promising "super-Earth" covered in ice or water.
9-Jul-2024 11:05 AM EDT Add to Favorites

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Lessons from the pandemic: the trouble with working from home

Remember when COVID-19 hit, and suddenly everyone was working from home? Well, a team of researchers in Montreal and Paris decided to dig deeper into how this shift affected office workers during the pandemic.
13-Mar-2024 7:05 PM EDT Add to Favorites

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Brain development of the unborn baby: a combined effect of genetics and food availability

A new population study led by researcher Tomas Paus , professor of psychiatry and neuroscience at the University of Montreal and researcher at CHU Sainte-Justine, highlights the respective roles of maternal and fetal genes in the growth of the...
13-Mar-2024 7:05 PM EDT Add to Favorites

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Allostatic load is higher in women in long-term couples

Chronic stress that develops over decades in long-term couples does not have the same effect on men as on women: the latter is more likely to display negative physiological markers than their spouse, according to a study published in the scientific...
13-Mar-2024 7:05 PM EDT Add to Favorites

Global study unveils "problematic" use of porn

Led by Université de Montréal assistant professor Beáta Bőthe, researchers explore how online pornography affects people differently around the world - not just men, but also women and non-binary people.
4-Mar-2024 12:05 PM EST Add to Favorites

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Sugar seen in a new light… fluorescent

A research team from the Department of Chemistry at the University of Montreal has just developed new tools to study the encounter between the members of two families of biomolecules essential to life: sugars and proteins.
21-Nov-2023 8:05 AM EST Add to Favorites

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What dynamics act in animal migrations and parasitic infections?

Whether to find food, reproduce, reduce competition, escape predators or escape winter, migration is a survival mechanism for many animal species.
21-Nov-2023 8:05 AM EST Add to Favorites

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Type 2 diabetes: a new disease mechanism uncovered

Published just before World Diabetes Day, work by Dr. May Faraj, director of the Research Unit on Nutrition, Lipoproteins and Cardiometabolic Diseases at the Montreal Clinical Research Institute (IRCM) and full professor at the Department of...
21-Nov-2023 8:05 AM EST Add to Favorites

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Ce climat n’existe pas (encore)

«Ça ne suffit pas d’avoir des données, c’est important de créer un lien», confie Victor Schmidt, doctorant à l’Université de Montréal sous la direction de Yoshua Bengio, professeur à l’UdeM et fondateur de Mila. Les effets des...
1-Nov-2021 6:05 PM EDT

The climate emergency: a Q&A with Ariane Burke and Julien Riel-Salvatore

As world climate experts begin to gather in Glasgow, Scotland, for the 26th UN Climate Change Conference (COP26), a provocative Canada-U.K. study co-authored by two Université de Montréal anthropologists is generating a lot of buzz around the...
1-Nov-2021 2:20 PM EDT

Not All Canadians Feeling the Heat of Climate Change

While Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is in Paris hammering out the details of the global fight against climate change, a new study out of the University of Montreal and the Trottier Energy Institute shows that Canadian attitudes are somewhat...
30-Nov-2015 7:05 AM EST

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physics world
$750,000 for UdeM’s Clinique Mauve

Open since 2020, the clinic will be able to continue serving migrant and racialized LGBTQIA+ communities thank...
17 Jul 2024

physics world
Doctorate in hand, she's heading to the Paris Olympics

A former javelin thrower, now coordinator of UdeM's Parcours leadership Carabins, Geneviève Cardella-Rinfret ...
17 Jul 2024

physics world
Opioids: a nudge to reduce consumption

When long-term users of prescription opioids in Canada were mailed a brochure encouraging them to cut their do...
11 Jul 2024

physics world
“Forever chemicals” in our food?

This summer, environmental chemistry researcher Sébastien Sauvé will investigate the presence of harmful PFA...
10 Jul 2024

physics world
Couple-based therapy to improve sexual desire

A new form of cognitive-behavioural couple therapy may help women diagnosed with sexual desire disorders and r...
10 Jul 2024

physics world
Found with Webb: a potentially habitable world

A team of astronomers from UdeM has made an exciting discovery about the temperate exoplanet LHS 1140 b: it co...
08 Jul 2024

physics world
Eating disorders among adolescents during the COVID-19 pandemic

A new study confirms the need to consider the indirect effects of health measure to promote the health and wel...
08 Jul 2024

physics world
Monitor virus progression based on cases of distemper in foxes

Professor Timothée Poisot and his team are developing a model dashboard for monitoring wildlife diseases usin...
03 Jul 2024

physics world
Spinal cord formation in the embryo: the role of a protein family understood

The discovery of the role played by β-arrestins in the formation of the spinal cord at the embryonic stage op...
27 Jun 2024

physics world
UdeM astronomers are helping to build the world’s largest telescope

A Canadian team led by René Doyon will help design and build the ANDES spectrograph, which will search for si...
25 Jun 2024

physics world
Hidden humour, the software developer’s secret weapon

Coders are using creativity and humour to connect with each other....
20 Jun 2024

physics world
Maya Cousineau Mollen named Senior Advisor for First Peoples Relations

Maya Cousineau Mollen is the new Senior Advisor for First Peoples Relations. She will help UdeM carry out its ...
19 Jun 2024

physics world
Predicting problematic pornography use

A new AI-based study has identified predictors of harmful use of pornography....
18 Jun 2024

physics world
Canadian-born visible minorities: A blind spot in labour market integration policies

Whether born in Canada or abroad, members of visible minorities are at a disadvantage in the job market, accor...
17 Jun 2024

physics world
When do Quebec doctors recommend exercise?

Between 2010 and 2020, Quebec doctors became more likely to recommend physical activity for certain diseases b...
13 Jun 2024

physics world
Landolt space mission: more precise measurements of star brightness

Astronomy professor Jonathan Gagné will be part of the Landolt space mission, solving problems caused by erro...
10 Jun 2024

physics world
What’s the right antibiotic for Fido?

The CHUV has developed a new French-language platform in the Firstline app to help veterinarians and students ...
05 Jun 2024

physics world
Research data management: Sharing data to advance knowledge

Research data management lets researchers record, use and share research data. It supports the development of ...
03 Jun 2024

physics world
An inclusive, accessible and sustainable future for architecture in Canada

Professor Jean-Pierre Chupin leads a national partnership to develop roadmaps for more inclusive and sustainab...
31 May 2024

physics world
Basic research at IRIC spawns commercial drugs

Michel Bouvier, CEO of the IRIC for the past 10 years, is delighted to see his model of combining basic resear...
29 May 2024

physics world
When auditory cues affect body representation and vice versa

Auditory input doesn’t provide the body representation system with sufficient information for accurate spati...
28 May 2024

physics world
Sanfilippo syndrome: Major advancement towards developing a treatment

For the first time, a team co-led by Alexey Pshezhetsky resolved the structure of the enzyme deficient in Sanf...
27 May 2024

physics world
Agri-food industry tried to influence revamp of Canada’s Food Guide

Canada’s food industry used a variety of lobbying strategies between 2016 and 2019 to oppose changes to Cana...
24 May 2024

physics world
Self-determination and social identity: Modeling team motivation

A model that combines self-determination theory and social identity theory can shed light on team motivation a...
18 May 2024

physics world
The current state of homophobia, transphobia and biphobia

Professors and researchers Annie Pullen Sansfaçon and Olivier Ferlatte discuss the issues they’re intereste...
16 May 2024

physics world
'I've made new friends'

On a closed-off street in front of École Saint-Benoît in Ahuntsic, several hundred kids are free to play aft...
15 May 2024

physics world
Analyzing the teacher shortage from a strategic planning perspective

In his master’s research, which he presented at the ACFAS conference, Jerry Legrand analyzed the teacher sho...
10 May 2024

physics world
Can virtual reality help ease the end of life?

A UdeM researcher is launching a study to test whether virtual reality can relieve anxiety and pain in palliat...
09 May 2024

physics world
Show me your car and I’ll tell you who you vote for…

A new UdeM study examines how a person’s lifestyle influences our assumptions about their political leanings...
08 May 2024

physics world
'It really puts us on the map'

Katherine Frohlich talks about her new role shepherding over $8 million a year in federal funding for research...
07 May 2024

physics world
Nicolas Chomont receives an award of excellence in HIV research

Nicolas Chomont, professor in the Faculty of Medicine and researcher at CRCHUM, wins the ACRV-CANFAR 2024 Rese...
06 May 2024

physics world
Université de Montréal receives $40 million in funding for innovative projects

The Eastern Canada Pandemic Preparedness Hub, led by Université de Montréal, has received nearly $100 millio...
06 May 2024

physics world
Behavioural therapy and sleep: a lifeline for night workers

A new study shows that behavioural therapy can improve the sleep and mental health of workers with atypical sc...
03 May 2024

physics world
A piano for smaller hands comes to UdeM

A narrower keyboard on loan from a U.S. company to the Faculty of Music reduces muscle fatigue and provides mo...
30 Apr 2024

physics world
Education by and for Black communities

A new UdeM project is exploring ways to incorporate the knowledge of Black communities and the work of Black S...
25 Apr 2024

physics world
Got a cochlear implant? You should still sign.

A new UdeM study shows that exposing deaf children to sign language before and after cochlear implantation imp...
25 Apr 2024

physics world
'Antennae' of cells: a protein plays a major role

Researchers in Quebec and California demonstrate a new aspect of what is required for the cellular structure c...
25 Apr 2024

physics world
Interview with Michelle Bachelet

Speaking before hundreds of people at the MIL campus, Michelle Bachelet reiterated the importance of human-rig...
22 Apr 2024

physics world
Yoshua Bengio named one of TIME magazine's 100 most influential people in the world

The computer-science professor is included in the TIME100 list largely due to his efforts in raising awareness...
17 Apr 2024

physics world
Helping municipalities cope with flooding

Environmental designers led by UdeM professor and vice-dean Isabelle Thomas have developed RésiliAction, an a...
16 Apr 2024

physics world
There are benefits – and risks – to pornography

A new study reveals that viewing porn can either help or hinder sexual satisfaction, depending on the type of ...
16 Apr 2024

physics world
Consulting the public on education in Quebec

To address the many challenges facing the province's schools, the Observatoire pour l'éducation et la santé ...
15 Apr 2024

physics world
Keys to the genome: unlocking the package

Scientists at the Montreal Clinical Research Institute have discovered the molecular mechanisms responsible fo...
10 Apr 2024

physics world
Who does what better: a non-binary view

A research team led by UdeM’s Robert-Paul Juster has shown that performance on some cognitive tasks is bette...
09 Apr 2024

physics world
Making mural art helps teens cope

School of Psychoeducation doctoral candidate Rocio Macabena Perez finds that UdeM's extracurricular Art en tê...
08 Apr 2024

physics world
Make yourself at home... 40,000 years ago

An UdeM study unveils fresh insights into how Neanderthals and Homo sapiens organized their living spaces at t...
05 Apr 2024

physics world
How do animals react to a solar eclipse?

Most humans are itching to catch a glimpse of the upcoming solar eclipse. But for some wildlife, this unique c...
03 Apr 2024

physics world
Where's the best place to see the eclipse? There’s an app for that.

Developed by two UdeM computer-science students, Mon Éclipse simulates the path of the April 8 total eclipse ...
27 Mar 2024

physics world
Stop out-of-control AI and focus on people

In a new book co-edited by UdeM's Catherine Régis and Jean-Louis Denis, experts from a dozen countries and a ...
27 Mar 2024

physics world
A new fullertube molecule is found

UdeM doctoral candidate in physics Emmanuel Bourret leads an international research group that has discovered ...
27 Mar 2024

physics world
Cognitive performance at age four can be predicted in infancy

Based on the brain dynamics she observed in infants, UdeM doctoral student of psychology Florence Deguire was ...
22 Mar 2024

physics world
UdeM makes the top 25 in sustainable development

The United Nations cites the Innovation Lab's CLAD project as being world-class – and unique in Canada – w...
21 Mar 2024

physics world
Eldercare: urgent action needed to protect seniors’ rights

A new report co-authored by an UdeM professor makes recommendations to help ensure that the rights of seniors ...
21 Mar 2024

physics world
UdeM astronomer finds that "brown dwarfs" grow old alone

The interstellar objects are usually paired as binary systems, but in a new study Clémence Fontanive shows th...
21 Mar 2024

physics world
Concussions in young children: symptoms still present three months later

A study led by Sainte-Justine hospital researcher Miriam Beauchamp has found long-term symptoms in children ag...
21 Mar 2024

physics world
UdeM astrophysicist named one of Canada's young tech stars

Nathalie Nguyen-Quoc Ouellette is among 31 technology experts honoured by business news site The Peak in its l...
19 Mar 2024

physics world
Two winners of the Innovative Therapies for Hereditary Ataxias competition at UdeM

Professors Éric Lécuyer and Pascal Chartrand are among the winners of the Innovative Therapies for Hereditar...
18 Mar 2024

physics world
Bodycams in court get broad police approval: survey

An UdeM criminologist looks at Quebec provincial police attitudes towards the potential use of bodycamera foot...
18 Mar 2024

physics world
Decoding sleep to reveal our state of health

On World Sleep Day, we look at how neuroscientist Valérie Mongrain studies sleep to help doctors diagnose Alz...
15 Mar 2024

physics world
The 2024 solar eclipse: enjoy the show at UdeM!

On April 8, a total solar eclipse will cross southern Quebec, and everyone at Université de Montréal is invi...
15 Mar 2024
