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Newswise: New, simple test detects rare fatal genetic heart condition
18-Jun-2024 11:30 AM EDT
New, simple test detects rare fatal genetic heart condition
McMaster University

A team of international researchers has revealed a new, simple clinical test to detect Calcium Release Deficiency Syndrome (CRDS), a life-threatening genetic arrhythmia that causes dangerously fast heartbeats and can lead to severe complications such as sudden cardiac arrest and death.

Newswise: Canadian researchers develop a painless patch for continuous smartphone monitoring of critical health data
Released: 18-Jun-2024 6:05 AM EDT
Canadian researchers develop a painless patch for continuous smartphone monitoring of critical health data
McMaster University

Researchers at two Ontario universities have developed a pain-free, wearable sensor that can continuously monitor levels of blood sugar, lactates and other critical health indicators for weeks at a time, sending results to a smartphone or other device.

Newswise: Global trial confirms benefit of antacids on bleeding prevention for ventilated patients
12-Jun-2024 12:05 PM EDT
Global trial confirms benefit of antacids on bleeding prevention for ventilated patients
McMaster University

Critically ill patients are at risk of stress-induced upper gastrointestinal bleeding. Now, a global trial led by McMaster University researchers confirms that a widely available drug does prevent upper gastrointestinal bleeding.

Newswise: Dementia fighter: Orienteering helps brain and body alike, with greater benefits for those who move quickest
Released: 29-May-2024 9:05 AM EDT
Dementia fighter: Orienteering helps brain and body alike, with greater benefits for those who move quickest
McMaster University

The sport of orienteering, which simultaneously combines exercise with challenging navigation, may be better for the brain than exercise alone, according to new research from kinesiologists at McMaster University.

Released: 13-May-2024 12:05 PM EDT
New research challenges widespread beliefs about why we’re attracted to certain voices
McMaster University

New insights into how people perceive the human voice are challenging beliefs about which voices we find attractive. Previous studies have linked vocal averageness and attractiveness, finding that the more average a voice sounds, the higher it is rated in attractiveness.

Released: 15-Apr-2024 9:05 AM EDT
Common dementia medication doesn’t increase risk of death, life-threatening heart abnormalities
McMaster University

Researchers with McMaster University have found that a commonly prescribed dementia medication doesn’t increase the risk of death or certain heart rhythm problems, contrary to past warnings.

2-Apr-2024 3:25 PM EDT
McMaster researchers create first-ever guidelines to help kids build tolerance to food allergens
McMaster University

Researchers with McMaster University have crafted the first-ever guidelines to help prepare families who plan to build their child’s tolerance to common food allergens.

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Released: 5-Mar-2024 5:00 PM EST
McMaster and Celesta partner to accelerate deep tech innovation and commercialization
McMaster University

A new partnership between McMaster University and Celesta Capital will cultivate the next generation of deep tech innovations at McMaster and within the broader Canadian research and startup ecosystem.
