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Newswise: SLU Researchers Invite Living Kidney Donors and Recipients to Join NIH-funded Study to Overcome Disparities in Kidney Disease, Transplantation
Released: 17-Jul-2024 1:05 PM EDT
SLU Researchers Invite Living Kidney Donors and Recipients to Join NIH-funded Study to Overcome Disparities in Kidney Disease, Transplantation
Saint Louis University

Saint Louis University School of Medicine researchers led by Krista Lentine, M.D., Ph.D., professor of medicine, will assess how the use of genetic testing may mitigate racial disparities in the health outcomes of people with chronic kidney disease, including organ donors and transplant recipients.

Newswise: SLU Researcher Reports Improvements in Survival Rates in Patients with Metastatic Prostate Cancer
Released: 20-Jun-2024 10:05 AM EDT
SLU Researcher Reports Improvements in Survival Rates in Patients with Metastatic Prostate Cancer
Saint Louis University

Research from Saint Louis University School of Medicine finds improvements in survival in both veterans and men across the country over the last 20 years in metastatic prostate cancer, which correlate with new hormonal treatments.

Newswise: Saint Louis University Researchers Identify a Biomarker for Severe Liver Disease in Infants
Released: 29-Apr-2024 12:05 PM EDT
Saint Louis University Researchers Identify a Biomarker for Severe Liver Disease in Infants
Saint Louis University

In a new study, Saint Louis University School of Medicine researchers and colleagues have identified biomarkers in high-risk infants with alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency (AATD). This is a condition that is life-threatening in some infants but very mild in others. For the first time, predicting which children need lifesaving intervention is possible.

Released: 5-Apr-2024 11:00 AM EDT
Novel Findings from 2017 Lead to Changes in How Experts Will Research the 2024 Solar Eclipse
Saint Louis University

Research published in Atmosphere has shown that in 2017, temperature cooling expected during a total solar eclipse was moderated by St. Louis’ Urban Heat Island (UHI). Researchers found the short duration of the eclipse cooling and the larger thermal mass of the UHI reduced the magnitude of the temperature drop.

Released: 1-Mar-2024 10:15 AM EST
SLU Professor Studies Link Between Adversity, Psychiatric and Cognitive Decline
Saint Louis University Medical Center

Saint Louis University associate professor of health management and policy in the College for Public Health and Social Justice, SangNam Ahn, Ph.D., recently published a paper in Journal of Clinical Psychology that examines the relationship between childhood adversity, and psychiatric decline as well as adult adversity and psychiatric and cognitive decline.

Released: 13-Feb-2024 10:30 AM EST
SLU Professor Shows Ethical Duality of Using Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs in Fight Against Opioids
Saint Louis University Medical Center

Saint Louis University’s Liz Chiarello, Ph.D., associate professor of sociology recently published an article in the American Sociological Review, the flagship journal of the American Sociological Association. The article explores pharmacists’ use of prescription drug monitoring programs (PDMPs) and the ethical and practical application of PDMPs in healthcare.

Newswise: Cult Mentality: SLU Professor Makes Monumental Discovery in Italy
3-Jan-2024 2:00 PM EST
Cult Mentality: SLU Professor Makes Monumental Discovery in Italy
Saint Louis University Medical Center

Douglas Boin, Ph.D., a professor of history at Saint Louis University, made a major announcement at the annual meeting of the Archeological Institute of America, revealing he and his team discovered an ancient Roman temple that adds significant insights into the social change from pagan gods to Christianity within the Roman Empire.

Newswise: To Build Better Tuberculosis Vaccines, Saint Louis University Researchers Develop a New Model by Leveraging an Old Vaccine
Released: 29-Nov-2023 12:05 PM EST
To Build Better Tuberculosis Vaccines, Saint Louis University Researchers Develop a New Model by Leveraging an Old Vaccine
Saint Louis University Medical Center

In a paper published in The Journal of Infectious Diseases, Daniel Hoft, M.D., Ph.D., director of the Saint Louis University Center for Vaccine Development, and colleagues report a promising new approach to speed vaccine testing for TB.

Released: 27-Sep-2023 1:00 PM EDT
Microplastics Are Found in Cave Water and Sediment, Says SLU Research
Saint Louis University Medical Center

In two recent papers, Saint Louis University researchers report finding high concentrations of microplastics present in a Missouri cave system that had been closed to human visitors for 30 years.

Released: 25-Aug-2023 8:05 PM EDT
SLU Study: Head and Neck Cancer Diagnostic Delays Linked to Antibiotics Despite Clinical Practice Guidelines
Saint Louis University

Researchers at Saint Louis University School of Medicine say diagnostic delays frequently occur in patients with undiagnosed head and neck cancer (HNC) and are calling for improved dissemination of current clinical practice guidelines in a new paper published Aug. 24 in JAMA Otolaryngology – Head & Neck Surgery.
