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23-Apr-2024 10:05 AM EDT
Longer freight trains have a higher risk of derailment, new study shows
Society for Risk Analysis (SRA)

New research in the journal Risk Analysis has confirmed that longer freight trains bring with them a higher risk of derailment.

Newswise: Researchers use AI, Google Street View to predict household energy costs on large scale
Released: 26-Feb-2024 11:15 AM EST
Researchers use AI, Google Street View to predict household energy costs on large scale
University of Notre Dame

An interdisciplinary team of experts from the University of Notre Dame, in collaboration with the University of Maryland and University of Utah, have found a way to use artificial intelligence to analyze a household’s passive design characteristics and predict its energy expenses with more than 74 percent accuracy. By combining their findings with demographic data including poverty levels, the researchers have created a comprehensive model for predicting energy burden across 1,402 census tracts and nearly 300,000 households in Chicago.

16-Feb-2024 8:00 AM EST
Highways through historically redlined areas likely cause air pollution disparities today
American Chemical Society (ACS)

Historically "redlined" areas – neighborhoods with primarily Black or immigrant communities – are exposed to more air pollution than other urban neighborhoods. According to research published in ACS’ Environmental Science & Technology, the cause could relate to nearby highways or industrial parks.

Released: 30-Jan-2024 9:05 AM EST
Drexel researchers propose AI-guided system for robotic inspection of buildings, roads and bridges
Drexel University

Our built environment is aging and failing faster than we can maintain it. Recent building collapses and structural failures of roads and bridges are indicators of a problem that’s likely to get worse, according to experts, because it’s just not possible to inspect every crack, creak and crumble to parse dangerous signs of failure from normal wear and tear. In hopes of playing catch-up, researchers in Drexel University’s College of Engineering are trying to give robotic assistants the tools to help inspectors with the job.

Newswise: Researchers release solar power data software to increase clean energy generation
Released: 17-Jan-2024 1:05 PM EST
Researchers release solar power data software to increase clean energy generation
SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory

The software tool sorts through messy data to reveal what’s really going on with solar panels on cloudy and sunny days.

Newswise: Advancement in thermoelectricity could light up the Internet of Things
Released: 16-Jan-2024 11:05 AM EST
Advancement in thermoelectricity could light up the Internet of Things
Osaka University

Researchers from Osaka University and their collaborating partners improve the efficiency of thermoelectric conversion from a semiconductor, which could help optimize the efficiency and sustainability of the global digital transformation.

Newswise: A new report explores offshore wind transmission scenarios for Northern California and Southern Oregon
Released: 18-Dec-2023 8:05 AM EST
A new report explores offshore wind transmission scenarios for Northern California and Southern Oregon
Cal Poly Humboldt

A new report from the Schatz Energy Research Center at Cal Poly Humboldt evaluates potential scenarios for electric grid transmission development to support floating offshore wind along the northern coast of California and the southern coast of Oregon.

Released: 9-Nov-2023 1:05 PM EST
Study probes risks to power plants from electromagnetic pulse
Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Researchers at the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory have been leading a project to understand how a high-altitude electromagnetic pulse, or EMP, could threaten power plants.

Released: 7-Nov-2023 12:05 PM EST
New Model Adds Human Reactions to Flood Risk Assessment
North Carolina State University

Researchers at North Carolina State University have created a land change model that simulates interactions between urban growth, increased flooding and how humans adapt in response. The new model could offer a more realistic assessment of risk for urban planners, natural resource managers and other local government stakeholders.

Released: 9-Aug-2023 12:30 PM EDT
Over one million acres of tribal land submerged by dams in the US
Institute of Physics (IOP) Publishing

Dam constructions have flooded over 1.13 million acres of tribal land in the US contributing to the historic and ongoing struggle against land dispossession for Indigenous peoples in the United States.
