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Released: 25-Jul-2024 11:05 AM EDT
UAMS’ Michael Birrer, M.D., Ph.D., Publishes Study Results in JAMA Oncology on Treatment for Incurable Cervical Cancer
University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences

The results of an international clinical trial led by Michael Birrer, M.D., Ph.D., director of the Winthrop P. Rockefeller Cancer Institute at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS), on the use of a novel bispecific antibody for women with recurrent or metastatic cervical cancer were published today in JAMA Oncology.

15-Jul-2024 12:05 PM EDT
Early detection of miRNAs in maternal blood may offer the potential for predicting preeclampsia
University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), Health Sciences

A new study by researchers at UCLA Health finds that early detection of specific microRNAs (miRNAs) packaged in vesicles may offer the opportunity to predict preeclampsia in pregnant people before clinical symptoms manifest.

Newswise: Nearly One in 10 Pregnant People Who Get COVID Will Develop Long COVID
8-Jul-2024 6:05 PM EDT
Nearly One in 10 Pregnant People Who Get COVID Will Develop Long COVID
University of Utah Health

9.3% of people who get COVID while pregnant will go on to develop long COVID. The study, led by University of Utah Health researcher Torri Metz, found that common symptoms were fatigue, gastrointestinal issues, and feeling drained or exhausted by routine activities.

Newswise: 1920_health-inequities-postpartum-cedars-sinai.jpg?10000
Released: 10-Jul-2024 7:05 PM EDT
Black and Hispanic Women Receive Lower Doses of Postpartum Pain Medication, According to New Study

Inequities in pain medication treatment received postpartum, after giving birth, were found in a Cedars-Sinai study of 18,000 women. The disparities were observed even among patients reporting the highest pain levels.

Newswise: COVID-19 pandemic tied to low birth weight for infants in India, study shows
Released: 2-Jul-2024 11:05 AM EDT
COVID-19 pandemic tied to low birth weight for infants in India, study shows
University of Notre Dame

The incidence of low birth weight rose sharply in India amid the COVID-19 pandemic, according to new research from Santosh Kumar, associate professor of development and global health economics at the Keough School of Global Affairs, University of Notre Dame.

Newswise: Pregnant pause? Elite athletes challenge norms and perceptions when expecting
Released: 2-Jul-2024 8:30 AM EDT
Pregnant pause? Elite athletes challenge norms and perceptions when expecting
University of South Australia

New research from the University of South Australia has found that contrary to common concerns, elite athletes often report fewer pregnancy-related complaints (compared to non-athletes) and often displayed improved athletic performance after giving birth.

24-Jun-2024 9:30 AM EDT
Higher Calcium and Zinc Intake Linked with Healthier Pregnancy Outcomes
American Society for Nutrition (ASN)

People with higher intakes of calcium and zinc in the three months before they conceived were significantly less likely to suffer hypertensive disorders during their pregnancy compared with those who had lower intakes of these essential minerals, according to new research.

Newswise: Ultrasounds may not find this cancer in Black women
Released: 27-Jun-2024 12:05 PM EDT
Ultrasounds may not find this cancer in Black women
University of Washington

The study looked back at ultrasound data from 1,500 Black women who ended up undergoing hysterectomy at 10 health centers. The study found that having a thinner endometrium measured on transvaginal ultrasound did not mean that there was no cancer risk.

Newswise: Postpartum urinary incontinence linked to mental health
Released: 27-Jun-2024 10:05 AM EDT
Postpartum urinary incontinence linked to mental health
UT Southwestern Medical Center

A UT Southwestern Medical Center study of hundreds of underserved women showed that depression and anxiety, in addition to physical factors such as a higher body mass index and previous births, are associated with lingering postpartum urinary incontinence.

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