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Newswise: Researchers discover faster, more energy-efficient way to manufacture an industrially important chemical
Released: 24-Jul-2024 2:05 PM EDT
Researchers discover faster, more energy-efficient way to manufacture an industrially important chemical
Argonne National Laboratory

The reactivity of zirconium on silicon nitride enhances the conversion of propane into propylene, a key commodity chemical needed to make polypropylene. This finding hints at the reactivity researchers might achieve with other nontraditional catalysts.

Newswise: Argonne-led research working toward reducing electronic waste with biodegradable luminescent polymers
Released: 22-Jul-2024 12:05 PM EDT
Argonne-led research working toward reducing electronic waste with biodegradable luminescent polymers
Argonne National Laboratory

Argonne-led research working toward reducing electronic waste with biodegradable luminescent polymers with high light-emitting efficiencies.

Newswise: Scientists develop new artificial intelligence method to create material ​‘fingerprints’
Released: 16-Jul-2024 3:05 PM EDT
Scientists develop new artificial intelligence method to create material ​‘fingerprints’
Argonne National Laboratory

Researchers at the Advanced Photon Source and Center for Nanoscale Materials of the U.S. Department of Energy’s Argonne National Laboratory have developed a new technique that pairs artificial intelligence and X-ray science.

Newswise:Video Embedded argonne-develops-new-kind-of-ai-model-for-weather-prediction
Released: 9-Jul-2024 10:45 AM EDT
Argonne develops new kind of AI model for weather prediction
Argonne National Laboratory

Argonne environmental and computer scientists have developed a new kind of model, called a foundation model, to predict weather and eventually climate.

Newswise: Scientists discover new behavior of membranes that could lead to unprecedented separations
Released: 20-Jun-2024 4:05 PM EDT
Scientists discover new behavior of membranes that could lead to unprecedented separations
Argonne National Laboratory

Argonne scientists have used isoporous membranes — membranes with pores of equal size and shape — and recirculation to create separations at the nanoscale that overcome previous limitations.

Newswise: Unlocking the mystery behind the performance decline in a promising cathode material
Released: 17-Jun-2024 12:05 PM EDT
Unlocking the mystery behind the performance decline in a promising cathode material
Argonne National Laboratory

Researchers at the Argonne National Laboratory have discovered the main reason why and how one of the more promising new cathode materials degrades with repeated cycling of lithium-ion batteries. The team’s new analysis method was key to the discovery.

Released: 11-Jun-2024 12:05 PM EDT
Scientists find new way to enhance durability of lithium batteries
Argonne National Laboratory

Scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Argonne National Laboratory have created a new nickel-rich cathode for lithium-ion batteries that both stores more energy and is more durable than conventional cathodes.

Newswise: JPMorgan Chase, Argonne and Quantinuum show theoretical quantum speedup with the quantum approximate optimization algorithm
Released: 29-May-2024 2:05 PM EDT
JPMorgan Chase, Argonne and Quantinuum show theoretical quantum speedup with the quantum approximate optimization algorithm
Argonne National Laboratory

Researchers demonstrated a quantum algorithmic speedup with the quantum approximate optimization algorithm, laying the groundwork for advancements in telecommunications, financial modeling, materials science and more.

Newswise: Recycling carbon dioxide into household chemicals
Released: 21-May-2024 2:45 PM EDT
Recycling carbon dioxide into household chemicals
Argonne National Laboratory

Scientists report a family of tin-based catalysts that efficiently converts CO2 into ethanol, acetic acid and formic acid. These liquid hydrocarbons are among the most produced chemicals in the U.S and are found in many commercial products.

Newswise: Electric vehicle drivers can estimate their personalized fuel savings with new Argonne tool
Released: 29-Apr-2024 10:10 AM EDT
Electric vehicle drivers can estimate their personalized fuel savings with new Argonne tool
Argonne National Laboratory

Argonne National Laboratory's new tool lets drivers estimate personalized fuel savings for electric vehicles, based on local factors.
