
Newsweek splits from IBT Media into standalone company

September 14th, 2018

Newsweek has become an independent company from IBT Media (FKA Newsweek Media Group). There will be a brief transition period during which all of Newsweek operations will transition into a new company.

The companies have been working since March of this year to maximize the potential of each of the individual brands, providing them independence and freedom from each other to evolve and develop their individual strengths. Newsweek is a globally recognized heritage brand while the other brands are a dynamic sector centric group of properties.

As of September 14th 2018 the Newsweek brand will be operating as a stand-alone separate entity under the leadership of CEO Dev Pragad.

The remaining brands, including International Business Times, Medical Daily, Latin Times and Player One, will be operated separately under IBT Media Inc, with Johnathan Davis as CEO.