Letters to the editor for Saturday, July 6, 2024

Our readers share their opinions on a variety of topics

Letter writers
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Children, born and unborn

The governor of Florida loves children − unborn ones!  Judging from his policies and laws, it’s fair to say he’s crazy about them!  Apparently, Gov believes he was somehow bestowed the authority to stick his nose into the wombs of strangers. When the gods created women’s wombs, they didn’t design them to have multiple owners!  The female anatomy was designed with one owner wombs − no co-owners!  

Contrarily, Gov wants nothing to do with born children!  Gov washes his hands of born children!  He doesn’t want to provide financial assistance for those in need.  And, he is dead set against providing meals for them during school breaks.  Gov won’t even consider protecting them from mass murder in the classroom.  Although, once they are dismembered by maniacs with “legal” weapons of mass destruction he’s the first to offer thoughts and prayers!  Offering thoughts and prayers is blatantly disingenuous and a shallow attempt to deflect attention from the real problem − the distribution of “legal “ weapons of mass destruction within our state!

Gov, how about considering some reasonable gun legislation that would protect our children in the classroom and at the same time allow us law-abiding citizens the ability to protect ourselves in our homes?  I’ll bet Gov would be quick to sign a law that would protect children in the classroom, if they were unborn! 

Jay Custa, Estero

Stunned by arts funding cut

Governor DeSantis, your decision last week to cut all funding for arts and cultural organizations left me stunned and outraged.

For example, two years ago the SWFL Symphony Orchestra received 100% of its funding request. This year 0%. How can any organization, especially those with small staff, plan/operate in such a capricious environment?

In 2022, Florida’s arts and culture industry generated $5.8 billion of economic activity ($2.9 billion from nonprofit arts and culture organizations), supported 91,270 full-time jobs, and generated $3.8 billion in residential household income. Your disregard for this economic impact study, by Florida’s Division of Arts and Culture, is inexplicable.

How many of those jobs will be lost? How many families will feel the impact of lowered income and less money to spend in our communities? How many children will find their favorite activities canceled? How many residents and visitors will be deprived of their preferred diversions?

Your recent comment about the July tax holiday on sports and entertainment expenditures encourages Floridians to visit museums. Will those museums be open? Will they still host special exhibits or special programming? For many the answer will be no.

Without art camp, summer children’s theater, and teen drama programs, what will people do when grandkids come?

Visit Florida advertising touts “Florida's arts and culture, including museums, historic sites, lighthouses, art galleries, music and the performing arts.” Why will people want to visit or retire to Florida if these options shrink or disappear? Or if there’s nothing to do after sundown?

Nancy Petralia, Fort Myers

Does character matter?

I have a question for all of the faithful Trumpers.  The question is no longer about Trump's character.  The question now is whether character matters to you.

Robert F. Tate, Naples

MAGA influence on judiciary

For those voters still in limbo about supporting the Republican MAGAs, the recent Supreme Court decision on presidential immunity should confirm that the court has been infiltrated by the MAGA influence and the depth of rot prevalent in the party has been extended to the judiciary branch of our government. This was not an overnight transition. It is the inevitable consequence of supporting a political party ideology that conforms to its leader’s character, principles, and proclivities.

So, how did this once highly respected court become a body of prejudicial demagogues? That transformation became a reality largely due to the fact that Republican congressmen were desperate to selfishly preserve their power and influence and became willing partners with Trump to support a false contention of a rigged election and solidify his aspirations for dictatorship by appointing obsequious judges amenable to their interest. The incontrovertible blatant fact is that their leader, in colloquial terminology, is a pathological liar, adulterer, rapist, womanizer, cheater, and entirely lacking in character, principle, patriotism, or any sense of public obligation.

Mitch McConnell and his Republican colleagues were significantly instrumental in creating and nurturing this disaster and are one hundred percent responsible for the horrible state of our current political climate. They defiantly opposed a senate trial after a House impeachment and appointed over 200 federal judgeships with questionable qualifications. McConnell and his ilk should be legally charged and tried no differently than the Capitol rioters, removed from office and ostracized from ever holding public office for all the harm they have caused to date. Such action would help restore our faith in the rule of law.

Trump is a super salesman. He has spent a lifetime honing his skills in the art of prevarication as a tool and weapon to dominate people and impose his will. It has been successful strategy because of the lack of fortitude in the Republican Party and their cowardly willingness to submit rather than contest or work it out in a bipartisan way. His history of repugnant behavior and theatrical performances, including inciting a riot and encouraging a mob to hanging his vice president are all well documented.

If you truly love American democracy and value your legacy then vote in November for survival of your constitutional rights and freedom not for a political party’s selfish ambitions. Remember why you celebrate Veterans Day and July 4th.

Leo Boghosian, Bonita Springs

Declaration of Independence

In rereading our Declaration of Independence in honor of Independence Day, I couldn’t help being snagged by some of these statements:“He has endeavored to prevent the population of these States; for that purpose obstructing the Laws for Naturalization of Foreigners; refusing to pass others to encourage their migration hither…”“He has obstructed the Administration of Justice, by refusing his Assent to Laws for establishing Judiciary Powers.”“He has made Judges dependent on his Will alone, for the tenure of their offices…”“For protecting…. by a mock Trial, from Punishment …”“He has excited domestic insurrections amongst us….”Sound familiar?Bruce Diamond, Fort Myers

Abortion is number one issue

Who are you voting for? What has Trump done wrong? What has Biden done wrong? Can't believe you would choose one or the other based on those reasons. As a real Christian who believes totally in the Bible and in Jesus Christ, the SON of God who was born of the Virgin Mary, died a horrible death for us, arose from the dead, ascended into Heaven and will return. My opinion only is he will be returning very shortly and will judge us about how we lived our lives on earth. To say you are a Christian or born again is NOT enough. You need to obey Jesus and live your life according to God's commandments and the Bible. Not very easy?Therefore in my humble opinion why would you not think that abortion should be your number one priority on how you should vote. How, as a real Christian can you vote for any Democrat knowing their platform includes killing babies. If you do, common sense would tell me that you are assisting them in their endeavor.

Albert Joseph, Fort Myers

Vote for democracy

The mainstream media has come down pretty hard on President Biden for his admittedly poor performance during the recent debate. To a degree, that's understandable. However, there are a few points that I find less so.  If you taped or otherwise have an opportunity to watch the debate again in its entirety, this is what you will see:

Joe Biden walks like an old man, had a few "senior moments" and spoke with a voice weaker and raspier than we have seen in past speeches and press conferences. Joe Biden answered every question put to him and provided many facts and figures regarding the economy, health care, national budgets, past (and currently ongoing) accomplishments, the environment and international affairs. Joe Biden sometimes stared open-mouthed to his right (at Trump) when he would be telling a particularly outrageous lie; he often followed up by calling out those lies. The convicted felon Trump responded to, but did not answer any question even when he was given a second opportunity to do so; some responses were not even in the same zip code as the question. The convicted felon Trump told more than 30 verifiable lies. The convicted felon Trump did not make a single truthful statement during the entire 90 minutes. The convicted felon Trump promised retribution, and even jail, for those who have "wronged" or otherwise openly opposed him, even those in his own party, thus making good on his assessment that we are, or could become, a third-world "banana republic."

I am not 100% opposed to a change in the top of the ticket if circumstances call for it. However, I am willing to give Joe Biden a mulligan for one bad performance in 3 1/2 years.

There is absolutely no question that convicted felon Trump is a real threat to our democratic system, the rule of law, and the American way of life. We have seen the results of electing a career criminal to represent and lead our great nation so in November please vote and vote for democracy.

Wilburn P. Reed, Fort Myers

Wolf is at the door

The resolve and the decisions made by a president are infinitely more important than the physical vehicle from which they emanate.Sure, we’d all love to have a youthfully spry president with Biden’s tenured resolve to make decisions that are best for the average American and that ensure our sacred democracy’s longevity.But we don’t.What we do have is a big, bad, bloviating wolf at America’s door that is threatening to blow the White House down in November.This is no time to take our eyes off the danger the wolf poses and to push for a youthful replacement for the one who has kept the White House standing. The wolf would love that.We can safely discuss that AFTER the wolf is sent packing.

J. Cant, Naples

On the table or the ballot?

Let’s remember to eat our vegetables this year, not elect them.

Michael Adler, Miromar Lakes

Biden the better choice

 I know President Biden did not have his best day at the first debate, but how do you debate the greatest conman and liar on the planet?  I don’t believe Trump ever told one totally true statement, but that’s what he does best.

The president's lifetime of stuttering has never helped him, and his walk is Biden’s walk. He can ride a bike better than he walks, that same bike would be crushed if Trump even sat on it.

President Biden has done a wonderful job the last 3 ½ years, and he will continue to do so for the next 4 ½ years. A vote for Trump would be like voting for the late-late Benedict Arnold — America’s most famous traitor.

Remember Jan. 6, (2021, The Insurrection.

E. L.  “Bud” Ruff, Naples

More reasons to vote Blue

First, they were blessed by the Dobbs decision which forced women to pay attention. As contraception creeps into the diminution of their rights, more women are taking notice.  And now with no-fault divorce at risk, even more women have become concerned.  Advances by the conservative right are bringing more and more women into the Blue tent.

Then came the Biden debate performance which amplified his age problem. Bringing in a younger player to run against an aging Trump will attract young voters to vote Blue.

And now with the Supreme Court granting presidents immunity for anything job related, the Court has created a monarchy − something our founders declared independence from and purposely excluded from our Constitution.  This departure from democracy to a monarchy will surely alarm undecided independent voters into thinking Blue.

So Democrats are blessed with women voters, young voters and undecided voters.  Enough to win a presidential election and many legislative races along with it.

Now, all they have left to do is act on their blessings.

Joe Haack, Naples

Democratic alternative needed

To call President Biden’s performance at the presidential debate last week as a “disaster,” as has been uniformly declared, is like describing the maiden voyage of the Titanic as a “rough crossing” or the arrival of the Hindenburg blimp as a “turbulent landing.”

It was the kind of event that, if made into a movie, would need someone like the late Irwin Allen, producer of classics such as “The Poseidon Adventure,” “The Towering Inferno” and other big budget disaster films.

While elected Democrats and members of the party’s establishment are sticking with the president, as is much of the rank-and-file, they very well may be on a sinking ship or a doomed dirigible.

It’s not the loyalists who are the concerns; it’s the uncommitted, undecided, uninspired, and unengaged portions of the electorate that pose the biggest threat.The president’s showing last week is hardly going to attract them. Because he’s already behind in the polls and in key battleground states, the debate’s impediment to picking up any of these voters, whether they vote for someone else or not at all, is improbable.

Thus, he will be unable to overcome his rival’s lead, bolstered by the Supreme Court immunity decision Monday that rules out any further criminal proceedings this year, without adding new voters to his camp. However, this is unlikely in light of the legitimate questions about his age and capacity raised or substantiated in last week’s debate.

The huge obstacles to selecting someone else as the party’s nominee are well-known and, perhaps, understated.

But if the passengers on the Titanic were given a choice before striking that iceberg in the frigid North Atlantic sea or those on the Hindenburg were able to choose, they probably would have considered any available alternative carrier before their demise.

The Democrats ought to as well. 

Marshall H. Tanick, Naples

Day democracy died

On Feb 3, 1959 we remember " the day music died." Today July 1 just days prior to Independence Day we can say our democratic constitutional republic died.

As the SCOTUS ruled presidential immunity for official acts, denying "no man is above the law" a most basic tenet of our country.

Politically we now face a dilemma this fall. One man has promised retribution of his perceived enemies, to give pardons to people who hurt 140 police officers at the Capitol trying to overthrow an election, as a commander-in-chief has called military "losers" and "suckers" and even defends Putin who knowingly leads Russian interference in our elections.

One man lost a son who served in the military, lost a wife and daughter in a car accident, has a son dealing with drugs like many Americans and has spent his entire political history since a 29-year-old senator trying to improve life for Americans.

So come November do we want a future king or a lifelong public servant? If in doubt read a review of Project 2025, the real MAGA Bible.

Glenn Mueller, Naples

Support our democracy

Will you accept the results of the 2024 Presidential election Mr. Trump? Trump’s response in the debate: Rapists, murderers and drug dealers are crossing the border, blah, blah, blah…

Moderator: Mr. Trump “will you accept the results of the election?”Trump answer: Blah, Blah, Blah…

Moderator: The question is, “will you accept the results of the election, yes or no?"Trump responded: BLAH, BLAH, BLAH…

Millions of followers with his SCOTUS-approved machine guns are a hundred times the threat of the January 6th insurrection. Please, my friends, forget your “trivial” issues and support our democracy by voting against Trump and his MAGA followers at city, county, state and national levels. The very survival of our freedoms, our system of laws, respect for truth and the privileged American way of life is dependent on you.

William Pettinger M.D., Bonita Springs