Letters to the editor for Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Our readers share their opinions on a variety of topics

Letter writers
Editorial cartoon

Right to clean water

The Fourth of July is right around the corner and many Floridians will be heading to the beaches for fun and to swim and get cool. Wouldn't you like to know if those beach waters were safe for swimming and strolling? On June 26, Gov. DeSantis vetoed a bill that would have alerted Florida citizens if a beach or waterway isn't safe. What was supposed to be a bipartisan health and safety concern that would involve alerting the public and posting signs if waters were unsafe was tossed out by our governor. According to the Tampa Bay Times, DeSantis is quoted as saying the bill was "ill-advised" and had a "fatal infirmity," because it would have given the Florida Department of Health the authority to make these closures and put out notifications of them. Supporting the governor's veto was Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo.

Local communities have made decisions about beach and water closures up till now, but data regarding fecal (e-coli) contamination that is regularly published by Calusa Waterkeepers and SCCF is generally not taken into account. The Department of Health would not be able to ignore this information, however, if this bill had passed. Once again it must be up to us to stop this lack of regard for our health and the health of our waters. Please go to LeeRighttoCleanWater@gmail.com or FloridaRighttoCleanWater.org to download our petition, sign and mail it in so we can make clean and healthy waters a fundamental right for all of us.

Mary Tracy Sigman, Fort Myers

DeSantis’ judgment flawed

DeSantis’ judgment was flawed when he vetoed all funding for the Arts in Naples and Bonita Springs because a fraction went to “Fringe festivals.”  His small-minded thinking threw out the entire “Forest” because of a “Tree”!

The public deserves the oversight by the Florida Department of Health to sample beach waters, post warning signs and close unsafe beaches and public bathing spaces to “protect the health, safety and welfare of the public.”

Dorothy S. Kuzneski, Naples

Support hunger initiative

Children and families go hungry every day: 10.1% of our neighbors in Collier County and 12.2% in Lee County are hungry or food insecure. For children the story is worse − 1 in 5 children in our region go hungry.

Why care? Research shows that children who are hungry are less likely to succeed in school and are more likely to have health issues.

Throughout SWFL, more than 65% of public-school students are eligible for free or reduced lunches. So when school is out, families need help to feed their children.

Despite this, Florida declined to participate in the federally funded summer 2024 Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) program. That program would have provided $40 per child per summer month to help feed these children. Program costs of $248 million would have been paid by the federal government along with 50% of the administrative costs.

The current high rate of hunger and food insecurity puts extraordinary pressure on nonprofit and faith-based food banks and pantries which, despite their excellent services, cannot meet all of the need.

Our Jewish tradition is explicit in commanding that we feed the hungry. We firmly believe that those of other faiths would agree. Together we can help those in need.

We urge Florida to apply to participate in the 2025 Summer EBT by the August 14 deadline. Governor Ron DeSantis, (DCF) Secretary Shevaun Harris. and Agriculture Secretary Wilton Simpson can make this happen. We urge our state legislators to support this initiative.

Let’s make sure that for Florida’s 2.2 million children, hunger takes a vacation next summer.

Susan Hager, Bonita Springs, chair, Advocacy Subcommittee, Temple Shalom

Arts funding cut

Floridians who enjoy the performing arts and museums, along with the employees of those venues and the businesses who benefit from them, will suffer in the upcoming 2024-25 season because Governor DeSantis cut all $32 million of funding for the arts. Why did he take this unprecedented step, when so many residents and visitors enjoy arts programs at the dozens of venues across the state? Two weeks after the governor vetoed these funds on June 12, shocking arts leaders throughout the state, he told us why: because of events called fringe festivals that, he claimed, were sex festivals where “they’re doing all this stuff.” He provided no more details about his claim, but apparently a show at a fringe festival in Orlando was somehow sexual in a comic way. DeSantis said, “When I see money being spent that way, I have to be the one to stand up for the taxpayers and say . . . that is inappropriate use of tax dollars.” The Orlando festival has been held annually for 33 years, offering live theater, concerts and kid-friendly shows and activities.When you go to buy theater tickets for the upcoming season ─ if the show you planned to see is still being offered ─ you are likely to see prices higher than you expected. DeSantis thinks he knows best for theater goers.

Patricia Duncan, Fort Myers

Well prepared for School Board

Vote for Sheridan Chester for Lee County School Board District 7. Make sure you vote for Sheridan in the August 20 Primary. If she gets 50% of the vote plus one then she is on the school board.

Sheridan Chester is a master educator, a dedicated public servant who has been teaching the children of Lee County for 23 years, as a middle school substitute teacher, the last two years teaching GED. Chester was twice named “Teacher of the Year for Middle School” receiving the Silver Apple Award, and was the first substitute teacher in Lee County to be nominated for a Golden Apple Award.

Her vision is simple: empower teachers, engage parents, and ensure every student has access to a high-quality education. She believes in safe, supportive learning environments, innovative educational practices, and transparent communication with the community.

Sheridan Chester is excellently qualified to serve on the School Board. She graduated magna cum laude from John Jay College of Criminal Justice.She has served her community as mentor for Dress for Success, Footsteps to the Future, and the African Caribbean American Center (AFCAAM). She has worked in the State Attorney’s Office advocating for survivors of domestic violence, and was twice named Woman of the Year, Royal Palms Chapter, American Businesswomen’s Association.

Sheridan Chester’s passion for community and education is unmistakable. Lee County School Board needs at least one representative who has taught in our schools. She knows what our students and families need and is superbly prepared to deliver.

Dennis Raube, Fort Myers

Governor's random acts

Florida might have just as well elected a ham and cheese sandwich for governor.This one is all over the place and doing things that few people seem to have asked for.First getting rid of good judges and administrators and replacing them with cronies.Then picking a fight with Mickey Mouse and Beauty and the Beast.If that’s not enough he’s given license to totally unqualified people to rewrite history and to take books off the shelves that have taught children many of the wonders and magic of diversity.Early on in trying to one up his convicted idol he was bent on breaking the record of executions to the extent that instead of having a last supper they would have a buffet.This waned when it was no longer a useful political tool.This is only the tip of the iceberg.Where do we go from here?Perhaps prohibiting dogs from barking on weekends?

Fred Jodice, North Fort Myers

Trump culinary creation

Donald Trump has inspired me to develop a new culinary concoction.  I am filing papers for exclusive rights to my Trump Open-Face Sandwich Special.  It consists of generous smears of hot sauce between two large slices of baloney on a hot, cross bun. 

Robert Hilliard, Sanibel

Patriotic show

One of my favorite programs over the past 40 years is "A Capital Fourth" on PBS, every July 4th.  This program is wholesome entertainment for the entire family and is a well-deserved tribute to the men and women who have proudly served, and presently serve, our great country, concluding with a spectacular fireworks display.  I have never watched this show without feeling patriotic and good about our country, the United States of America.  Make viewing this program a must, as I do, and I guarantee you will feel the same.  Any divisiveness and doubt that some of us within our country may feel will be forgotten, at least for a while, and hopefully longer.

William Bond, Vietnam veteran, North Fort Myers

Outdoor meeting

On June 25th, a public meeting was held on the side of North River Road and Otter Creek. Read that again, on the side of the road! At noon! In Florida, in June! This is another example of the antics of Patrick Neal and associates, in trying to get a large neighborhood built in rural Alva. Too cheap to rent a space? Or trying to discourage as many people as possible from attending? Now in our late 60's and early 70's, we could not attend under those circumstances. The television news coverage was exceptional, showing people fanning themselves, and they were young! This behavior has to stop. It is underhanded and shows a lack of respect for our community!

Kathleen Arnold, Alva

Vote for Amendment 4

Women play an important role in our society. They are often the pillar of the family. They usually take a huge part in the raising of the kids. The care of their children can be at risk now. With Florida’s abortion ban, mothers who want to have a baby, but have pregnancy complications are often unable to receive the medical care that is needed. Doctors cannot always provide treatment to the mother until the condition is so severe that her life is at risk. Anya, for example, was 16 weeks pregnant when her water broke. She was turned away from the emergency room as the law in Florida is vague and doctors can be charged with a felony. Anya lost about half of her blood the next day. She survived, but with lasting damage. Deborah, also from Florida, had to give birth to a baby with no kidneys. The condition put her at high risk of preeclampsia, a potentially deadly condition. The baby died after birth.

Florida legislators are not trained in nor understand medical science. Should they be making decisions that could seriously affect a mother’s life? What about care for the other kids if the mother’s health is diminished? Please support families and women’s health by voting for Amendment 4. Amendment 4 limits government interference with nonviable (the fetus cannot live outside of the mother) abortion. Amendment 4 will protect women and allow them to obtain the health care they need.

Janet Hoffman, Naples

Justice should modify dissent

The Supreme Court ruled on presidential immunity. Justice Sotomayor wrote the following in her dissent − "(the President) Orders the Navy’s Seal Team 6 to assassinate a political rival? Immune. Organizes a military coup to hold onto power? Immune. Takes a bribe in exchange for a pardon? Immune."

What this seems to indicate is that the ruling of the court intended for this type of immunity. Her dissent seems to set as the intent of the ruling a very dangerous position. The ruling was that the president is immune from "official" acts, but not immune from "unofficial" acts. The dissent of Justice Sotomayor suggests that her examples are "official" acts and lower courts should accept that intent in the ruling. I don't think that was the intent of the ruling and Justice Sotomayor has apparently set a dangerous precedent that these outrageous acts of a president are "official" acts. She needs to modify her dissent.

Ron Wobbeking, Naples

Biden should move on

I felt so sorry for Joe Biden as he tried, but failed, to counter the dozens of Trump lies that permeated the air at the presidential debate. It was tough to watch. The man who has been a fine president flunked the big test badly. Is his mental acuity going to improve over the next four and a half years? No. The Biden family, friends, and top political operatives should get together with seven or eight obvious options and figure out a path forward. The Dems have four months to coalesce around a viable candidate. Do what’s best for the country.The Democrats need a younger, more focused voice to state their case. They need someone who is the antithesis of the unacceptable Trump. Are we asking too much to expect an honorable, truthful, moral, and intelligent candidate? Trump is none of those things.Harris, Newsom, Moore, Shapiro, Klobuchar, Whitmer, Jeffries. Pick one of these, or someone else, anyone but the misanthrope from Mara-a-Lago. I wish Joe Biden nothing but the best, but it’s time to move on.

Kevin McNally, Bonita Springs

Stepping aside not an option

President Joe Biden's recent debate performance raised some concerns, but stepping down is not an option. The stakes are too high, and the case for Biden's continued candidacy is compelling.First, Biden's extensive experience and steady leadership are invaluable. His tenure as vice president, president and as a senator equipped him with a deep understanding of governance and diplomacy, contrasting sharply with Trump's chaotic term.Under Biden's administration, significant strides have been made in economic recovery, health care, and climate change. The American Rescue Plan and the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law are examples of meaningful policy changes benefiting everyday Americans. A return to Trump’s policies would undo much of this progress.The 2024 election is a battle for the future of American democracy. Trump's refusal to accept the 2020 election results and his role in the January 6th insurrection highlight a dangerous disregard for democratic norms. In contrast, Biden upholds democracy and the rule of law.Biden's administration has also championed social justice, addressing systemic racism, expanding voting rights, and advocating for LGBTQ+ rights. These efforts are essential for advancing equality and justice, in stark contrast to Trump’s divisive policies.Biden's unifying message of hope and empathy is crucial in a deeply polarized nation. His resilience and determination, qualities honed through personal and political adversity, inspire confidence.In summary, Biden’s continued candidacy is crucial for America’s future. His leadership, achievements, and commitment to democracy and social justice make him the right choice to lead the nation forward. The stakes are too high for him to step aside.

Paul Howard, Naples

Listen to Einstein

The Christian conservative majority on the United States Supreme Court undid Roe v Wade showing that the separation of church and state was being discarded. The Trumpist majority on the Supreme Court ignored the specific words of Section 3 of the 14th Amendment and overruled a constitutional disqualification of Trump on the Colorado presidential ballot. Now the naive majority has turned our republic into a kingdom, has turned our democracy into a monarchy by establishing presidential immunity as the law of the land. This is tantamount to ripping up the Declaration of Independence where we freed ourselves from a dictating monarch. It destroys the separation of powers contemplated by our Constitution.

This Supreme Court is toppling life in America as we have known it for over 250 years. They are destroying the governmental bonds which have held us together.

Einstein: "The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing."

Joe Haack, Naples

Unacceptable alternative

Even though Joe Biden did poorly in the debate, his moral integrity and record are what we need for the future health of this country.I would vote for an amoeba before I would ever consider the alternative which would be an unmitigated disaster for the citizens of America.

Steven Riggs, Naples