Alfie Oakes at fault for missing filing deadline, now he's grandstanding | Letters

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Naples Daily News

Alfie Oakes at fault for missing election deadline

Was Alfie Oakes the victim of a corrupt government official who refused to accept his improper and then late documents so as to qualify for the Republican State Committeeman ballot? Or was he the victim of his own incompetence? According to Florida law and the documents he submitted, the latter is true. This paper should publish the documents he submitted and the relevant sections of the Florida statute, Section 99.061, so the public can decide whether it is Alfie Oakes or Melissa Blazier, Collier County Supervisor of Elections, who is corrupt.

Let Alfie Oakes explain the reason he waited less than one hour from the deadline to submit the improper qualifying form, that omitted the office he was seeking, and after being told of his mistakes, he then failed to timely file the proper form by the deadline set by the Florida Legislature and signed into law by the governor. Had he personally appeared when at the Elections Office when the first improper shoddy documents were submitted, he could have corrected his mistakes.

Instead of showing some integrity and accepting responsibility, he accuses Ms. Blazier of being corrupt for doing her job, obeying the oath of office she took and complying with Florida law. He raises the standard MAGA whining response for his failure. Blame Ms. Blazier, accuse her of being corrupt, raise election fraud, etc. The Republican Party should be grateful not to have somebody like this on their committee.

Donald Switzer, Naples

'Our mini Trump':How Republican farmer Alfie Oakes became Collier County's kingmaker

Melissa Blazier is excellent elections supervisor for Collier County; Alfie Oakes just pulling a stunt

So, because Alfie Oakes failed to file the proper forms by the deadline set in state law, he accuses Melissa Blazier, the Collier County supervisor of elections, of being corrupt? Statute 99.061(1,9) states "each person seeking to qualify for nomination or election to a federal, state, or multicounty district office" must file "not later than noon of the 67th day prior to the date of the primary election, for persons seeking to qualify for nomination or election to a state or multicounty district office, other than the office of the state attorney or the public defender."

Make no mistake, Mr. Oakes had a very long time in which to be sure his paperwork was filed correctly and timely. He chose to wait until the last minute and then filed it incorrectly. He currently holds the position for which he now did not qualify to run, so he cannot claim ignorance. Which makes one wonder, was this perhaps intentional on his part? What better way for a died-in-the wool election denier to stoke the election fraud fires than to pull a stunt like this?

Think critically about who benefits the most from this. Melissa Blazier with all the negative press she will receive as she is running to retain her position? Or Alfie Oakes, who now claims yet another example of election fraud to grandstand on?

I am an election poll worker and have seen the excellent way Collier County elections are conducted. Melissa does a great job.

Jacqueline Pursley, Naples