Snowbirds to slow red lights: These memes showcase how we all feel driving in Southwest Florida traffic

Portrait of Samantha Neely Samantha Neely
Fort Myers News-Press

Note to readers: The News-Press and Naples Daily News are producing a series of stories about traffic in Southwest Florida. We are calling our special coverage "Traffic Week" and today we want to try to make you laugh a little bit by bringing a unique sense of humor to our shared predicament. Enjoy!

Let's just get it out of the way — Southwest Florida traffic is awful.

It doesn't matter whether it's peak snowbird and tourist season or one of the "slower" months. It's the absolute worst and we'll never budge on our opinion. Which is absolutely correct.

From U.S. 41 and Interstate 75 to Cape Coral Parkway and the terror that is Tamiami Trail, we always find ourselves hitting some sort of build-up of automobiles during the week. And it doesn't matter if we're running to Publix, dropping the kids off at school or heading on the highway for a bit.

We. Always. Hit. Traffic.

Our traffic woes: The big picture'I am in a state of constant shock.' What Southwest Floridians are saying about traffic

Why does traffic always happen? The common denominator seems to be the region's massive growth in population, with Lee County seeing over 800,000 residents in 2023 and Collier County housing nearly 400,000. That's well over a million of our own residents crowding up the roads, just imagine the tourists that come in each month.

Need a reaction image next time you need to convey your annoyance and anger at the traffic jam ahead of you? We got you covered!

Here's some silly memes that hopefully makes you laugh and feel less alone:

Convincing your out-of-state friends that the traffic is actually that bad

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We all have that friend, maybe they live in a major city or have driven in other parts of the country. The second you start to share the horror that is Southwest Florida traffic, they offer those blasphemist, condescending words.

"I bet it's not actually that bad." "Try driving in Atlanta or Los Angeles." "Fort Myers/Naples isn't that big, how can it have that much traffic?"

They just don't understand it. Sure, a jam might seem worse in bigger region but once they experience the pile up on I-75, they will finally get it.

Watching a quick 15 minute drive on I-75 turn into a hour long commute

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Nothing is worse than taking a peak at the traffic on 1-75 from the road, not seeing any traffic and deciding to hop on … only to nearly hit a wall of vehicles a few miles later.

Every Southwest Florida resident has had an experience while running errands, visiting a friend or heading to a reservation where they thought they surely would not hit major traffic while on the cursed interstate. I mean, it's only for little bit, right?

Famous last words — now it's been nearly an hour and your groceries are melting, your friend is tired of waiting and your reservation has been canceled. Maybe that's a tab bit dramatic but it still ruins our days when I-75 traffic goes on too long.

Realizing it's past 3 p.m. and you might as well just stay home

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Got plans after work? Or have a critical errand to run? Maybe wait until 7 p.m., when the dust has finally settled and there's a normal amount of cars on the road. Or just spend the entire evening at home instead, you can save money and avoid traffic.

If you decide to leave your home during the hours of 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. and face the hoards of those returning home from work, you're braver than most.

Seeing the sudden takeover of the snowbirds in winter

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You know it's coming but it always sneaks up on you — the return of the snowbirds. The influx of bad drivers and their out-of-state license plates to match.

Just to note, Florida's snowbird season typically starts around October and ends in April, the perfect time to avoid the cold and snowy weather seen up in the northern states. However, being aware of the season won't help the feelings that come its way.

Thanking our GPS apps for finding a route that avoids major highways or busy roads

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The second Google Maps or Waze offers an alternate route that saves you more than five minutes on your trip, you smash that accept button.

Even better? It just avoids all the traffic to begin with. Sure, now you're driving through random backroads and possibly someone's yard (sorry about that!) but you made it to your destination. Safely and on time.

Sitting at the red lights for way too long

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It's always seems like the lights have a mind of their own, knowing when you're about to pull up and if you're in a rush. Suddenly, that light outside your home is taking extra long.

Some residents have gone the extra mile to prove that the lights take awhile to turn green. A TikTok video in 2022 showing three guys playing cards at possibly a Cape Coral intersection went viral.

"Dylan" — user name @driftydilly — posted the video with the caption, "Florida back at it with the long lights."

Baking while the summer sun heats up our cars and gives us a nasty sunburn

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The moment you sit in your car after it's been cooking in the sun is a core experience for every Floridian, right down to getting near branded by the metal seatbelt.

But what about when you're actually in traffic and have in sit in your car for extended periods of time towards the sun. No amount of air conditioning can help you when a massive, hot ball of plasma is frying your skin.

Seeing drivers and wondering if they took driving lessons from video games

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Did a law pass that allows drivers to get their credentials from Grand Theft Auto?

Some of the violations seen while in traffic include swerving into the other lane without using a blinker and watching TikTok videos to driving on the shoulders of roads and starting arguments with fellow drivers.

Why even play driving games when you can get your daily dose of crazy drivers in real life?

Wondering if the construction on Colonial Boulevard is ever going to get done

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All you want to do is head to Top Golf with friends or do your weekly grocery shopping but you have to mentally prepare for the extra 10 minutes it takes to move around the construction in that pocket on Colonial.

And it seemingly never changes or looks any different, which makes it all the more aggravating for drivers.

Or if any of the recent roadwork projects are doing to be completed in our lifetimes

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We're looking at you, Sanibel Causeway!

Okay to be fair, the Causeway has only been under construction for the past year, after it was significantly damaged when Hurricane Ian clobbered Southwest Florida on Sept. 28, 2022. While the causeway reopened over a month after Ian, work is still being done to fully restore it.

Which means a normally two to three minute trip across has turned into hour long commutes, according to angry residents and business owners online

Good news — road work was completed by the end of the year, (2023) and now it is turned over to Lee County DOT to restore the islands. The complete project is scheduled for completion in 2027.

But that won't stop us from silently seething when we are caught in a traffic jam along the causeway.