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To revamp the family business, a young entrepreneur sets up a bold yet risky plan of importing soil from Morocco to bury his community’s deceased.
Starring:Yassine Ouaich, Ward Kerremans, Ahlaam Teghadouini
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Winner of three De Ensors (2022): Best TV Series, Best Screenplay and Best Lead Performance, TV Series (Yassine Ouaich).





Season 1
  1. Watch Pilot. Episode 1 of Season 1.

    In Brussels, first-generation Moroccan immigrant and funerary business owner Omar retires, leaving his right-hand daughter and rebellious son in charge.

  2. Watch Barking Dogs. Episode 2 of Season 1.

    Convinced that his idea is the future of the business, Ismael sets out to do some marketing with JB. Meanwhile, Omar keeps a big secret from his family.

  3. Watch Death of a Promise. Episode 3 of Season 1.

    Ismael's one-off burial suddenly becomes the firm's specialty, so along with Nadia they prepare for the next one — a challenging, high-profile service.

  4. Watch He Who Digs a Well. Episode 4 of Season 1.

    To buy Vanessa's silence and save the project, Ismael and JB get crafty and think out of the box. A miserable Rachid faces criticism from the community.

  5. Watch Palace Street. Episode 5 of Season 1.

    Business booms and the firm gets nominated for an award, so Ismael sets out to secure funds for an expansion amid clashes with Rachid over customers.

  6. Watch Concession F24. Episode 6 of Season 1.

    A tragic event ends Omar's trip and his return sets off a series of revelations and clashes complicating Ismael's situation. Brahim's truth gets out.

  7. Watch Diwan Awards. Episode 7 of Season 1.

    Ahead of the Diwan Awards, Nadia scrambles to save the business and seeks Ismael's help. The arrival of an unannounced guest stirs up some family drama.

  8. Watch Nejma. Episode 8 of Season 1.

    A furious Ismael heads out on a risky mission to Tangiers, his Moroccan hometown, putting family ties and the business at stake.

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This show is...
Yassine OuaichWard KerremansAhlaam TeghadouiniSaïd BoumazougheBen HamidouCharlotte De BruyneTom VermeirMourade ZeguendiReinhilde DecleirBarbara SarafianDries HeynemanEmilie De RooWannes Cappelle

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