Ask the Nerds

Your real-life money questions answered by real financial experts

NerdWallet’s writers are answering your personal finance questions directly — just send us a message (actual humans 👋🏽, no AI here).

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The responses are the opinions of NerdWallet's editorial writers, based on their experience writing about financial topics and the info you provide. Answers are for general educational purposes only, and not financial advice. Consult a CFP or a financial advisor for more on what is best for you specifically.

How it works


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It’s easy and free during the beta period (meaning we’re still working on it!) — just log in and send us your question.


The NerdWallet writers will review

We’ll answer as many questions as we can (it’s first come, first served) — you’ll get an email right to your inbox.


Receive a response within 2 business days

One of our writers will respond to your unique question based on their years of experience writing about personal finance.



Hi Nerds, What will happen to my credit score if I close a credit card I rarely use? It’s one of two credit cards I have, both with a $10,000 limit. I only use this card once a month to pay a utility bill that’s about $100. My other card has a balance of $3,400. I’m considering closing the card I rarely use because its perks aren’t as good as my other one, which I opened a few months ago, and I no longer want to pay the annual fee. My other forms of credit include a car loan and student loans. I don’t have plans to apply for new credit anytime soon.

Thanks! - Credit Concerned


Canceling your credit card is likely to cause a dip in your score, mainly because of the effect on your credit utilization (the amount of your credit limits that you’re using). Utilization is one of the biggest influences on scores. Right now, you have a $20,000 limit between the two cards. It sounds like you keep the one paid off, since it’s a small bill each month, but on the other one you’re carrying a $3,400 balance month to month. That’s roughly a 17.5% credit utilization ratio. It’s best for your credit score to keep your utilization below 30%, and you’re well under that now with the two cards — but closing one card will drop your overall limit to $10,000. Then, your $3,400 balance jumps up to a 34% utilization. Other factors to consider: Having a mix of credit cards and loans can help your score, but closing one card may lower the average age of your accounts, which some credit scoring companies factor into their scores. The good news is that as long as you pay off the card before closing it and keep practicing healthy credit behavior your score should rebound over time. But a better option for your score could be asking your issuer to switch to a card with no fees, if it offers one. Changing your card rather than canceling it will not impact your score, as long as the credit limit doesn’t drop.

Meet the Nerds answering your questions

Lauren Schwahn

Lauren Schwahn Lead Writer | Personal finance, debt, credit scoring

Lauren Schwahn is a writer at NerdWallet who covers credit scoring, debt, budgeting and money-saving strategies. She has contributed to the "Millennial Money" column for The Associated Press. Her work has also been featured by USA Today, MSN, The Washington Post and more. Lauren has a bachelor’s degree in history from the University of California, Santa Cruz. Read articles by Lauren

Tommy Tindall

Tommy Tindall Lead Writer | Consumer debt, saving money, gig economy

Tommy Tindall, a writer at NerdWallet since 2021, covers a range of personal finance topics, including side gigs, saving strategies and smart shopping. His work has appeared in The Washington Post and MarketWatch. Tommy previously worked in marketing at Fannie Mae. Read articles by Tommy

Frequently asked questions

Yes, Ask the Nerds is free for a limited time as a beta service (meaning we’re still working on it!) — the earlier you submit your question, the higher the likelihood it will be chosen.

Our expert team of writers will answer questions regarding your credit score, debt pay down, budgeting, and saving money. We won’t be answering any other topics at this time, but stay tuned for updates.

We won’t be able to answer follow-up questions at this time; however, our Nerds will be as thorough as possible in their responses so that you can get the most out of the answer offered. Be sure to include enough detail so that we can answer your question thoroughly, but do NOT provide personally identifiable information. Check out the example question if you need help starting.

You can expect to receive a reply to the email you registered with within 48 business hours.

Because of the high volume of questions we receive, we’ll only be able to respond to a limited number during this time. We will respond to questions on a first-come first-served basis and if we can get to your question, you’ll receive an email reply within 48 business hours. You’re welcome to submit as many questions as you’d like.

A NerdWallet editorial writer will respond based on the knowledge they’ve gained from researching and writing about financial topics, using the information you provide. However, keep in mind that there might be other important factors related to your situation that we are not aware of. The responses are based on general principles and are for educational purposes only; they are not financial advice. For more personalized guidance, it's best to consult a certified financial planner or a financial advisor.