Apr 16, 2024 | News

Gene Drive Governance in Africa: AUDA-NEPAD’s Leadership

The African Union Development Agency-NEPAD (AUDA-NEPAD) showcased its pioneering efforts and leadership in gene drive technology governance at the Gene Drive Research Forum Meeting held in Marina del Rey, California, from March 19-21, 2024. This global assembly of science, policy, and ethics leaders provided an essential platform for AUDA-NEPAD to present its strategic initiatives and vision for leveraging gene drive technologies and other emerging vector control technologies to enhance public health and sustainable development across Africa.

In his presentation, Dr. Jeremy Ouedraogo, Technical Advisor to the Africa IVM program, emphasised AUDA-NEPAD’s dedication to supporting regional and continental initiatives. He detailed the Agency’s mandate in overseeing these projects, strengthening the capabilities of African Union member states, and offering informed advisory support in areas like gene drive regulatory governance. This strategy mirrors AUDA-NEPAD’s objective to foster regional integration, thus hastening the achievement of Agenda 2063 and attaining the aspirations of Moonshot 6 as outlined in the Second Ten-Year Implementation Plan of the Agenda: Africa’s Citizens are more Empowered and more Productive and Strategic Objective 6.2. Ensure healthy lives and promote nutrition.

In setting the scene, the forum attendees were introduced to African Union flagship regulatory governance programs implemented by the AUDA-NEPAD. These include the African Medicine Regulation Harmonization (AMRH), AU Smart Safety Surveillance (AU-3S), African Medicine Agency (AMA), Integrated Vector Management (Africa-IVM), African Biosafety Network of Expertise (ABNE), and the African Union High-Level Panel on Emerging Technologies (APET). These initiatives demonstrate the Agency’s dedication to creating a harmonised regulatory environment conducive to the safe and efficacious application of gene drive technologies throughout the continent.

Significant milestones from 2016 to 2019 and ambitious targets for Phase II (2020-2025) of the Africa-IVM program were shared, marking critical progress in Africa’s strategy to integrate emerging vector control technologies like gene drives into existing vector control strategies. These milestones include the development of regulatory guidelines for gene drive mosquitoes, capacity building for the African Group of Negotiators (AGN), and the establishment of regional regulatory platforms.

The presentation also touched on the significant decisions made by the African Union that have paved the way for advancements in gene drive governance, notably the recommendations of APET in 2018. This strategic move towards advising member states on emerging technologies’ regulatory and ethical considerations highlighted AUDA-NEPAD’s proactive approach to navigating the complexities associated with gene drives technologies.

Furthermore, AUDA-NEPAD’s extensive outreach and capacity-building efforts were showcased, detailing the Agency’s success in raising awareness about the potential benefits of emerging vector control technologies like gene drives technologies for malaria vector control. Through training programs, the support for the establishment of Institutional Biosafety Committees (IBCs), and active participation in international policy development processes, AUDA-NEPAD is fostering an environment conducive to the advancement and adoption of emerging vector control technologies like gene drives.

Looking ahead, AUDA-NEPAD aims to enhance the robustness of the Africa-IVM platform, scale up capacity-building activities, and engage proactively in international dialogues to navigate the challenges of cross-border vector control. The Horizon Scanning Initiative represents AUDA-NEPAD’s forward-looking strategy to anticipate future regulatory, scientific, and ethical considerations surrounding gene drive technologies.

AUDA-NEPAD’s participation in the Gene Drive Research Forum Meeting not only underscored Africa’s leadership in the global discourse on gene drive governance but also reinforced the continent’s dedication to leveraging emerging technologies for developmental and public health benefits. This engagement marks a significant step forward in realising the potential of gene drive technologies to eradicate vector-borne diseases and achieve the vision of Agenda 2063 as well as contribute to sustainable development goals across Africa.